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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Is the Babylon of Revelation America? - Chapter 22


Is the Babylon of Revelation America?

The Book of Revelation talks about Babylon the Great, "that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth."[1] Some people believe that since New York City is one of the greatest commercial centers of the world, if not the greatest, that perhaps the destruction which takes place in one hour in Revelation is talking about her.

Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come.[2]

Couldn’t that verse have been referring to when the Twin Towers fell on September 11, 2001? I remember receiving various phone calls from different people at the time of the attack on the Twin Towers asking me if it was a fulfillment of the Revelation prophecy. Bill notes correctly that although the towers did fall “in one hour,” the following did not take place.
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buys their merchandise anymore.[3]

Since world trade did not stop after the attack of September, 2001, Bill Salus dismisses the possibility that the Babylon of Revelation could be talking of America. Here’s my first disagreement with Bill. Yes, perhaps Revelation 18 was not talking about 9/11, but perhaps it is talking about some future event which 9/11 was only a foreshadowing of.

If we read carefully Revelation 17 and 18, we can find many parallels between Babylon the Great and the USA today. Pastor Mike Taylor from the Church of God organization makes a good case against Babylon neither being the Roman Catholic Church nor Iraq which are often chosen as possible fulfillments of Babylon the Whore. Taylor believes that the good old USA is a better interpretation.[4] If you go on-line, you can find others saying the same thing. Let us read from Revelation 17 itself and see how America compares with the imagery presented.

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[1] Revelation 17:18
[2] Revelation 18:10
[3] Revelation 18:11

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