Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

7 Secrets That Will Make You More Likable

By Lolly Daskal, Inc., Nov. 20, 2015Human beings are social creatures, which means social skills are a necessary part of a fulfilling and meaningful life.Some people are naturals, but most of us deal with some degree of social anxiety. The good news is that social skills are like any other skill–most people aren’t born with them, and it’s never too...

Friday, November 20, 2015

Breast Cancer Cured Dr. Day's Miraculous Healing without Drugs or Chemotherapy

LinkAARP Attacks Dr. Day!This Scam Alert column appeared in the January 2003 issue of the AARP Bulletin.Read Dr. Day's response below.Lorraine Day, M.D.P.O. Box 8Thousand Palms, CA 922761-800-574-2437www.drday.comJanuary 14, 2003Elliot Carlson, Editor AARPCarole...

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Love Beyond Human Limits

By M. FontaineLinkAudio length: 6:41Download Audio (6.1MB)“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”—1 John 3:181Consistently thinking of others and trying to help others, especially when that involves personal sacrifice, is a tall order! It’s so easy to be lazy, selfish, and self-centered. Most of us are that way...

Acredite em Mim Agora

LinkSteve HeartsEu andava sobrecarregado pelas circunstâncias que não eram do meu gosto. Estava inquieto, perturbado e ansioso, procurando uma saída, contudo sem encontrar nenhuma. Orei o mais que pude, mas me sentia como se estivesse gritando, tentando ser ouvido acima de uma tempestade que rugia ao meu redor, que é a descrição perfeita do meu estado...

'There is great fear in the air': What's happening in Burundi?

Lucinda Borkett-Jones CHRISTIAN TODAY FEATURES EDITOR 06 May 2015ReutersProtestors clashed with riot police in Bujumbura during a protest against the ruling party's decision to allow President Pierre Nkurunziza to run for a third term in office, April 27, 2015.Riots...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Realidade Central

LinkPalavras de Jesus“Os passos do homem são dirigidos pelo Senhor. Como poderia alguém discernir seu próprio caminho?”—Provérbios 20:24[1]Neste mundo disperso e fragmentado Eu sou a Realidade central que tudo agrega. Quando mantém o foco em Mim, sua vida tem significado e beleza. Sem Mim, o mundo seria completamente desolado, sem significado ou esperança....

Celebrating His Unique Plan

A compilationLinkAudio length: 10:15Download Audio (9.3MB)In his address to the Athenian philosophers the apostle Paul made a definitive statement about God's plan for the ages: “From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live....

Monday, November 9, 2015

In Protesting Against Israel, Youth in Gaza Also Defy Hamas

By Diaa Hadid and Majd Al Waheidi, NY Times, Nov. 6, 2015El BUREIJ, Gaza Strip–The Palestinian youths huddled in the prohibited zone along the fence separating Gaza from Israel on Friday, cloaked by thick smoke pluming from flaming tires as they hurled rocks at Israeli jeeps. A tear gas canister came thudding down over their heads, and one teenager...

Pope: It’s sad to see priests, bishops ‘attached to money’

Associated Press, November 6, 2015VATICAN CITY–Pope Francis says it is “sad” when bishops and priests are “attached to money” and to advancing their careers, in his first public comments following the latest leaked revelations of greedy Vatican prelates resisting his efforts to reform Holy See finances and administration.With sad eyes, Francis made...

Firme nas Promessas

LinkMaria Fontaine“Seu divino poder nos deu todas as coisas de que necessitamos para a vida e para a piedade, por meio do pleno conhecimento daquele que nos chamou para a sua própria glória e virtude. Por intermédio destas, ele nos deu suas grandiosas e preciosas promessas, para que por elas vocês se tornassem participantes da natureza divina e fugissem...

Friday, November 6, 2015

Nossa Firme Âncora

LinkD. Brandt Berg“Nós, que nos refugiamos nele para tomar posse da esperança a nós proposta. Temos esta esperança como âncora da alma, firme e segura.”—Hebreus 6:18–19[1]Mudança é uma das coisas que nos aproxima do Senhor. Você já ouviu dizerem, “Tudo muda, mas Jesus nunca muda.” “Em tudo há mudança, tudo decai, oh, Vós que sois eterno, comigo ficai.”[2]...

Interpreting Bible Prophecy

By D. Brandt BergLinkAudio length: 12:05Download Audio (11MB)Nothing about God’s overall plans for the world and world history in general as outlined in Bible prophecy is going to change. The major events and the major participants and the final outcome, that’s all settled. “Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven.”1 He says, “I am the Lord,...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Louvar a Deus nos Momentos Difíceis

CompilaçãoLinkCada um de nós há de passar por uma perda ou pesar em alguma altura na vida. Nesses momentos é normal sentir-se triste ou até deprimido. Louvar a Deus constrói um escudo ao redor dos nossos corações e mentes de modo que não caímos em desespero.Há alguns anos passei por muitas perdas de modo que me senti avassalada e desencorajada. Durante...

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