Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Sunday, July 14, 2024



Father David 

When do you really pray, when you really pour out your heart to the Lord and speak in tongues? There should be some time when you really get “in the Spirit.” When do you really get in the Spirit? When do you really pour out your heart to the Lord and really get through in the Spirit?

It’s very important. It’s very good for your soul. It’s good for your spirit. It’s good for your spiritual condition to know that you have really poured out your heart to the Lord with a whole soul, with all your heart, with all your might.

You ought to really get down to business with God! There should be times when you really cry out to the Lord and really pray and seek the Lord and really pray in the Spirit with strong crying and tongues and tears and really call upon the Lord with a whole heart. He says then He’ll answer you (Jeremiah 29:13).

All of our little prayers are well and good, and the Lord hears them and He knows they’re sincere and we mean them, and He answers accordingly. But there are times when you should really, really get desperate with the Lord in prayer about certain things and certain people.

When was the last time you really poured out your heart in prayer with strong crying and tongues and tears to the Lord?

Does the Lord have to allow some trouble to happen in order to get you to really pray, to get you to really get serious with Him? The Lord wants us to be happy, and we usually are. But there should be times when you are not satisfied with just the usual run of things, when you really, really seek the Lord for a needed change and really pray, pouring out your heart to the Lord. When do you do that? What’s the last time you did that? What was it about? How long’s it been since you prayed like that? Do you ever pray like that?

Well I’ll tell you, brethren, this movement was born in prayer, crying out to God, weeping in tongues and prophecy. What’s the last time you had a prophecy? What’s the last time you had a message in tongues with interpretation? With all this praying, the Spirit ought to be answering! You ought to be getting answers in the spirit now!

When do you get really concerned and really pray?—Really concerned about your children, about your friends and contacts, and you really pray in the Spirit? The Scripture says that the Lord says, “No man moveth himself to call upon Me” (Isaiah  64:7). If you’re not really moved when you pray, I wonder sometimes how far it gets.

He says, “In the day that you call upon Me with a whole heart, I will answer thee” (Jeremiah 29:13). Our little prayers are sincere and we mean them, but we also need to really get desperate in prayer about a serious situation or anything that needs it.

I’ll tell you, wholehearted to me means getting in the spirit, speaking and praying in tongues and crying out to the Lord with strong crying and tears, and I weep and I agonize in prayer. Sometimes it costs two or three hours of sleep, but out of those sessions we have gotten some wonderful things from the Lord.

There’s no reason why you can’t be having such fellowship in the spirit and with the Lord, and getting things from the Lord. And you should! Or God may have to let something happen that will make you get desperate and really pray.

What does God have to do to make you get desperate?

Copyright © October 1975 by TFI


Copyright © Fight for Your Faith