Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Monday, January 30, 2023
The Church Fathers on Fasting

A brief annotated timeline of fasting in Christian writing. By William R. HorneThe first time in my Christian life I participated in a fast of any type was my freshman year of college.Despite my growing up in a church body and faithfully following Christ...
Martin Luther on Fasting
Lutheran Church. — Luther by no means rejected or discountenanced fasting, but discarded the idea that it could be meritorious (Comm. on Aatt. 6:16). The Augsburg Confession (art. 26) repudiates "diversity of meats" and other traditions; but adds, "The charge, however, that we forbid the mortification of our sinful propensities, as Jovian asserts,...
Fasting in the Early Church

McClintock and Strong Biblical CyclopediaFasting In The Christian Church.In the article FAST SEE FAST we have given an account of Jewish fasting, and also of the notices of fasting in the N.T. 'We confine ourselves in this article to a history of fasting in the...
Fasting in the New Testament
"FASTING"Fasting In The New TestamentINTRODUCTIONIn our previous lesson, we examined the subject of "Fasting In The Old Testament".Here is what we found:Only one fast was specifically commanded in the 0.T. (on the Day of Atonement)But people often...