Sunday, April 30, 2017
He'll Remake You

By Dennis Edwards
He'll never forsake you.
But He'll remake you
And sometimes bake you,
But always slake your thirst,
When you put Him first.
He is the Last,
But He comes first.
Nothing satisfies.
No beer, nor food, or cake.
He wants you for...
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Bible Prophecy – Mathematically Impossible!

Bible Prophecy – Mathematically Impossible!
By Dennis Edwards
At the end of the New Testament in the first verse in the book of Revelation, we find the following words,
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show to his servants...
Friday, April 28, 2017
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The Genesis Messianic Prophecy

By Dennis Edwards
Chapter 14 from Where is America in Bible Prophecy?
We have seen so far that the Bible is indeed a book of prophecy. One scholar has determined that 26.8% of the Bible is prophecy.[1]That’s over 8,000 verses. If God didn’t want us to know...
This bubble finally burst. Which one’s next?

Simon Black, SovereignMan.com
April 26, 2017 - Santiago, Chile
Like so many other high-flying Silicon Valley startups, Clinkle was supposed to ‘make the world a better place’.
Founded in 2011 by a guy barely out of his teens, the company picked...
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
You Can Know the Future

Chapter 1 of Where is America in Bible Prophecy? By Dennis Edwards
The Introduction:You Can Know the Future by Understanding Bible Prophecy!
Many people are worried about the future. They look around them and see a world full of confusion, strife,...
Sunday, April 23, 2017
David Rockefeller on One World Government

Dennis Edwards: To those who say bah-humbug to conspiracy theories, let's listen to recently deceased David Rockefeller from his autobiography Memoirs published in 2003.
"Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret...
Friday, April 21, 2017
In Portugal, Drug Use Is Treated As A Medical Issue, Not A Crime

Lauren Frayer, NPR, April 18, 2017
Gandelina Damião, 78, is permanently hunched, carrying her sorrow. She lost three children to heroin in the 1990s.
A quarter century ago, her cobblestone lane, up a grassy hill from Lisbon’s Tagus River, was littered...
Time to be Honest About the Fear That’s Getting in Your Way

By Carl Richards, NY Times, April 17, 2017There is something you have been working on, isn’t there?Something big. Something exciting. Something you have always dreamed of.It’s that perpetual “work in progress” that you tell only your close friends and loved...
The Illuminati and the Protocols of Zion - How Deep is That Rabbit Hole?

By Dennis Edwards
Chapter 49 from Where is America in Bible Prophecy?
Time and time again I have sat down to write this chapter and have had difficulty getting started. Why is that? It may very well be because of the importance of the information I will share...