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Monday, September 23, 2024

Moving Toward the 7 Year Biblical Pact?

World Leaders Adopt Pivotal Pact at Summit for the Future!

Dennis Edwards

In the article below, we see that progress seems to be being made toward the forming of a One World Government. The United Nations met yesterday and is meeting today to push forward its move toward a more just Global governance. Will the Summit of the Future taking place today build the foundation for the Global Antichrist World Government predicted in Bible prophecy?

The Bible warns that in the last days a global pact will be made by the nations which seems to involve the situation in the Middle East. The pact will be for a seven year period and will be confirmed by many, perhaps the United Nations. As a result of the pact, the Jewish people will renew sacrificial worship on the Temple Mount. We speculate, therefore, that some provision in the pact will be made for the Palestinian people in order for Israel to be allowed to use the Temple Mount. At the moment Israel is not allowed to use the Mount for religious purposes. The prophecies that talk about the "pact" are found in Daniel 9:27, Daniel 8, Daniel 11:21-45, especially 11:30-32. 

In Revelation 17, we see the destruction of Babylon, the seventh world empire of Biblical chronology from which comes forth the final Antichrist world government, the eighth. See Revelation 17:10-18. In Daniel 2 we find the overview of the kingdoms of the world from the time of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. Before Babylon were Egypt and Assyria, two kingdoms. From Babylon we have had Medio-Persia, Greece, Rome and the present One World Government that is forming under the guidance of the United Nations. That makes a total of seven kingdoms. 

But the United Nations is still without authority to mandate its decisions and the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council have veto power over any decision made by the entire body. In order for a truly democratic world, these 5 nations must have limited power over the rest. The present United Nations Summit for the Future is moving us closer to having that One World Government out of which will arise the final Antichrist government, the eighth. Step by step the building is being formed to bring on the last days which Jesus warned us of in his message in Matthew 24. 

We will have world government which will lead to the Antichrist and finally the Great Tribulation of the last days, the rapture, and the horrific 75 days of wrath of God. Hold onto your hat, your Bible, and your faith. We could be in for quite a ride. Read the article below to find out what happened yesterday.

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly adopted a “Pact for the Future” to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Now comes the hard part: uniting the world’s divided nations to move quickly to implement its 56 actions.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres thanked the 193-member world body for approving the pact and unlocking the door for nations to join forces to tackle challenges ranging from climate change and artificial intelligence to escalating conflicts and increasing inequality and poverty — and improve the lives of the world's more than 8 billion people.

“We are here to bring multilateralism back from the brink,” he said. “Now it is our common destiny to walk through it. That demands not just agreement, but action.”

The 42-page pact was adopted at Sunday’s opening of a two-day “Summit of the Future,” which continues Monday. Among leaders slated to address the summit are Iran's Masoud Pezeshkian, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin.

Whether the pact would be adopted was still a question when the assembly meeting began on Sunday. In fact, there was so much suspense that Guterres had three prepared speeches, one for approval, one for rejection, and one if things weren’t clear, U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

Russia’s Vershinin launched the opening salvo. He proposed an amendment that would have significantly watered down the pact. “No one is happy with this pact,” he said.

It turned out he was wrong. Africa’s 54 nations opposed Russia’s amendments and speaking on their behalf, the Republic of Congo countered with a motion not to vote on the amendments. Mexico supported the Africans, and in a vote on their motion, the Africans got support from 143 countries,, with only six countries supporting Russia -- Iran, Belarus, North Korea, Nicaragua, Sudan and Syria. 15 countries abstained.

Assembly President Philémon Yang then put the pact to a vote and banged his gavel, signifying the consensus of all U.N. member nations that was required for approval — to vigorous applause.

Russia has made significant inroads in Africa -- in countries like Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Central African Republic -- and the continent’s rejection of its amendments along with Mexico, a major Latin American power, was seen as a blow to Moscow by some diplomats and observers.

Guterres, clearly relieved at the outcome, then issued a challenge to the leaders: Implement the pact. Prioritize dialogue and negotiations. End “wars tearing our world apart” from the Middle East to Ukraine and Sudan. Reform the powerful U.N. Security Council. Accelerate reforms of the international financial system. Ramp up a transition from fossil fuels. Listen to young people and include them in decision-making.

The U.N.’s main bloc of developing countries — the Group of 77, which now has 134 members, including China — echoed Guterres in a speech by Ugandan Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja.

“This pact should not become another futile exercise, but must garner political will and commitment across all levels of global leadership to pragmatically address current issues and lay a foundation for solutions for our future global progress and challenges,” he said. 

Nabbanja stressed that the future should be “free from any oppression” and close widening gaps between developed and developing countries The G77 regrets that the pact doesn’t recognize actions that developed countries should take to close the gap, he said. 

In a rare move at a high-level U.N. meeting where leaders often exceed the announced time limit, Yang announced at the start of their speeches that they would be muted after five minutes. Among those who kept talking after their mics were silenced: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Kuwait’s Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al Sabah and Irish President Michael Higgins. 

The Pact for the Future says world leaders are gathering “at a time of profound global transformation,” and it warns of “rising catastrophic and existential risks” that could tip people everywhere “into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.” 

Guterres singled out a number of key provisions in the pact and its two accompanying annexes, a Global Digital Compact and Declaration on Future Generations. 

The pact commits world leaders to reform the 15-member Security Council, to make it more reflective of today’s world and “redress the historical injustice against Africa,” which has no permanent seat, and to address the under-representation of the Asia-Pacific region and Latin America. 

It also “represents the first agreed multilateral support for nuclear disarmament in more than a decade,” Guterres said, and it commits “to steps to prevent an arms race in outer space and to govern the use of lethal autonomous weapons.” 

The Global Digital Compact “includes the first truly universal agreement on the international governance of artificial intelligence,” the U.N. chief said. 

As for human rights, Guterres said, “In the face of a surge in misogyny and a rollback of women’s reproductive rights, governments have explicitly committed to removing the legal, social and economic barriers that prevent women and girls from fulfilling their potential in every sphere.” ___[Dennis: the last point here is the push to have an international protection for "women's reproductive rights." Because the New World Order uses the "Doublespeak" that George Orwell spoke of in his prophetic novel "1984," it's hard for us to properly understand what is being said. It all sounds nice and dandy. However, "women's reproductive rights" translates into the right to have an abortion. The right to kill ones child before it's born. "Girls fulfilling their potential in every sphere" means, girls having the right to not reproduce and raise a family, but rather to join the work force in some place and fulfil a calling other than motherhood.]

Edith M. Lederer, chief U.N. correspondent for The Associated Press, has covered foreign affairs for more than a half-century. See more of AP's coverage of the U.N. General Assembly at 

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. 

Dennis Edwards: You can watch the live broadcast below. If you cannot watch the whole thing, watch the Representative from Finland give his 5 minutes speech. At 2 hours 23 minutes the representative got an applause from the member states for his comment on the reform of the Security Council he will put forth on Wednesday. Adding 5 new permanent members to the security council: 1 from South America, 2 from Africa, and 2 from Asia. He also will recommend that the power of veto of the 5 permanent members will be abolished and if any member of the Security Council disobeys the opinion of the whole, it will lose their vote on the Council. He received an applause, the only applause I can remember hearing. 

The prospect is to take the power away from America, Russia, China, UK, and France and distribute it to the world of nations. No one nation will be able to veto a United Nation proposal as in the past when America or UK protected Israel and vetoed legislation in favour of the Palestinians. It's a New World Order more equitable and just bringing peace and prosperity to the nations. Or so they propose. But the heart of man is desperately wicked and the new utopia will bring in the Man of Perdition and Great Tribulation, the Rapture and Armageddon. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Another interesting tip-bit I heard on another channel is that Guterres term of office is almost at its end. His term will end sometime in 2025 or 2026. Who will be the next head of the United Nations when these new adjustments in the United Nations and its power structure may come into operation? The speculation is that Obama is vying for the position. He could then become head of the new strong United Nations with a power and authority to implement the decisions of the Global government. If we are understanding the scriptures properly, the Global government is Babylon the Whore of Revelation 17 and 18, the seventh world power. The eighth world government is of the Antichrist and comes out or takes over the world government set up as the seventh. The destruction of Babylon the Whore, the seventh Global government, is from the hand of the Antichrist and the ten nations that join with him. We see that both Babylon the Whore and the Antichrist governments are antichrist in nature. They are like two mafia gangs which finally have a go at each for control of the territory. During the thousands of years, Babylon the Whore which has ridden on the backs of the political/military empires of the world, was permitted to continue as long as God’s people from Abraham to Christianity were given leave to flourish in some form. However, in these last days, Babylon will persecute God's people and lose it right for existence and God will be righteous in judging her. It looks as if God will use the Antichrist to judge Babylon and then He Himself will judge the Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon. 


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