Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Ventures in Faith

Ventures in Faith By Virginia Brandt Berg Download Audio (18.0MB) God has given us five senses: feeling, seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling. When we taste something that is sweet, we have the evidence that it is so, because our taste has given us this evidence. No matter what anyone else says, we know it’s sweet, because...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What You Really Need to Succeed!

Intelligence Is Overrated: What You Really Need To Succeed By Keld Jensen, Forbes, April 12, 2012 Albert Einstein’s was estimated at 160, Madonna’s is 140, and John F. Kennedy’s was only 119, but as it turns out, your IQ score pales in comparison with your EQ, MQ, and BQ scores when it comes to predicting your success and professional achievement. IQ...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Ningúem Desaponta Jeus!

Uma compilação Ninguém desaponta Jesus. Pedro que o diga! Olhando superficialmente, parece que a oração de Jesus não foi atendida.[1] Afinal de contas, a última vez que olhei, trata-se do mesmo Pedro que veio a negar Jesus três vezes. Eu acho que Jesus teria toda a razão para ficar desapontado. Mas essa perspectiva só é válida se acharmos que Jesus...

Top Military Officers Targeted in Syrian Conflict!

By Bassem Mroue, AP, Apr 24, 2012 BEIRUT (AP)—The gunmen walked into an apartment building before dawn earlier this month in the quiet Damascus suburb of Jaramana, went to the fifth floor and knocked on the door. When the police commander opened up, the men shot him dead and left. Syrian President Bashar Assad’s opponents appear to be resorting...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A New Record is Set for Spending on War!

The Shame of Nations By Lawrence Wittner, Common Dreams, April 23, 2012 On April 17, 2012, as millions of Americans were filing their income tax returns, the highly-respected Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) released its latest study of world military spending. In case Americans were wondering where most of their tax money—and...

She told her son, "Hit him hard"-- and she learned a lesson.

By Amy MacKinnon, CS Monitor, April 12, 2012 I told my son to hit him hard and fast. “Aim for the nose,” I said. “It will make him cry. He’ll bleed—a lot. Then hit him again. Harder. If you get in trouble with the school, don’t worry. You won’t be in trouble at home.” My son always said no. “I don’t want to hurt anybody. It’s not who I am.” Each...

3 Lessons I learned Through Tragedy- John Tiller

John Tiller, April 20, 2012 On January 9th, 2003, my life was going according to the plan that I had envisioned. I was thankful for many things. At the top of the list was my healthy three-year-old, Eli. I had no idea that everything could change so quickly. On that day, our precious toddler pulled a little red Playskool chair across his playroom...

Rapture Theology: Jerry Johnson

Rapture Theology: The Arrogance of the West by Jerry Johnson, President, Hello, I'm Jerry Johnson and I welcome you to this edition of Against the World. Since its inception the Christian Church has suffered numerous tribulations, beginning with Jesus Himself who suffered the trials of the cross.  Jesus declared “If the world...

Is America a Free Country?

By Justin Raimondo,, April 22, 2012 The “war on terrorism” has inaugurated a new era in the American polity, a sea-change that has not only threatened to overturn traditional limits on government power but also corrupted the political culture—and opened the way to the terminal crisis of the Constitution. In a revealing series of interviews...

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