One of the primary characteristics that separate human behavior from animals’ is the ability to transfer abstract concepts to another human via written language. The Bible teaches that this ability came directly from our Creator. It also teaches that the vastly different languages of the world are a result of the confusion of one original language...
Friday, August 31, 2012
The Inevitable Extinction of Humanity
By Bruce MaloneFor the last 200 years, science has increasingly become ruled by a single “prime directive.” Those who remember the original Star Trek series will recall that every starship in the Federation fleet was bound by one unbreakable rule—they were never to interfere with the development of another culture. In a similar way, one unbreakable...
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Homenaje a la amistad
María FontaineCuando se muda una persona, un amigo cercano, algunos sin querer, preguntamos: «Si Dios me ama tanto, ¿por qué permite que me dejen mis amigos más cercanos? Necesito mucho a esa persona. Ahora que no está conmigo, tengo una sensación de pérdida, de que me falta algo. Señor, ¿por qué no hiciste que fuera de otra forma?»Es probable que...
Eu Te Amo! – Você Pessoalmente!
Maria FontaineFiquei muito triste quando ouvi dizer que alguns de vocês às vezes acham que o Senhor está distante, que não passa de um Poderoso em algum lugar na atmosfera que certa vez expressou o Seu amor por meio do imenso sacrifício de Seu Filho -- mas que na realidade Ele não está muito interessado em você pessoalmente, nos seus problemas, nas...
No Chance of Life By Chance
In the 1700’s, many scientists believed that life spontaneously generated from non-living matter (such as raw meat or sewage). In the 1800’s, using careful experimentation, Louis Pasteur proved this concept wrong and verified that life only comes from previously existing life. Ironically, many scientists have once again returned to the belief that...
'We believe that the USA is the major player against Syria and the rest are its instruments'
Posted: 29 Aug 2012 03:31 AM PDT
Robert Fisk, The Independent, 28 August 2012The battle for Damascus could be heard inside the Foreign Minister’s office yesterday, a vibration of mortars and tank fire from the suburbs of the capital that penetrated Walid Muallem’s inner sanctum, a dangerous heartbeat to match the man’s words.America was behind Syria’s...
Court Clears Israeli Army Over Death of U.S. Activist
Posted: 29 Aug 2012 03:32 AM PDTReuters, August 28, 2012HAIFA, Israel (Reuters)—An Israeli court on Tuesday cleared Israel’s military of any blame for the death of American activist Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by an army bulldozer during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Gaza.Corrie’s family had accused Israel of intentionally and unlawfully killing...
U.S. Arms Sales Make Up Most of Global Market
Posted: 29 Aug 2012 03:40 AM PDT
By Thom Shanker, NY Times, August 26, 2012
WASHINGTON—Weapons sales by the United States tripled in 2011 to a record high, driven by major arms sales to Persian Gulf allies concerned about Iran’s regional ambitions, according to a new study for Congress.Overseas weapons sales by the United States totaled $66.3 billion...
Dogs of War
Posted: 29 Aug 2012 03:48 AM PDTBy Evan Morris, The Word DetectiveDear Word Detective: Any dog owner can well-understand such metaphors as “dogs” for feet (especially dog-tired feet), “dogging” somebody for pestering them, and even “dirty dog” (when I see my best friend rolling in the grass, I know it is bath time). But “dogs of war” for soldiers?...
The Power of Persevering Prayer
By Andrew MurrayDownload Audio (11.7MB)Jesus told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. “And the Lord said, ‘Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Israel breaks silence over army abuses
Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:17 AM PDTDonald Macintyre, The Independent, 26 August 2012Hafez Rajabi was marked for life by his encounter with the men of the Israeli army’s Kfir Brigade five years ago this week. Sitting beneath the photograph of his late father, the slightly built 21-year-old in jeans and trainers points to the scar above his right eye where...
The trouble with freedom
Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:12 AM PDTJohn Gray, BBC, 24 Aug. 2012In February 1917, a young boy was reading a Russian translation of one of the books of Jules Verne in a street in St Petersburg (at the time called Petrograd) where a bookseller had laid out his stock in the snow.The boy heard a commotion and, looking up from the book, saw a terrified man...
¿Tu vida de oración salva almas?
Compilación- the Family InternationalEl día empezó como una celebración de la gracia de Dios. Cientos de nuevos seguidores de Jesús acudieron a nuestra iglesia para manifestar públicamente su fe por medio del bautismo, mientras miraban sus amigos, familias y otros miembros de la comunidad.Una señora de sesenta y tantos años se acercó a mí para ser...
A sua Vida de Oração Está Salvando Almas?
Uma compilação por the Family InternationalComeçamos o dia celebrando a graça divina. Centenas de novos seguidores de Jesus compareceram à nossa igreja em uma pública afirmação da fé por meio do batismo na presença de amigos, familiares e membros da comunidade.Uma senhora de sessenta e poucos anos aproximou-se para ser batizada. Ao seu lado um homem...
Search for the Truth
Bruce Malone
Western civilization was founded on the realization that an infinite creator God exists. It was upon this basis (that the universe was the orderly product of an intelligent being) that the founders of modern science had the confidence to develop the scientific method and modern science. However, in recent years, this open acknowledgment...
Gift Discovery
By Steve HeartsAlthough I had always known in theory what “spiritual gifts” were, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12, my life was drastically changed when I began to understand and experience for myself this most fascinating component of my walk with the Lord, which I had previously overlooked.Before this process of enlightenment and learning began,...