Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Flag of Victory

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By Jesus, speaking in prophecy

My dearest soldier, My beloved friend, My comrade in arms, the joy of My heart—not a moment has gone by that you haven’t been on My mind. Not only have you been in My thoughts, but you have been in My line of vision. And you have always been within arm’s reach. In fact, even when you felt the farthest from Me, I could never have been closer to you.

I’m here now, My friend, to remind you that I have been there with you through every battle, every defense, and every offense. I was there when your plans went awry. I gave you the grace to face each battle and endure it. I was there when you suffered hefty blows, and I helped you to get up again after every blow. I was there when you received the deep wounds, and it was My hands that sustained you as your wounds healed.

You cannot feel Me, touch Me, or see Me, but just like the air that you breathe, I have been the most constant element in your life, your most loyal companion in every conflict. Even when you stepped out in the middle of the night to face a foe, a personal battle, I walked with you. I have ridden into every battle with you. You could not have been separated from Me even if you tried. I’m your inseparable friend. I love you so very deeply.

I have come to you now to remind you, before the morning dawns, that I love you. I saw that weary look in your eyes, and I couldn’t let you pass through this night without being reminded that this time of tribulations will not last forever. You won’t be living on the battlefield forever. Your time on earth is but a second in comparison to eternity—and in the eternal future, you will be living in victory.

To help remind you of the victory and of your brilliant future, I bring you the flag of victory. On this flag is embroidered every single victory that you will personally win. Right now you’re experiencing the battles, but this flag shows you the picture of victory that all of these battles will bring. This flag is made of heavenly materials, threads of gold and silver inlaid with precious stones—rubies, diamonds, sapphires, onyx, opal and emeralds.

I have created this flag for you, My dear friend. I wove it with My own hands. As I went over the blueprint of your life, I made careful note of each battle and difficulty you would face and of the desired fruit and victories that those tough times would bring. Then, with the vision of those victories in mind, I created this tapestry. I sang as I worked, and My songs of your victories and conquests became a part of this victor’s flag. My songs of victory are those gold and silver threads woven throughout the design of this flag.

Let Me wrap this flag of victory around your shoulders. It is not only to remind you that victories will be won through the battles, but to prove to you that you have victory. This does not mean you will have the victory, but that you do have the victory. I want you to know without a doubt that you have victory. You already have victory in all things by faith because you have Me, the King of Victory, the essence of eternal victory. I am giving you this flag as a reminder that indeed the victory is yours. It’s been written in the books of heaven. I declared it before you were born.

I show you this flag because I want you to visualize it and remind yourself of the victory that you have been assured of in Me. Remind yourself of it when your faith flickers low and the battles rage ferociously. Wave this flag of victory in Satan’s face when he threatens to overwhelm you. When My songs of victory are ringing in your mind and heart, Satan cannot stand, let alone fight, against that victorious sound; he must fall on his knees and declare defeat.

I know how oppressive these recent times of testing have been. Your shoulders are drooping, your knees are weak, and your heart is weary. But I am in you and with you, and it is written that by faith you will overcome. This is the victory that overcomes the world, your faith.1 It is promised. I want the knowledge of this promise of victory to strengthen your feeble knees, enlighten your darkness, embolden your heart, and renew your strength.

This flag is a symbol of My promise—that I am with you in every fight. As you picture this flag flying high as you head into battle, or clutching it to your chest when you climb those craggy cliffs, or wrapping it around your shoulders when you need warmth and comfort, I will be singing you songs of victory, and songs of My faith in you—a faith that was uttered before you were even created.

When you feel you need a boost of staying power, I will show you the victories to come. All you have to do is ask. There is a victory for you in every situation—I have not missed a single experience. This is how you can keep the victor’s outlook. This is how you can stay focused on the light and keep pressing forward even in the midst of the darkest night—by holding on to My promise of victory, and knowing that by faith your victory is assured, that you have victory. You don’t ever have to let your victory be taken from you. As long as you hold on to it in faith, carry it high in faith, and use it in faith, it can never be lost to you.

I am your victory, and with My arms around you, there is no way you can be defeated. I am the victory that overcame the world, and with this victory in your heart, you too will overcome the world.2 I will wash you clean of everything of this past year that has hurt or stained you. I will restore health unto you and heal you of your wounds. There is nothing that you have to do to enable this healing and restoration to take place. You just have to rest in Me and I’ll heal, restore, cleanse, and renew you. Let Me give you rest.

Listen to the songs entwined in the victor’s flag, and be prepared to awaken to a new day of restoration and renewal. I love you, My soldier, My friend, My companion, and My fellow victor!

Originally published October 2008. Adapted and republished April 2014. Read by Simon Peterson. Music by Daniel Sozzi.

1 1 John 5:4.

2 1 John 5:5.


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