Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Bernie Sanders: Here’s what we want

By Bernie Sanders, Washington Post, June 23, 2016:(With comments by Dennis in bold)

As we head toward the Democratic National Convention, I often hear the question, “What does Bernie want?” Wrong question. The right question is what the 12 million Americans who voted for a political revolution want.

And the answer is: They want real change in this country, they want it now and they are prepared to take on the political cowardice and powerful special interests which have prevented that change from happening. (Bernie, the trouble is that Barack Obama told us he would bring us change. We agree with much of what you say, but bigger government with more controls is not going to solve the problems. When the Government gets control of things, they often end up worse.)

They understand that the United States is the richest country in the history of the world, and that new technology and innovation make us wealthier every day. What they don’t understand is why the middle class continues to decline, 47 million of us live in poverty and many Americans are forced to work two or three jobs just to cobble together the income they need to survive. (That's to make sure they don't have time to think and or reproduce. They have their head to the grindstone so they are compelled to follow along instead of rising up and throwing off their corrupt leaders in a peaceful revolution.)

What do we want? We want an economy that is not based on uncontrollable greed, monopolistic practices and illegal behavior. We want an economy that protects the human needs and dignity of all people–children, the elderly, the sick, working people and the poor. We want an economic and political system that works for all of us, not one in which almost all new wealth and power rests with a handful of billionaire families.(But Bernie, we've taken God out of the school system and have taught our children that evolution is true, and we are just evolved monkeys. Then we wonder why people behave so corruptly. The unethical political and economic practices are just an extension of what we believe, that's it's just the survival of the fittest, so anything goes if it makes you richer, or more powerful. We need a back to God education system, based of the truth of Christ's law of love.) 

The current campaign finance system is corrupt. Billionaires and powerful corporations are now, through super PACs, able to spend as much money as they want to buy elections and elect candidates who represent their interests, not the American people. Meanwhile, we have one of the lowest voter turnout rates of any major country on earth, and Republican governors are working overtime to suppress the vote and make it harder for poor people, people of color, seniors and young people to vote.(Bernie, who would want to vote when we always get the same old crap. Like they say in Spain, the flies change, the ruling party changes, but it's still the same old sh_t! The system has failed us, Bernie. We don't trust it anymore. Even if voting was universal like it is in many European countries, the turnout is still low, because history and experience has shown us that it doesn't make a difference. The money makers hold too much power in their hands and have control over every institution in our lives. We protested in Europe with millions of people on the streets against the Wars in Iraq and it made no difference. The revolution we need, Bernie is a complete one. It's a wiping away of the old decadent system and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth based on true love and brotherhood that comes from us being God's children. But we've killed God as Nietzsche said and are reaping the result of our stupidity.)

What do we want? We want to overturn the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision and move toward public funding of elections. We want universal voter registration, so that anyone 18 years of age or older who is eligible to vote is automatically registered. We want a vibrant democracy and a well-informed electorate that knows that its views can shape the future of the country. (Yes, Bernie, we want to throw our Rode vs Wade, the pro-choice law, and establish orphanages and homes for single moms to have their children. We want to let State schools teach the truth about molecule to man evolution, that it's a religious world-view and not supported by experimental science. We want decentralization and giving more power to the State governments to run their States. we want to re-establish that marriage is a male and female institution and all the ramifications of our traditional Judaeo-Christian heritage.) 

Our criminal justice system is broken. We have 2.2 million people rotting behind bars at an annual expense of $80 billion. Youth unemployment in a number of inner-cities and rural communities is 30 to 50 percent, and millions of young people have limited opportunities to participate in the productive economy. Failing schools all around the country produce more people who end up in jail than graduate college. Millions of Americans have police records as a result of marijuana possession, which should be decriminalized. And too many people are serving unnecessarily long mandatory minimum sentences. (Bernie, we've got to get back to the basics. We've got to put Christ back into our schools and education system. We've got to get back to our belief in the Bible as the Word of God and our importance of obeying it. We need to teach our children to love God above all else, and to love their neighbor as themselves, and their neighbor is anyone who needs their help, whether near or far. We need to raise up loving Missionaries to go out into all the world with the message of the love of God as the only real solution to the world's problems that we face today.)

What do we want? We want a criminal justice system that addresses the causes of incarceration, not one that simply imprisons more people. We want to demilitarize local police departments, see local police departments reflect the diversity of the communities they serve and end private ownership of prisons and detention centers. We want to create the conditions that allow people who are released from prison to stay out. We want the best educated population on earth, not the most incarcerated population.

The debate is over. Climate change is real. It is caused by human activity, and it already is causing devastating damage in our country and to the entire planet. If present trends continue, scientists tell us the planet will be 5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit warmer by the end of the century–which means more droughts, floods, extreme weather disturbances, rising sea levels and acidification of the oceans. This is a planetary crisis of extraordinary magnitude.(Sorry, Bernie, the debate is not over. Who is pushing this climate change agenda anyway? It's big government again Bernie. More controls from Big Brother. Some scientist challenge the politically correct global warming stance. Sunspot explosions may have a greater influence on our climatic cycles than any made man carbon pollution. That's not to say we shouldn't take care of our environment. We should, but let's not use scare tactics to push more international government on our backs. If we'd follow Christ's command to love one another, we could find solutions to all these problems. But you see, Bernie, their are evil men out there who won't give up their power very easily. John and Robert  Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and many others have found out the hard way. Those people are still in control of the world, Bernie. How much do they control you. What part of their agenda are you willing to help fulfill?)

What do we want? We want the United States to lead the world in pushing our energy system away from fossil fuel and toward energy efficiency and sustainable energy. We want a tax on carbon, the end of fracking and massive investment in wind, solar, geothermal and other sustainable technologies. We want to leave this planet in a way that is healthy and habitable for future generations.(That's right, Bernie, we want to give free solar or wind-powered energy to the whole world. To set the captives free from government oppression, so that mankind can serve God and love one another. Government should be their to help the people, not just take from one set of crooks that are in power, to put another set of crooks in their place. Like I said before, some wipe with the left hand, and some with the right hand, but it's still the same crap, Bernie. We are tired of it. We need the help of God, because man has proven he is incapable of governing himself and others without the miraculous help of God. The Bible tells us mankind is so desperate that they will soon accept the Devil-man, or Antichrist in their frustration with today's political and financial system. This will result in the worst period of mankind's short history which Jesus named the Great Tribulation. A grave period of persecution of those who refuse to come under the New World Order, wars and eventually the final big one in the Middle East, Armageddon. Will the government you head lead into the New World Order under Satan and his Antichrist? We know Hillary will for sure, but what about you?)

What do we want? We want to end the rapid movement that we are currently experiencing toward oligarchic control of our economic and political life. As Lincoln put it at Gettysburg, we want a government of the people, by the people and for the people. That is what we want, and that is what we will continue fighting for. (But a government that excludes Christ and His commandments is headed for destruction. Will you bring us back to God, Bernie? Will you bring back Christ into Christmas, education, politics and economics. if not we're leaning on a broken stick and you'll fail us, just as all the others have. Will you stand-up for Jesus, Bernie? He needs you to make a stand for truth, for love and for Godly justice. Will you take that stand, Bernie? The time is short, Bernie. Stand-up for Jesus today!)


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