Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Not Enough Monkeys in the Universe

 The DNA molecule stores specific information by lining up four chemical compounds in a very specific order similar to the way Morse Code lines up three symbols (a dot, a dash, and a space) to convey a unique message. The order in which these four chemicals are arranged not only determines the distinguishing characteristics of an animal, but also if the organism will grow into a man or a marigold. Biochemists around the world are involved in a major undertaking to decode the language written on the human DNA molecule. But where did this fantastic molecule come from?

Scientists have had great success splicing new sections of DNA onto the DNA molecule, duplicating sections of DNA, producing the building blocks of DNA from basic chemicals, and unraveling the DNA molecular code. All too often, it is inferred that because we can do these things, we know how the molecule originated. However, this is a total distortion of reality.

Science has not even come close to explaining how the DNA molecule could have originated without intelligent guidance (i.e. creation). Here are just a few of the problems naturalistic scientists need to solve before making any sweeping statements concerning life’s origin:

1. When the building blocks of DNA are mixed together, they do react and link up...but not in the spiral

shape of the DNA molecule. How did the shape originally occur when it doesn’t happen now?

2. Great amounts of energy would be required to produce a molecule as complicated and as large as even

the simplest segment of DNA. Yet the molecule is so energy sensitive that it easily comes apart.

Many mechanisms are in place within a cell to protect the DNA molecule from degeneration. How

could DNA have survived before all the protective mechanisms existed?

3. DNA is not a random, meaningless molecule. It carries specific and useful information needed for

the formation and development of an organism. Where did this coded information come from?

4. Specific proteins function to construct copies of the DNA, but DNA is required to create the

needed proteins. How could one exist without the other being there first?

There are many other major problems which have no answer aside from the acknowledgment of an intelligent designer. Yet, chance processes continue to be the only possibilities taught. It has been said that given enough time, anything can happen (such as a monkey typing the entire contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica). Rather than just accept such statements, let’s use the science of probability to ask, “How many monkeys (or how much time) would it take to randomly type just the title ‘Encyclopedia Britannica’?”

The odds of a monkey typing the ‘e’ of the title in the first place is 1 in 39 (the number of keys on a typical keyboard). The odds of getting an ‘e’ followed by an ‘n’ is (1/39 x 1/39). The odds of a monkey getting just the title ‘Encyclopedia Britannica’ correct (one time) is 1/1036. If these monkeys are extremely proficient and persistent typists and make one attempt every second for the entire assumed age of the universe (15 billion years) it would still require 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 monkeys. In other words, enough monkeys to cover every square foot of the Earth’s surface, stacked over one mile deep, making one attempt every second for 15 billion years MIGHT type the title right...once. But even if one monkey did type the title right once, how would we ever recognize it among billions of trillions of wrong ones?

The useful information coded into the simplest DNA molecule is unimaginably more complicated that the simple title ‘Encyclopedia Britannica’. The odds of the useful code found on the DNA molecule forming by chance processes is astronomically smaller. In actuality, it is an absolute impossibility. Science clearly reveals that life can not form by evolutionary processes. Why aren’t we teaching our children these facts of science?


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