Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Does God Love Me?

Have you asked, Does God love me? The Bible says that God loves us so much He gave His son, Jesus (John 3:16).

At Passion 2020 I gave this message called “The Search Is Over.” If you have struggled to find your purpose or worth, look no further than Jesus. If you have ever questioned whether God still loves you—this video of me preaching at the Passion Conference is for you. Be blessed and encouraged! – xo, Sadie Robertson

65,000 College Students Gather for Jesus

Maria Fonte: If you listen to much of the media with its often negative and disparaging slant against Christianity, especially in the US, it can start to look like faith in Jesus is fading into oblivion. But the other day I saw an article on an event that even the media couldn’t ignore. Over 65,000 young Christians, ages 18 to 25, gathered together to bring in the New Year with prayer and praise, and in the process, they raised funds to help others. It thrills my heart to see young Christians stepping forward in faith.

I believe that each generation needs its own approach to the world that they are living in, an approach that will best suit the needs of their generation and enable them to relate to the world that they will be reaching.

I’ve heard statistics that there are millions of Christians in the US alone who have decided to search for a different approach to living their faith. I believe that the Lord is the One leading them, just as He led us to change to meet the needs of those we were ministering to.

When I see examples of how strong faith in Jesus is in these young people’s hearts, it inspires me to trust the Lord that this is just a peek into what is going on around the world, as He prepares the younger generations to be the examples of Him for their day.

Each generation draws elements that are good from the generation before them. They may add many new things to suit the changing times, but that is in the Lord’s hands to bring about. We need to keep praying and watching with expectancy, knowing that God is working in the lives of the younger generations of believers, wherever He has them, in the way that He knows is best.

We need to pray for the Christians from the younger generations as they join in the task of reaching the world for Him. The process for bringing each of His up-and-coming followers to the place where He needs them will be as unique to the individual as it was with us. We need to place that in His hands. That includes the young people of the Family and all of His youth as they follow His leadings.

Here are several excerpts from the article:

Passion 2020 is a gathering of 18- to 25-year-olds … comprised of students and leaders from more than 1,680 universities, all 50 states and 81 countries.

“We’re not simply keepers of the light, but we are carriers of the light of Jesus to the world,” Louie Giglio, Passion founder, said. “One of the practical ways that we can carry that light to the world is to participate in the goal of Scripture translation.”

Last year, almost 40,000 students gathered at Passion 2019 and were able to raise more than $400,000 to translate the Bible for deaf people across the world.

Each year, students have joined together to raise money for different initiatives, including the END IT Movement, which launched at Passion 2013 and has raised $8.3 million to fight modern-day slavery. In addition to that, students will raise money for Share Light, a campaign to see the Bible scriptures translated into the 6,000 known languages during this generation’s lifetime. 


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