Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Israel could clash with international court on settlements! (AP)

(AP) Emboldened by a supportive White House, Israel appears to be barreling toward a showdown with the international community over its half-century-old settlement enterprise in the West Bank. With the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court poised to launch a war crimes probe of Israel’s settlement policies, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday announced plans to move ahead with the potentially explosive annexation of large parts of the occupied West Bank, including dozens of Jewish settlements. “History is knocking at the door,” Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, a patron of the settler movement, said as he urged Netanyahu to immediately annex all of Israel’s settlements and snuff out any hopes for Palestinian independence. “Take everything now.”

Dennis Edwards: Many Bible scholars believe that it will take an international agreement to bring peace in the Middle East. They see the "Holy Covenant" of Daniel 9 and 11 as such an agreement. The author of the agreement may very well be a formidable political and military leader who later invades Israel and declare himself world dictator and commonly known as the Antichrist.

The continuing problem in the Middle East, the climate change crisis, Pope Francisco's call for a new educational approach to climate change and a world summit on May 14th this year, Greta, Corona-virus in China, the financial dept crisis situation in the world, Isabel Santo's corruption case in Angola, etc, all these crisis, and others crisis like them, are calling the world to form a one-world government to deal with these problems. Many Bible scholars believe that some sort of one-world government will come on the scene soon as predicted in the Bible. Usually an international crisis or war helps things move faster in the direction the hidden financial leaders of the world want things to go. Could the present virus in China be the epidemic needed to help bring in one-world government? 

Israel will be invaded and the Antichrist will make a stand in Jerusalem and call for a forced monitary system using some sort of biometric reading with a chip embedded in the right hand or forehead. No one will be able to buy of sell without complying to the biometric economic system implemented by the one-world government under the Antichrist. 

The breaking of the "covenant" or international agreement by the Antichrist and the setting of the abomination of desolations in the temple in Jerusalem are the signs given by Jesus as a warning that the great tribulation, the most horrible period of mankind's history will begin to take place. Apostle Paul warns us that we shall see the Antichrist sit in the temple of God calling himself God. Both prophets Daniel and Apostle John warn of the dire persecution which shall be meted out against God's people who refuse to accept the biometric mark and conform to the new laws implemented by the Antichrist prohibitting religious worship.

Jesus Himself warned that "there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginnings of sorrows." Is the corona-virus one of the epidemics or pestilences that Jesus spoke of? Or is it just another scare tactic to bring on more global government and control? Whatever it may be, we as Christians are warned to "fear not" some 365 times in God's Word. God doesn't want us to fear or have the spirit of fear. He has given us power, and love and a sound mind besides multiple promises in His Word to be with us no matter what we go through or what happens in the world. 

Take heart, Christian soldier, God is with you and will keep you and you will be more than conquerors through Him that loves you. God has told us He will be our refuge and strength, our fortress in time of trouble. He has told us that he will deliver us from the "noisome pestilence ...that walks in darkness." It might be good to put to heart Psalm 91 and or Psalm 46 or Psalm 23 to remind you of God's unfailing faithfulness to His children. Memorize Scripture and resist the Devil.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

God's Promises of Newness of Life

By Maria Fontaine

Audio length: 7:04
Download Audio (6.48)
When the Bible says, “Behold, I make all things new,”1 it truly means that everything is new.—Our whole outlook and lives, as we don new robes for the new person to walk in newness of life as “new creatures in Christ Jesus”2 with new motives and new goals and new ways of doing things. It’s truly wonderful!
Whenever we yield our hearts, our lives, and our future to Him, surrender everything to Him, He has promised to make things new—to use us and shape us and re-create our ministries, outlooks, and lives as He sees fit. He has given His promise to any of us who are discouraged and disheartened that there’s always hope and that you can arise from the ashes of loss or defeat to a new beginning, new ministries, new opportunities, and new fulfillment in the Lord.
It’s wonderful to think that no matter how old you are, how tired you are, how despairing you’ve been, the Lord promises to refill your spirit with faith and hope. No matter what condition you are in and how difficult it’s been, you can look to the future with anticipation and trust that there will be happy new days ahead and newness of life. Thank You, Jesus!
To enter into that newness of life, we just have to be willing to forget the past, drop the old, let go of it and say yes and reach out to the new that is before us.3 There’s an old hymn that says,
When I come to the river at the ending of day,
When the last winds of sorrow have blown;
There’ll be somebody waiting to show me the way,
I won’t have to cross Jordan alone.
I won’t have to cross Jordan alone,
Jesus died all my sins to atone;
When the darkness I see,
He’ll be waiting for me,
I won’t have to cross Jordan alone.
Often times I’m weary and troubled and sad,
When it seems that my friends have all flown;
There is one thought that cheers me and makes my heart glad,
I won’t have to cross Jordan alone.
Though the billows of trouble and sorrow may sweep,
Christ the Savior will care for his own;
Till the end of my journey my soul he will keep,
And I won’t have to cross Jordan alone.
—Thomas Ramsey
Jordan is apparently representative of death, and the Bible says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.”4 We usually think of this as meaning physical death, but I believe it can be used just as appropriately for death to self, which is just as difficult and sometimes more so. But the Lord has promised to keep you through it, as you trust in Him no matter what the circumstances may be.
There is a beautiful verse that says: “And I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who calls you by your name, am the God of Israel.”5
Sometimes the new things the Lord wants to bring into our lives require us making major changes and undergoing a “retooling” as He prepares us for new challenges, new callings, and new beginnings. Retooling is changing from what something was into something else, to produce something that it didn’t produce before. The factory that used to make tanks now makes trucks, or it’s retooled to do something different. Likewise, the Lord retools each of us at different points in our lives and reshapes us into new vessels—so the vessel can be used differently, with a new anointing, to be used in a new way by the Lord for whatever purpose He has.
The Lord Himself doesn’t change, neither does His Word, but He can change us and our methods and our circumstances and ministries, and our habits, attitudes, and outlook. He can give us new hearts, new minds, new anointings, new blessings, new challenges, new people to work with, new friends, new families! He promises to renew our spirits and our faith, and He can give us new enthusiasm and enjoyment of life. Isn’t it wonderful just how much the Lord loves us? Praise the Lord!
The Bible says to “lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord.”6 It also says, “Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens,”7 and “So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands.”8 In another verse Paul said that he wanted “men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands.”9 The Bible says to do that, so there must be something significant and important about it.10
Lifting your arms up to the Lord is a sign of surrender. It’s also a sign of desire. When you haven’t seen someone for a long time and they’re coming to greet you, you put your arms out to them. In like manner, lifting your hands to the Lord is a sign of desire and reaching out to Him. If we are worried about the opinions of others and what they’ll think of us when we lift up our hands, the Lord says not to fear or worry about what others think about us, but to just go ahead and do what we know pleases Him. Thank You, Lord!
Thank You for Your words to us, Jesus—beautiful words of wonder, love, blessing, and all that we need. How good You are to us! You’ve not called us servants but friends, and You’ve told us of the great things that You have in store for us, and the wonderful future ahead and how beautiful it’s going to be.
We can’t pay You back, so we want to do what we can to love You, because You’ve given Your life for us. You died for us and came to serve us and to love us, and we want to do the same for You. You said, “As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.” Your Father sent You to love us so much that You would even die for us, and that You would not stop with Your death on the cross, but You would continue to give Your love. And that’s what You said we should do for others.
Please help us to receive the gift of Your love with open arms, that we may be filled to overflowing with Your Spirit of love, so that we’ll in turn overflow on others. We want to be Your servants and serve each other in love and serve Your people and the world.
Originally published February 1995. Adapted and republished January 2020.

1 Revelation 21:5.
2 2 Corinthians 5:17.
3 Philippians 3:13.
4 Psalm 116:15.
5 Isaiah 45:3.
6 Psalm 134:2.
7 Lamentations 3:41.
8 Psalm 63:4.
9 1 Timothy 2:8.
10 See also Psalm 28:2; 119:48; Lamentations 2:19.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Estações da Vida

Seasons of Life]
Você já parou para pensar por que algumas pessoas parecem ter vidas encantadas? Elas têm saúde perfeita, ministérios bem-sucedidos, uma ótima vida familiar, enquanto a vida de outras aparentemente são cheias de provações e dificuldades em todos os aspectos?
Uma resposta simples seria que não é aconselhável se comparar com os outros. Embora seja verdade que devemos aprender a não nos compararmos, muita coisa acontece nos bastidores da vida de cada pessoa e nem sempre são visíveis. Se entender isso, ficará mais fácil não se comparar.
Parte da resposta se encontra nas sábias palavras de Eclesiastes: “Tudo tem o seu tempo determinado, e há tempo para todo o propósito debaixo do céu”.[1] Nem todos passam pelos seus momentos difíceis ao mesmo tempo, mas todos os têm em alguma altura. Especialmente vocês, Meus filhos, que Me amam e puseram sua esperança em Mim, podem ter certeza que seus irmãos de fé já passaram por períodos difíceis em algum momento de suas vidas.
Nenhuma vida é completa sem os períodos de sofrimento, tristeza e dificuldade. Eu permito que cada pessoa passe por algum tipo de dificuldade pois dessa maneira aprende-se a superar.  A experiência de chegar ao fim de si mesmo o ensina a se apoiar em Mim e encontrar o Meu poder e força. Muitas vezes é necessário desespero para isso acontecer, e resultado de tempos de grandes dificuldades.
Caso sinta-se tentado a observar a vida de outra pessoa e achar que ela não passa por dificuldades, ou pelo menos não no mesmo grau de você, tenha certeza que todos passam por isso — ou ainda passarão.
O que talvez lhe pareça a vida, o ministério ou as circunstâncias ideais, para outro pode significar uma vida de grande sacrifício. Se pudesse ver o que se passa no coração ou na vida de outra pessoa numa situação assim, muitas vezes veria que ela fez grandes sacrifícios para se tornar no que precisava ser a fim de cumprir esse papel ou receber tais bênçãos. E continuará se sacrificando cada dia.
Eu vejo todas as coisas secretas do coração que você não pode ver. Algumas pessoas aparentemente sofrem muito devido às suas circunstâncias, no entanto têm uma fonte interior de felicidade e contentamento muito maior do que outras que enfrentam menos desafios. Pode olhar para uma vida abençoada e achar que a pessoa não tem tantos problemas, dificuldades ou aflições, ou tem mais sucesso. Para Mim, a vida abençoada é a vida plena, rica em fé, profunda no espírito, que inclui compreensão, amor sacrificial e interesse sincero pelos outros — com um relacionamento íntimo Comigo, força espiritual e coração compassivo. Muitas vezes esses tesouros do espírito, essas qualidades de valor inestimável, não vêm sem terem como professores o sofrimento, as batalhas, ou grandes dificuldades.
No Céu, todos terão vidas encantadas. Não haverá mais sofrimento, tristeza nem épocas quando vocês têm que “andar por fé” em meio a circunstâncias muito difíceis. Mas as virtudes que adquirirem agora com essas condições difíceis os acompanharão por toda a eternidade. Agora é sua chance de adquirir essas virtudes, através de experiências que só terá durante a sua vida na Terra. Embora haja dificuldades, elas geram lições preciosas, para todos que passam pelo fogo e suportam as provas.
Escolha aprender com cada experiência e período da sua vida; alcançar a excelência na escola da vida e vencer. E se vir alguém que parece ter uma vida mais tranquila, ou mais frutos, lembre-se que não sabe o que aconteceu na vida da pessoa nos bastidores. Todos passam por dificuldades e enfrentam desafios de crescimento. Talvez a pessoa tenha aprendido a esconder isso detrás de um sorriso, ou não esteja passando por esse tipo de situação. Lembre-se que não é possível ter a visão completa, ver ou entender tudo que envolve o processo de aprendizado na vida de cada um.
O que lhe cabe é fazer o melhor que pode com a vida que lhe foi dada. Quando chegar ao céu, entenderá como agi para o seu bem através de cada revés, desafio, perda e período difícil na sua vida. Ficará agradecido ao ver que toda situação que vivenciou teve o propósito de fortalecer a sua fé e moldar o seu caráter de uma maneira linda.

A jornada

Eu sempre o guio avante. Durante os tempos difíceis, a sua tendência é olhar para trás desejando a época quando sua vida parecia mais fácil e menos complicada. Sonha acordado com os tempos mais simples e os vê de maneira positiva. Até mesmo suas orações refletem o desejo de voltar no tempo para circunstâncias mais fáceis. Mas não é assim que guio a sua vida!
O tempo determina que uma viagem só segue adiante. A sua vida na terra é uma jornada, começando com o nascimento e terminando às portas do Céu. Eu sou o seu guia; a sua responsabilidade é Me seguir aonde Eu guiar. Às vezes o levo a lugares onde preferiria não ir, mas essa decisão cabe a Mim, o Deus que o salva.
Sou também o seu Pastor. Sempre o guio pelo melhor caminho possível, por mais doloroso ou confuso que pareça. Quando o seu caminho o leva por um vale de trevas e lutas, recorra à Mim por ajuda. Siga-me obedientemente e confie durante os períodos escuros e confusos. Minha doce presença o acompanha a cada passo da sua jornada. Conforme fica junto de Mim Eu lhe mostro o caminho adiante, e, pouco a pouco, transformo as suas trevas em Luz…  
Não se desespere nos momentos difíceis. Tente não fugir deles antes da hora. O cronograma fica por Minha conta! Existe um tempo para tudo, e um tempo para cada atividade sob os céus…
As estações da sua vida, ao contrário das quatro estações do ano, não são sequenciais ou previsíveis. Quando está triste, pode lhe parecer que assim será pelo resto da sua vida. Mas lembre-se que prometi ter compaixão. Assim é Meu grande e infalível amor que tenho por você!
Quando está sofrendo, você procura sinais da Minha misericordiosa presença. Até mesmo nos piores momentos, alguns raios de luz traspassam as nuvens tempestuosas, dando-lhe esperança e o reconfortando. O Meu amor infalível brilha sobre você constantemente. Olhe para Mim. Veja a Minha face reluzindo. Sou eternamente compassivo. A Minha compaixão se renova toda manhã.[2],[3]
A menos que indicado o contrário, texto publicado originalmente em maio de 2000. Adaptado e republicado em janeiro de 2020.

[1] Eclesiastes 3:1.
[2] Lamentações 3:32, 23.
[3] Sarah Young, Jesus Calling (Thomas Nelson, 2010).

Seasons of Life

Words from Jesus

Audio length: 8:39
Download Audio (7.9MB)
Have you ever asked yourself why it is that it looks like some people lead charmed lives? They seem to have great health, successful ministries, and a great family life, while other people seem to lead lives filled with trials and struggles on what looks like every side?
A simple answer would be that it isn’t wise to compare. While it’s true that you must learn to not compare, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes in every person’s life which is often unseen by others. If you understand that, it makes it easier for you to not compare.
Part of the answer is found in the wise words of Ecclesiastes, “To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”1 Not everyone goes through rough spots or difficult seasons at the same time, but everyone experiences them at some time. My children, who love Me and place their hope in Me, can be sure that their fellow believers also experience difficult seasons at some time in their lives.
No life is complete without seasons of suffering, sadness, and difficulty. I allow each person to experi­ence different sorts of difficulty and struggle because through these you learn to overcome. Through the experience of being at the end of yourselves, you learn to cling to Me and find My power and strength. It often takes desperation to bring you to that point, and often the desperation results from times of great difficulty.
If you are tempted to look at someone and think that they never seem to have many difficulties in life, at least not ones that are comparable to yours, you can be assured that everyone experiences difficulties, or they will yet.
What to you might look like the ideal life, ministry, or circumstances, to someone else may actually mean a life of great sacrifice. If you were to see inside another person’s heart or life in these situations, you would often see that they made great sacrifices to become what they needed to be in order to fill their role or receive those blessings—and they continue to sacrifice each day.
I see all the secret things of the heart that you cannot see. Some people seem to suffer greatly due to their circumstances, and yet have a wellspring of inner happiness and content­ment within them that exceeds that of others who face less challenging issues. You may be tempted to look at a blessed life as one that is more carefree or visibly successful with fewer problems, difficulties, or afflictions. I look at the blessed life as a full life—one that is rich in faith, depth of spirit, understanding, sacrificial love and concern for others, an intimate relationship with Me, inner spiritual strength, and a heart of compassion. Often these treasures of spirit, these priceless qualities, don’t come without trials, suffering, or surviving great difficulties that serve as teachers.
In heaven, everyone will lead charmed lives. There will be no more suffering, sadness, or times when you have to “walk by faith” through very difficult circumstances. But the attributes you gain through those difficult conditions in this life will be with you for eternity. Your time in this life is your chance to gain those virtues, through experiences which you will only have on earth. Although there are difficulties, they lead to precious lessons learned by all who pass through the fire and endure the tests.
Choose to learn from every experience and season in life, to excel in the school of life and overcome. And if you see someone who seems to have it easier or have more to show for their efforts, remember that you don’t know what has gone on behind the scenes in his or her life. Each person experiences difficulties and faces challenging opportunities for growth. Maybe they’ve learned to hide it behind a smile, or maybe they’re not in that season of life now. Remember that you can’t have the complete picture and you can’t see or understand everything that goes into the making of each person’s life.
Your part is to do the best you can with the life that I’ve given you. When you get to heaven, you’ll understand how I worked every single struggle, challenge, loss, and difficult season of your life for your good. You’ll be thankful when you see how every cross that you bore in life was designed perfectly to strengthen your faith and to round out your character in a beautiful way.

The journey forward

I always lead you forward. When you are going through hard times, you tend to look back longingly at seasons when your life seemed easier, less complicated. You daydream about those simpler times—looking at them through rose-colored lenses. Even your prayers reflect this yearning to go back to earlier, easier circumstances. But this is not My way for you!
Because of the nature of time, there is only one direction to travel, and that is forward. Your life on earth is a journey—beginning at birth and ending at the gates of heaven. I am your guide, and your responsibility is to follow Me wherever I lead. Sometimes I take you to places you would rather not go, but this is My prerogative as your Savior-God.
I am also your Shepherd. I always lead you along the best possible path—no matter how painful or confusing it may be. When your path takes you through a dark valley and you are struggling, look to Me for help. Follow Me obediently, trusting Me in the midst of darkness and confusion. I am tenderly present with you each step of your journey. As you stay close to Me, I show you the way forward. Little by little, I turn your darkness into Light…
So do not despair when hard times come your way, and do not try to escape them prematurely. Timing is My prerogative! There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...
Unlike the four seasons of the year, the seasons of your life are not orderly or predictable. When you are grieving, you may feel as if sorrow will accompany you the rest of your days. But remember that I have promised to show compassion. So great is My unfailing Love for you!
When you are suffering, search for signs of My merciful Presence. Even during your darkest days, streaks of Light break through the storm clouds—providing hope and comfort. My unfailing Love shines upon you always. Look up to Me and see My Face shining down upon you. I never run out of compassions. They are new every morning.2,3
Originally published May 2000, unless otherwise indicated. Adapted and republished January 2020. 

1 Ecclesiastes 3:1.
2 Lamentations 3:32, 23.
3 Sarah Young, Jesus Calling (Thomas Nelson, 2010).

Monday, January 27, 2020

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020



O Novo Testamento fala sobre o uso de nossa mente durante todo o processo da conversão para o cristianismo, crescimento e obediência. O assunto é mencionado pelo menos dez vezes no Livro dos Atos. Lucas diz que a estratégia de Paulo era “dialogar” com as pessoas para tentar convertê-las e ajudá-las a crescer na fé.[1] E Paulo disse aos Coríntios que preferiria falar cinco palavras com a sua mente de modo a instruir outros do que dez mil palavras em línguas.[2] …
Em 2 Timóteo 2:7 ele diz: “Reflita no que estou dizendo, pois o Senhor lhe dará entendimento em tudo”. A interpretação deste versículo difere bastante entre as pessoas. Algumas salientam o trecho “reflita no que estou dizendo”, enfatizando a questão de pensar e racionalizar, sem, no entanto, dar a devida importância à participação sobrenatural de Deus em capacitar a mente a ver e aceitar a verdade. Outras enfatizam a segunda parte do versículo, “pois o Senhor lhe dará entendimento em tudo”, salientando que raciocinar sem o insight divino não adianta para nada. “O Senhor lhe dará entendimento”.
Paulo, porém, não se deixa dividir nessa questão. Ele não diz ou um ou outro, mas ambos“Reflita no que estou dizendo, pois o Senhor lhe dará entendimento em tudo…” A orientação é que devemos pensar no que ele diz; usar nossa mente e capacidade de raciocínio ao ouvirmos a palavra de Deus.
Jesus advertiu sobre o que acontece se não o fizermos, e a bênção que recebemos se o fizermos. Na parábola sobre as sementes nos diferentes tipos de solo Ele diz: “Quando alguém ouve a mensagem do Reino e não a entende, o Maligno vem e lhe arranca o que foi semeado em seu coração”.[3] Entender com a mente não é opcional, pois nossa vida depende disso. Sobre a semente que caiu em boa terra, Ele diz: “Este é aquele que ouve a palavra e a entende, e dá uma colheita de cem, sessenta e trinta por um”.[4]
É isso mesmo, devemos usar a nossa mente; exercitar o raciocínio durante o processo de proclamar, explicar e confirmar o Evangelho. É indispensável batalharmos pela fé confiada aos santos.[5]
Conforme usamos nosso poder mental renovado em favor de Cristo, devemos orar, como Paulo, para que o Espírito Santo esteja presente na pregação do Evangelho e que o Deus que disse, “das trevas resplandeça a luz” atue no coração dos que ouvem e “brilhe em nossos corações, para iluminação do conhecimento da glória de Deus na face de Cristo”. Só assim será criado o verdadeiro cristão que “considera tudo como perda, comparado com a suprema grandeza do conhecimento de Cristo Jesus, meu Senhor”. —John Piper[6]

Amando a Deus com nossa mente

Jesus disse que devemos amar Deus “com todo o coração, com toda a alma e com toda a mente.”[7] Observe que não se referiu somente ao coração e à alma, mas também à mente. Deus concedeu faculdades mentais aos seres humanos. Criou-nos capazes de raciocínio, crescimento intelectual, pensamento crítico e inferências. Além disso, dotou-nos da consciência como guia para fazermos as escolhas moralmente corretas.
O apóstolo Paulo disse, “Algumas pessoas pensam que certos dias são mais importantes do que outros, enquanto que outras pessoas pensam que todos os dias são iguais. Cada um deve estar bem firme nas suas convicções.”[8] E, no mesmo discurso, adicionou: “O que não se baseia na fé é pecado”.[9] Ele estava ensinando a importância de explorarmos nossas crenças para determinarmos o que acreditamos ser certo e errado com respeito às coisas. Analisar, discutir e debater doutrinas pode proporcionar exercícios saudáveis para a fé, pois exigem que nos aprofundemos nas nossas crenças e encontremos a fundação escritural que as sustenta.
Obviamente, o uso de nossas faculdades mentais e do raciocínio crítico não tem a finalidade de enfraquecer a fé. Apesar de ser o que acontece em alguns casos, em outros, a reflexão propositada sobre o que acreditar fortalece a fé. A diferença está na abordagem escolhida para o processo de questionamento. Paulo, Santo Agostinho, Martinho Lutero, C.S. Lewis e muitos outros grandes pensadores cristãos usaram a razão e a lógica para fortalecerem a fé própria, dos demais e ampliar o entendimento da doutrina, ajudando a formatar a fé e os pontos de vista intelectuais do cristianismo.
Podemos usar nossas habilidades intelectuais para glorificar Deus e afirmar nossa fé, assim como quaisquer outros recursos e talentos que Ele nos deu. Podemos usar nossas mentes para amar mais a Deus, segundo a instrução de Jesus, e usar nossas habilidades intelectuais para encontrar o lugar que Ele designou para nós neste mundo, ampliando nossos conhecimentos, compreensão da humanidade e muito mais. Como acontece com as demais dádivas que nos concede, Deus espera que invistamos nossas habilidades mentais para gerar benefícios para nós mesmos e para os outros.—Maria Fontaine

A importância de amar a Deus com a nossa mente

O mundo criado por Deus é real e é bom. Fomos criados à semelhança de Deus com a capacidade de raciocinar, sentir e agir. Fomos também criados para reagir a um Deus real, a pessoas de verdade, e ter domínio sobre a natureza. Fomos criados para responder à realidade. O pecado sem dúvida distorce nossa percepção da realidade; nosso conhecimento é limitado, no entanto, temos como discernir objetivamente o que é bom, verdadeiro e real.
Deus nos concedeu a habilidade de saber por um propósito. Em Mateus 22:37, Cristo nos pede para amarmos a Deus de todo o nosso coração, de toda a nossa alma, e de todo o nosso entendimento. Infelizmente, a mente é desvalorizada não apenas na cultura, mas, surpreendentemente, até mesmo na igreja.
Alguns talvez pensem que é possível amar a Deus demais com a mente. Eu, porém, acho que é possível amar pouco a Deus com o coração ou a alma.
2 Coríntios 10:5 diz que devemos “Destruir argumentos e toda pretensão que se levanta contra o conhecimento de Deus”, e “levar cativo todo pensamento, para torná-lo obediente a Cristo”. A primeira parte deste versículo enfatiza mais a tarefa negativa ou crítica de refutar objeções à fé ou a sistemas alternativos de pensamento. A segunda parte salienta a tarefa positiva de levar cativo todo pensamento a Cristo…
É importante notar que o conhecimento bíblico engloba mais do que o aspecto cognitivo; envolve intimidade e responsabilidade.
A palavra hebraica para conhecimento é yatha, a mesma usada em Gênesis quando diz que Adão conheceu sua esposa. Esse conhecimento com certeza ultrapassa a intimidade sexual. No Salmo 1:6 diz que, “o Senhor conhece o caminho do justo”. O nosso conhecimento leva à intimidade pessoal com Deus.
É interessante notar que a palavra grega para “ouvir” é akuo, e “obedecer” é hupakuo—que significa literalmente “ouvir intensamente”, ou prestar bem atenção. Portanto, ouvir com atenção é obedecer. Alguns ouvem, mas não entendem, assim como alguns veem, mas não percebem. Não é de admirar que aqueles que redigiram a Bíblia muitas vezes dizem: “Aquele que tem ouvidos para ouvir, ouça”. Uma coisa é deixar uma verdade entrar por um ouvido e sair pelo outro, diferentemente de deixar a palavra de Deus entrar nos seus ouvidos, passar para o seu coração e atuar por meio de seus membros.
Vamos nos dedicar a conhecer intimamente Deus de maneira que o resultado seja desfrutarmos dEle e O glorificarmos (sentimento), trabalhando alegremente na obra do Seu reino (ação).—Art Lindsley[10]
Publicado no Âncora em janeiro de

[1] Atos 17:2, 4, 17; 18:4, 19; 19:8, 9; 20:7, 9; 24:25.
[2] 1 Coríntios 14:19.
[3] Mateus 13:19 NVI.
[4] Mateus 13:23 NVI.
[5] Judas 3 NVI.
[7] Mateus 22:37.
[8] Romanos 14:5 NVI.
[9] Romanos 14:23 NVI.

The Life of Prayer!

The life of prayer can be one of excitement, because you never know how great the results of your prayers will be. Such little time invested, with such monumental outcomes! Something so little as prayer can be multiplied over and over in the lives of the people you pray for.
As you put forth your efforts and investment of time in prayer and you call on My Spirit to intervene in situations and influence the hearts and lives of people, it comes back to you in the form of joy, answers, healing, open doors, supply, and on and on it goes.
Part of availing yourself of My promises of the power of prayer is being proactive in your prayers. Commit the needs, goals, and progress of the future to Me in full faith, knowing that I will hear your every prayer and the answers will come at just the right moment, when they are most needed.
What better preparations could you make for any project, program, or achievement than to commit every detail, advance preparations, and outcome to Me? In doing so, you are placing your trust in Me to prepare the way in advance, in the way that I know will be best before you even get there. Instead of being “reactive” to situations as they happen, you can be thinking, planning, praying, and committing them to Me in advance.
There are many times that you will pray reactive prayers, as you respond to the everyday problems, challenges, and situations that arise. But if you commit time to praying proactively, you will open your heart and mind to what lies ahead and what is needed to resolve issues before they become problems.
When you pray proactively you project yourself into the future, and as you do this, I’m able to speak to your heart about what you should pray for. What do you want to see Me do in your life, ministry, and work? What answers to prayer are needed in order to make progress? What progress is needed in your life and relationships with others? Where do you want to be in the future, what have I called you to do? Think ahead, pray about it, project into the future, and then keep praying as I continue to guide you step by step.
It’s never too soon to start praying for something. As you pray in advance, you’ll find the path before you will be clearer, and you’ll be better prepared for the problems and challenges you will face.
Prayers that are full of faith for the future begin the work that is needed to pave the way—setting up events, changing hearts, lives, and minds; organizing logistics. By the time you personally arrive in that future, the most important work has been done, and you can do your part to walk through the doors that are standing wide open for you due to the prayers you sent ahead of time.
Do you like to be prepared? Are you the kind of person who likes to think and plan ahead so that things run smoothly? If so, take those desires for organization and smooth running and translate them into proactive prayers. Don’t just think, pray! Turn your thoughts into proactive prayers. Define the need, claim it in prayer‚ and count it done.

A relationship, not a ritual

When My disciples came to Me and said, “Lord, teach us to pray,” I gave them a model prayer, an example to follow so that they could pray. I didn’t do all the praying for them. So likewise you also must learn to pray without ceasing and to seek My face, and I will answer and speak to your hearts.
In My love for you I answer your prayers and I give you the guidance you seek. It pleases Me that you seek Me. Continue in all your ways to seek Me, and I will lead and guide you and manifest My love to you. I love to lead, guide, and instruct you, so that we can walk together and you can be My hands, My heart, My eyes, and My love to those around you.
So pray without ceasing! Keep the prayer fires burning! Difficult situations require more earnest prayers, and sometimes you must keep fanning the flame, keep fueling the fire, so that it won’t go out. Keep the fires burning until the desired results are met.
Be earnest and fervent, not rigid in your prayers or formal and stiff. Come to Me with enthusiasm and fervor. I seek a relationship with you, not a ritual. I want your heart and your love!

Hope for the future

Take time to meditate on My unfailing Love. For I am your God forever and ever; I will be your Guide even to the end. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you meditate on My loving Presence—to bring your mind back to Me whenever it wanders. Encourage yourself with the words of the patriarch Jacob: “Surely the Lord is in this place.” Rejoice that I am your God forevermore—today, tomorrow, and throughout all eternity.
I am also your Guide. It is easy to be spooked by the future when you forget that I am leading you each step along your life-path. Ever since you trusted Me as Savior, My guiding Presence has been available to you. I am training you to be increasingly aware of Me as you go about your daily activities.
You can draw near to Me at any time simply by whispering My Name. Later, when you have more time, bring Me your prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Relax in the wondrous assurance that I am your Guide even to the end.
Christian hope is strongly linked to My Presence—which is with you now and throughout eternity. So the more aware you are of My Presence, the more hopeful you will feel. Even though you believe that I am with you always, there may be times when you feel distant from Me. This diminishes your hopefulness.
Do not hesitate to ask for My help. For instance, you can simply pray, “Jesus, keep me aware of You.” This prayer is so short and simple that you can use it as often as needed.
Sometimes you limp through a day feeling empty and alone. But I say to you at such times, “You do not have because you do not ask.”
Hoping in Me is the most realistic way to live because of who I am. Since I am the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, nothing can thwart My promises. As you marvel at how great, glorious, and trustworthy I am, your praises will fill you with hope—and with rich awareness of My Presence.1
Published on Anchor January 2020.

1 Sarah Young, Jesus Today (Thomas Nelson, 2012

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