Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Friday, February 28, 2014

De Carbono a Diamante

Jesus falando em profeciaVocê sabia que o carbono pode se transformar num lindo diamante se sofrer calor e pressão suficientes? Talvez o ajude pensar nisso de vez em quando se estiver se sentindo um pouco pressionado. Imagine-se no processo de transformação. A pressão de suas muitas responsabilidades e o aperto que está sofrendo devido a tudo que está...

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Steve HeartsNos momentos tempestuosos, muitas vezes nos esforçamos tanto para encontrar uma saída ou sermos resgatados que nos esquecemos de procurar o verdadeiro e mais seguro abrigo e refúgio.Ontem à noite eu não conseguia dormir de jeito algum. Estava passando...

Climb Up on the Rock - What to do when you feel moody or depressed

Words from JesusAudio length: 7:09Download Audio (6.5MB)“When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”1If you feel overwhelmed, climb up on the Rock. You have Me, the Rock, and you can rest in My ability to keep you through anything that threatens to overwhelm you. When you feel the weakness of your cares and burdens, when...

Get smarter and happier

By Eric Barker, Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Feb. 24, 2014What’s a scientifically validated way to get smarter, happier, healthier, and calmer? Stop reading this right now and go for a walk. It’s that simple. Here’s why.1. Exercise powers the body—and the mind. They used to say you don’t grow new brain cells. They were wrong.As an illustration of just...

No easy bailout plan for struggling Ukraine

By David Mchugh and Juergen Baetz, AP, Feb 25, 2014KIEV, Ukraine (AP)—Ukraine needs money, and fast—in weeks, not months. But bailing out the country of 46 million people will not be a matter of simply writing a big check.For one, Ukraine has already burned the main international financial rescuer, the International Monetary Fund, by failing...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New reality in Vatican: Surprise, it’s the pope!

By John L. Allen Jr., Boston Globe, February 24, 2014ROME—Cardinals are traditionally called “princes of the church,” but Pope Francis insisted on Sunday they’re not part of a “royal court.” Interviews with several cardinals this week suggest the pope backs up those words with his personal example.As he approaches the one-year anniversary of his election,...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Encontrando a Força de Deus no Seu Amor

Palavras de JesusDe eternidade a eternidadePois o Senhor é bom e o seu amor leal é eterno; a sua fidelidade permanece por todas as gerações.—Salmo 100:5 NVILembro-me de quando o formei, antes da fundação do mundo. Com grande desvelo e atenção especial ministrei a você. Escolhi a dedo cada talento, cada dom, cada característica, cada fibra do seu ser,...

Inner Peace

A compilationAudio length: 9:16Download Audio (8.4MB) God, teach me to be patient;Teach me to go slow.Teach me how to wait on YouWhen my way I do not know.Teach me sweet forbearanceWhen things do not go right,So I remain unruffledWhen others grow uptight.Teach me how to quiet My racing, rising heart,So I may hear the answerYou are trying to impart.Teach...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Not a blank slate after all

BreakPoint, February 21, 2014In his 1689 “Essay Concerning Human Understanding,” the philosopher John Locke wrote that if “we will attentively consider new born children, we shall have little reason to think that they bring many ideas into the world with them.”He proposed that we think of the newborn’s mind as a white piece of paper, “void of all characters,...

How Ukraine’s economic decay fueled protests

By David McHugh, AP, Feb 21, 2014The battle in Kiev is, in large part, a fight for the country’s economic future—for better jobs and prosperity.Ukraine’s protesters want to pry their country away from Russian influence and move closer to the European Union. A look at neighboring Poland, which did just that, suggests why.The two countries emerged from...

A Fonte da Verdadeira Felicidade

CompilaçãoDeus é tão imensamente maravilhoso, total e plenamente encantador, que pode, por Si só, satisfazer abundantemente, até transbordar, as mais profundas necessidades da natureza humana.—Aiden Tozer[1]*O ser humano se encaixa exatamente no deleitoso lugar que Deus projeta para ele dentro do Seu grande esquema. Quando ele o alcança, sente-se satisfeito...

Christ in Us: Our Hope of Glory

By D. Brandt Berg Audio length: 10:09 Download Audio (9.2MB) You cannot hide a happy, useful, helpful, shining spirit; it radiates on everybody the same light, the same joy. People see it and say, “You have such a light on your face; you seem so happy, you just shine. You’re always smiling!” It just radiates. Happiness is what you make it. It’s...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Woman Defies Doctors Who Told Her to Abort Unborn Baby

By Leonardo Blair, Christian Post, February 19, 2014A 30-year-old British woman who was told by doctors to abort her unborn baby while she was pregnant because it would die, defied their expert advice and gave birth to a healthy baby boy she is now calling a “miracle.”According to Mail Online, from the moment first-time mother Rachel Collins discovered...

The Most Valuable Word In The Economy Of Human Interaction

My first “real” job was sitting across from people convicted of DUIs. After a series of questions, I would write recommendations for judges who would sentence them.I now work with executives and entrepreneurs to determine where they are heading, I make introductions, organize teams, and facilitate conversations for a living.Even though these groups...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How iTunes Radio is bad for your soul

Jonathan Merritt, Religion News Service, Feb 18, 2014Apple’s answer to Pandora hasn’t produced a spike in music sales like some predicted. According to a new report by Music Forecasting, iTunes Radio listeners use the service for a “lean back” listening experience and don’t want anything—even purchasing a song—to interrupt it.Having recently...

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