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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Russians Revive Ice Age Flower

By Vladimir Isachenkov, AP, Feb 20, 2012

MOSCOW (AP)—It was an Ice Age squirrel’s treasure chamber, a burrow containing fruit and seeds that had been stuck in the Siberian permafrost for over 30,000 years. (According to evolutionist's estimations) From the fruit tissues, a team of Russian scientists managed to resurrect an entire plant in a pioneering experiment that paves the way for the revival of other species.

The Silene stenophylla is the oldest plant ever to be regenerated, the researchers said, and it is fertile, producing white flowers and viable seeds.

The experiment proves that permafrost serves as a natural depository for ancient life forms, said the Russian researchers, who published their findings in Tuesday’s issue of “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” of the United States.

Svetlana Yashina of the Institute of Cell Biophysics of the Russian Academy Of Sciences, who led the regeneration effort, said the revived plant looked very similar to its modern version, which still grows in the same area in northeastern Siberia.

The Russian research team recovered the fruit after investigating dozens of fossil burrows hidden in ice deposits on the right bank of the lower Kolyma River in northeastern Siberia, the sediments dating back 30,000-32,000 years.(This of course is in accordance to evolutionary thinking and millions of years. However, if we use the creation model instead we find the flowers must be only 4,500 year old. Creationists put the ice-age after the flood. The flood was 1500 years after creation so if creation was about 6000 years ago, the ice-age would have been around 4,500 years ago. I think the point of this article is to justify the red blood cells that were found in dinosaur bones some time ago. Here they are showing us that it is possible for life to stand still in ice and be revived therefore reinforcing in us the belief that somehow those dinosaur bones also managed to keep their blood cells preserved for millions of years. The creation model, however, makes a lot more sense.)

The sediments were firmly cemented together and often totally filled with ice, making any water infiltration impossible—creating a natural freezing chamber fully isolated from the surface.

“The squirrels dug the frozen ground to build their burrows, which are about the size of a soccer ball, putting in hay first and then animal fur for a perfect storage chamber,” said Stanislav Gubin, one of the authors of the study, who spent years rummaging through the area for squirrel burrows. “It’s a natural cryobank.”

The burrows were located 125 feet (38 meters) below the present surface in layers containing bones of large mammals, such as mammoth, wooly rhinoceros, bison, horse and deer. (All probably killed during the Ice-Age period after Noah's flood which occurred about 4,500 year ago.)

Gubin said the study has demonstrated that tissue can survive ice conservation for tens of thousands of years,(Here again they are starting from evolutionary assumptions of the earth being millions of years old and therefore that the seed tissues were thousands of years old based on evolutionary dating methods. If you start with different assumptions you can come to different conclusions. If we start with the assumption that the Bible is correct, then the earth is only 6000 years old and these animals died most likely in the post flood ice-age period between 4500 to 3500 years ago. That would make the possibility of the tissue lasting that long believable. However, thousands of years seems to be stretching the point but probably they want to press home to us their belief that it is possible for live tissue to stay healthy for thousands and even millions of years as would need to be in the case with the red blood cells in dinosaur bones a few years ago.) opening the way to the possible resurrection of Ice Age mammals.

“If we are lucky, we can find some frozen squirrel tissue,” Gubin told the AP. “And this path could lead us all the way to mammoth.”


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