Mary M. Mitchell, Reuters, October 28, 2013LONDON—Colleagues and friends ask me all the time, “What do I say to people when I meet them for the first time?”Behind the question lies the real uncertainty: “What can I say to engage them, so they think I’m interesting to talk to, so that they like me?” Notice all the “I’s” in those sentences. That’s a...
Thursday, October 31, 2013
How Can We Find Peace When All Around Us and Inside Us is Confusion and Chaos?

Dennis Edwards:
As Christians we have advantage over those of the world because we have been introduced to the Man of Peace- Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, the world and Satan himself can buffet us and our own neglects and sins and shortcomings can affect us...
Dig Deep!
By Philip MartinThis morning, during my devotional time, I came across these words in Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowman: “For behold, I am for you, and I will turn unto you, and ye shall be tilled and sown.”1 At first when I read that verse I thought it was a translation of the Bible other than the King James Version (KJV) that I am familiar...
Meu Redentor É Fiel e Verdadeiro
Steve HeartsHoje eu acordei angustiado com situações que minha família e eu precisamos resolver. São problemas financeiros, questões familiares pendentes, incerteza quanto à moradia, etc. Parecia que eu estava atravessando um túnel longo e escuro. “Até quando?”— eu pensava. “Como vai ser possível resolver tudo isto?” Na tentativa de impulsionar a minha...
Taking the Stand
Words from JesusFaith perseveres to the end. It takes “the stand of faith,” and it is not an effortless one. After you know something is My will, you know My Word grants you the authority for it, and you can claim My promises and take a stand of faith.Winds and rain and storms of adverse circumstances may come and push you away from the spot you were...
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Resgate - Irena Sendler
Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial, Irena conseguiu uma autorização para trabalhar no Gueto de Varsóvia, como especialista de canalizações. Mas os seus planos iam mais além... Sabia quais eram os planos dos nazis relativamente aos judeus (sendo alemã!).
Irena trazia...
Thoughts on Homosexuality, Reiki and God’s Absolutes.

By Dennis Edwards:
Dear One,
Thanks for the conversation last night. I really appreciate honest and open debate and the questions you posed are not easily answered. I think one of the questions we need to ask ourselves is; Are their moral absolutes? If there...
90-year-old Israeli peacemaker asks if Israel will exist in 90 years
By Ben Lynfield, CS Monitor, October 27, 2013Jerusalem—As a young soldier wounded towards the end of Israel’s War of Independence, Uri Avnery had plenty of time to think about the meaning of the 1947-49 fighting from which Israelis gained a state and Palestinians became refugees.He reached conclusions that were derisively dismissed by mainstream opinion...
My Redeemer Is Faithful and True
By Steve HeartsUpon waking up this morning I felt overwhelmed by the unresolved situations my family and I are facing. There are financial challenges, family matters that have yet to play out, an uncertain housing situation, etc. I felt the way one must feel when walking through a long, dark tunnel. “When is it going to end?” I inwardly wondered. “How...

By Paul McGuire March 11, 2013 NewsWithViews.comThe legendary ancient pre-Flood civilizations like Atlantis, Thule and Hyperborea were built on highly advanced science and technology, and there is a direct connection between these ancient cultures and what is...
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Fuel Removal From Fukushima's Reactor 4 Threatens 'Apocalyptic' Scenario
Andrea Germanos, Common Dreams, October 24, 2013An operation with potentially “apocalyptic” consequences is expected to begin in a little over two weeks from now—“as early as November 8”—at Fukushima’s damaged and sinking Reactor 4, when plant operator TEPCO will attempt to remove over 1300 spent fuel rods holding the radiation equivalent of 14,000...
Dear USA: Might Doesn't Make Right, And Moles Make Miserable Allies
Uwe Schmitt, Die Welt, Oct. 25, 2013WASHINGTON—Within the space of a few days, U.S. ambassadors in Paris, Mexico City and Berlin have been called into crisis talks, and President Barack Obama has received two angry phone calls from European heads of state.These are difficult times for American foreign policy, which no longer seems to differentiate...
Michael Gleghorn ¿Qué es Reiki? En los últimos veinticinco años ha habido un gran crecimiento, tanto en la aceptación general como en la disponibilidad pública, de distintos tipos de terapias alternativas de salud. Si bien algunas de estas terapias pueden ser beneficiosas, otras hacen poco de bueno, y algunas son abiertamente dañinas. Bajo el amplio...