Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

An Oxygenated Cell Is a Healthy Cell!

By Dennis Edwards

Here are a few tips about cancer and health I have picked up over the years.

An highly oxygenated cell is a healthy cell. How does that translate. Get plenty of healthy exercise outside breathing plenty of fresh air. Vigorous activity gets the heart beating and the lungs inhaling and exhaling helping to clean the cells of impurities. A half an hour of vigorous exercise, even as much as a brisk walk can suffice. Exercise also helps reduce stress which is shown to be a killer.

Lettuce is anti-cancerous so eat plenty of healthy fresh salads. Fresh is usually better with vegetables. Cooking usually diminishes the nutritional value. Garlic and onions are also natural antiseptics.

With apples, eat the whole apple core and pits and all. Apple pits are shown to have vitamin B17 which helps fight cancer cells. It seems that too much meat in the diet makes it harder for the body to fight cancer as the same enzymes that are needed to help digest meat proteins are needed to fight and destroy cancerous cells. Too much meat translates into not enough immune system fighting off the cancerous cells.

Water. Drink plenty of natural mineral water. Water helps keep the intestinal tract clean and flowing, preventing constipation. Colon cancer is more prevalent in men who suffer from constipation. Water helps clean out waste from the body and keep the blood oxygenated.

Brown is better than white. When buying starches and sweets remember. Brown sugar over white. Brown flour, whole wheat or whole meal rather than white, brown rice rather than white, brown integral bread over white. But its so expensive! What you pay for healthy food will translate in fewer doctor bills down the line. So invest in your future. Eat right.

If the vegetable/fruit is red like tomatoes or strawberries it has more value cooked.Have you noticed how cooked tomatoes or strawberries will leave a pan cleaner than when you started. That strong acid will also help in the cleaning of your insides. So use that tomato sauce and enjoy!

One health food advisory suggested to not eat anything your grandmother would not have eaten. Stay away from processed foods and foods with high sugar content. Cows who were fed only processed food lost the ability to carry an offspring to birth by the 5th generation.

Those are a few tips. Plenty more can be found on Google. So shop around. No one has an excuse for being ignorant. Eat right. Exercise right. Sleep right. Play and work right. Love right! And stay healthy! God loves you!


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