Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What the Middle East would be like without Christians

By Christa Case Bryant, CS Monitor, December 22, 2013Bethlehem, West Bank—The pews at First Baptist Church of Bethlehem fill quickly as congregants stream in on a Sunday night, some with fancy purses, others with worn shoes and KFC takeout bags. Latecomers have to settle for plastic chairs in the back.As the service gets under way, hands arc in the...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Feliz Natal

David Brandt BergNós não sabemos se Jesus realmente nasceu na noite de Natal. Mas sabemos que Ele nasceu em algum momento, e comemoramos nesta data. Na verdade, não importa a data. Qualquer uma serve.O importante é que Jesus nasceu, viveu e morreu por nós. E ressuscitou para que possamos fazer o mesmo. Por isso, para miam não tem problema algum se...

Things you didn't know about reindeer

By David Mac Dougall, AP, Dec 21, 2013HELSINKI (AP)—Reindeer are featured on Christmas cards and in movies worldwide this time of year, galloping across the sky with Santa’s sleigh in tow.But on Europe’s northern fringe, the migratory mammals are part of everyday life all year round as they roam the fells of Lapland—the Arctic homeland of the indigenous...

Countries to pray for this Christmas

Christian Today, December 20, 2013Christian Solidarity Worldwide has issued a prayer list to help people stand in prayerful support of Christians around the world who are under pressure for their faith.Iran. A wave of arrests of Christians usually occurs over the Christmas period. Church services are raided and Christians interrogated about their church...

Pope Francis Urges Vatican to Stop Gossiping, Exercise Professionalism

By Courtney Subramanian, TIME, Dec. 21, 2013Pope Francis urged Vatican officials Saturday to remember to practice professionalism and competence to evade the trappings of mediocrity and bureaucracy that have long mired the Catholic Church.Francis made the remarks at a Christmas address to the Vatican Curia, the administrative governing body of the...

You Have a Vested Interest in Your Coworkers' Success

The Simple Dollar, 20 Dec 2013If there is one lesson I want to teach my children about their professional lives, it’s this one.You have a vested interest in the success of your coworkers. Let’s walk through some of the pieces of that.If you talk negatively about your coworkers, it hurts you. You’re adding a bunch of negative emotions to the workplace....

Merry Christmas

By D.Brandt Berg Download Audio We don’t know whether Christmas was really the night when Jesus was born or not, but we know He was born some night, and this is the night we celebrate it. One night’s as good as another. All that matters is that He was born, He lived and He died for you and me, and He rose again, so we could do the same. So if...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Compartilhando o Amor do Natal

Uma compilaçãoEstamos mais uma vez naquela época maravilhosa em que celebramos o amor do Senhor ao vir à Terra para nos redimir! Nesta época as pessoas ficam mais receptivas à testificação, e é um período ótimo para testemunhar e levar ao máximo de pessoas possível o amor e a verdade do nosso Salvador. Não vou dizer que este poderia ser o nosso último...

Will the Christ Child Come?

By Gaye Willis, adaptedOne Christmas we had an interesting experience. Halfway through December we were doing the regular evening things when there was a knock at the door. We opened it to find a small package with a beautiful ceramic lamb inside. We looked at the calendar and realized that the 12 days of Christmas were beginning! We waited with excitement...

Putin Says Deal With Ukraine Was a Good-Will Gesture

By David M. Herszenhorn, NY Times, December 19, 2013MOSCOW—President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on Thursday explained his decision to rescue Ukraine with a $15 billion bailout and discounts on natural gas as a gesture of good will given the close historic ties between the two countries."I will be very frank with you and don’t take it as an irony—we...

Prince Charles 'deeply troubled' by plight of Christians in Middle East

Kevin Rawlinson, The Guardian, 17 December 2013Relations between Christians and Muslims in the Middle East have reached crisis point, according to Prince Charles, who is “deeply troubled” by the plight of Christians in the region.The heir to the British throne told a reception for Middle East Christians at Clarence House on Tuesday that the divisions...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

US scholars endorse academic boycott of Israel

By Rachel Zoll and Karin Laub, AP, Dec 16, 2013NEW YORK (AP)—The American Studies Association on Monday endorsed a boycott of Israeli universities, the largest group of U.S. scholars to do so.About one-third of the group’s more than 3,800 members voted, approving the boycott by 66 percent. Last April, the smaller Association for Asian American Studies,...

Stand to Reason- What is Faith?

by Greg Koukl Faith & Wishing I don’t like the word “faith.” It’s not that faith isn’t valuable. True biblical faith is essential for salvation. But faith is often deeply misunderstood in a way that hurts Christianity and harms Christians. Some think that having a level of certainty about the truth of Christianity makes “belief” unnecessary...

Peter O'Toole: 'No one can take Jesus away from me.'

Laura Turner, Religion News Service, Dec 15, 2013Peter O’Toole, one of the last century’s greatest actors whose roles in films such as “Lawrence of Arabia” and “The Lion in Winter” earned him eight Oscar nominations but no wins (a record), died Saturday (Dec. 14) at the age of 81.O’Toole grew up in Leeds, England, the son of an English nurse and an...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Goliath: The Book That May Delegitimize Israel’s Apartheid State

By Justin Raimondo,, December 12, 2013Thanks to the Israel lobby’s slander campaign against Max Blumenthal and his new book, Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, I not only learned things about the Jewish state that I never knew, I also made a wonderful discovery—but more about that later. I confess I probably wouldn’t have read...

Libya militia says oil terminals to remain closed

By Esam Mohamed, Associated Press, Dec. 15, 2013TRIPOLI, Libya (AP)—The head of a Libyan militia that has shut down most of the country’s oil terminals for months said Sunday they will remain closed because the government has failed to meet his group’s demands—mainly a share of revenues for their eastern region.Ibrahim Jedran, leader of the militia...

If a Drone Strike Hit an American Wedding, We would Ground Our Fleet?

By Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic, Dec. 16, 2013On my wedding day, my wife and I hired a couple of shuttle vans to ferry guests between a San Clemente hotel and the nearby site where we held our ceremony and reception. I thought of our friends and family members packed into those vehicles when I read about the latest nightmarish consequence of America’s...

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