Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nothing Is Too Hard for Jesus

By Maria Fontaine (to read directly from site on-line and find other helpful reading material)

I wanted to talk about an inspiring, comforting, liberating topic: there is nothing too hard for Jesus. Once you fully realize and believe that, you can have such peace, such freedom, such security. I pray that this will be a milestone for many of you in developing and strengthening your faith, your assurance in Jesus, your trust that no matter what happens—now or in the future—He is strong enough and will help you through it. You don’t have to be perfect to have His help, or have a great track record, or be an outstanding prayer warrior. You only have to be dependent on Jesus and close to Him.

Rest on this knowledge. Think about it. Soak up Jesus’ promises. Revel in them and determine that you’re not going to let the Enemy convince you otherwise.

There is nothing too hard for Jesus. There is no storm of evil that can overwhelm His power. And when you’re with Him and in Him, there is nothing too hard for you either. It’s a beautiful, irrefutable, unshakable, irreversible truth.

God’s Word and His truth are more than powerful enough to meet any difficulty or battle we might face. Of course, there is often a “key” to victory that you have to discover—through asking Jesus, studying His Word, applying it and learning what works. Sometimes Jesus is waiting for you to take a certain step of faith. Sometimes He’s testing your faith and endurance. Sometimes He wants to strengthen you in a certain area, or bring you to a certain level of desperation, yieldedness, and humility.

One thing is certain: battles and difficult circumstances aren’t easy. They’re tough, painful, and often make you feel as if you’re at the end of your rope. But “think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings! That when His glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also, with exceeding joy!”1

Be encouraged that although you’re not perfect, and sometimes you might even bring difficulties on yourself, Jesus understands and He is faithful, and He will pull you through if you turn to Him. There is nothing too hard for Jesus! Try looking at every situation as an opportunity to grow in faith. That’s the point Jesus wants us to see. He wants us to see every test, every battle, every difficulty, as an opportunity to be strengthened in faith.

Jesus said:

I have the key to overcoming in all situations, circumstances, or predicaments. There’s nothing—and I mean nothing—that is greater than My power to overcome. It all begins with belief. Faith is both the starting point and the ending point. Faith is the all in all.

Faith is the password. Faith is the foundation of power and anointing and victory. “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even your faith.”2 That hasn’t changed with time. Faith is still the firepower, the spark that makes the connection and ignites the Spirit to intercede on your behalf.

Faith is mysterious. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.3 You know that faith comes from the Word, and it grows as you allow it to take root in your life. Learning the life of faith is a lifelong journey and adventure, and it’s something that will thrill you from now until eternity. Faith, belief, acceptance, action, and expectation, they’re all intertwined.

Seek to strengthen your faith. Accept, realize, and believe that there is victory for you. I can help you overcome the problems you face. You know you’re not perfect, and you may feel you just don’t deserve to overcome and find victory. You feel you aren’t good enough. And even though you generally believe that there is “victory in Jesus,” you don’t always apply that promise to yourself personally. You might think, “Yes, that’s right—for others, not for me.”

Perhaps you’ve never taken the time to really think about how you view the promises in My Word and what you feel you can personally expect in relation to those promises. Perhaps you’ve had more of an academic relationship with the promises in My Word; you’ve mentally accepted them, but still kept them at a distance. You’ve held them out, far away from your heart and personal situation, sized them up, admired them, and accepted them, but there’s something stopping you from believing them for yourself personally.

The promises in My Word are not just beautiful words. I ask that you be much more passionate in your approach to My promises. They are for you, personally, individually, eternally.

If you can believe that, then the next step is to grab those promises and clutch them close to your heart. Cherish them, embrace them. Can you see that this goes so much further than simply acknowledging them or mentally saying, “Oh, that’s good, that’s beautiful, that’s the truth of God”? Grab those promises off the table and clutch them to your chest, saying, “These are for me! They’re exactly what I personally need.”

If you can have this relationship with My promises, the way you look at difficulties, battles, spiritual problems or afflictions will be different because you will have more faith. My Word is full of promises, and all these promises have power to give you faith, if you can believe that they’re for you personally. So the challenge is to grow in personal applied faith. You can do that through a few simple steps.

First, believe that through your faith you can have victory in all situations.

Second, accept that the promises in My Word are for you, personally. I died for you, as if you were the only one, and I gave My promises for you, as if you were the only one. Taking these promises to heart will give you faith for whatever situation you personally face, because I have given promises to meet the need in any and all circumstances.

Third, have faith to apply My promises to the challenges you’re facing. Don’t make yourself an exception and explain away My power by thinking you’re not good enough, that you don’t deserve My power, victory or deliverance. Don’t look at your lacks instead of My power and awesome greatness.

Last of all, protect, nurture, and feed your faith. Know that faith is the starting place to miracles.

Originally published June 2007. Adapted and republished March 2014.
Read by Irene Quiti Vera.

1 1 Peter 4:12–13.

2 1 John 5:4.

3 Hebrews 11:1.


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