By Darmon Richter, Atlas Obscura, 27 Jan 2014As a continent, Antarctica is often overlooked. Its total surface area stands in excess of 14 million km², which places it ahead of Europe in terms of size—and makes it almost twice the size of Australia. As much as 98% of the continent’s surface is covered in thick, compacted ice, reaching an average depth...
Friday, January 31, 2014
Jesus É o nosso Consolo na Tristeza
J. R. MillerMuitas pessoas, mesmo acreditando na doutrina da ressurreição sofrem com a morte de um ente querido e se privam do consolo que essa perspectiva do futuro pode nos dar. Jesus assegurou a Marta que o seu irmão se levantaria dos mortos. “Eu sei. Ele vai ressuscitar no último dia”, disse ela sem esperança de que fosse acontecer naquele momento....
The Stories Jesus Told: The Unjust Judge, Luke 18:1–8

by Peter Amsterdam
The parable of the unjust judge, often called the story of the importunate woman, is a parable about prayer. It’s sometimes referred to as the “twin” of the parable of the friend at midnight, as they have a number of similarities. Traditionally,...
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Marcus Vernier“O coração bem disposto está sempre em festa.”[1] Este é um versículo interessante, principalmente a primeira parte: “Todos os dias do oprimido são infelizes.” Esse versículo fala de duas condições: estar alegre e afligido. Na vida, às vezes estamos alegres, outras vezes afligidos. “A vida é feita de altos e baixos”, as pessoas dizem....
Tips for Good Communication
By Jesus, speaking in prophecy
( Note: Familiarity could be defined as a state of being informal and casual, often to the point that it can indicate a lack of respect, or lead to you being unable to appreciate someone’s true value.)Here are a few things you may want to try if you wish to avoid the negative aspects of becoming too familiar with your...
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Ex-Marlboro man dies from smoking-related disease
By Daisy Nguyen, Associated Press, Jan. 26, 2014LOS ANGELES (AP)—Eric Lawson, who portrayed the rugged Marlboro man in cigarette ads during the late 1970s, has died. He was 72.Lawson died Jan. 10 at his home in San Luis Obispo of respiratory failure due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, his wife, Susan Lawson said Sunday.Lawson was...
Surprisingly Easy Things You Can Do to Live Longer
By David B. Agus, MD, Healthy Living, Jan 24, 2014Most of us have only a general sense of what we can do to live a good, long life, and eating well, exercising, and getting a good night’s sleep are the go-to, standard health tips we all know. But beyond these universal wisdoms, I believe we can all further increase our odds of an even longer and higher-quality...
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
An Appointment Not to Be Missed
A compilationDon’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.—Corrie ten Boom*Let the first act on waking be to place yourself, your heart, mind, faculties, your whole being, in God’s hands. Ask Him to take entire possession of you, to be the Guide of your soul, your Life, your Wisdom,...
You Never Know Who You Are Talking To
Antonia Lo Giudice, Jan. 21, 2014It was now the second day since I arrived in San Gil, Colombia and time was running out on carrying through with my accommodation plans.It was supposed to be so simple. Having been here just one year ago for 4 days, from what I remembered, I would have no problem to book 3 nights at the same hostel and find a room in...
Monday, January 27, 2014
Apoie-se Fortemente em Mim
Jesus, falando em profeciaNão é que você possa ou deva ignorar assuntos prementes relacionados ao seu trabalho e fingir que não têm a ver com você para não ter estresse na vida. Contudo, quando a sua lista de afazeres está mais cheia do que o normal, seria bom seguir o conselho de diferentes homens grandiosos de Deus, que, ao longo de suas vidas de...
The Lamp
By David Brandt Berg
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.—Psalm 62:51It’s a common error of Christian workers to give too much, beyond their capacity. They need to save some strength for themselves, for their Lord. When they are tired, they need to rest. When they are weary, sometimes they just need to retire from the fray and give...
Ukraine at a Boil
By Eric Margolis, January 25, 2014As violence and mayhem surge in Ukraine’s capitol, Kiev, fear is growing that Europe, the United States and Russia may be on a collision course.Ukraine’s latest crisis began last November after Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign an economic cooperation/integration pact with the European Union. Instead,...
When Opportunity Knocks
By John C. Maxwell, January 24, 2014How do you respond when a great opportunity presents itself? I’m a firm believer in finding and embracing new opportunities. But I don’t chase an opportunity without evaluating it according to some specific criteria.How do I evaluate an opportunity? I run it through a series of tests. Only after it passes them do...