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This week a seismic event in international
politics shook the world like an earthquake as 157 Nations voted overwhelmingly
at the United Nations General Assembly to implement or force the two-state
solution on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Now this isn't just
some boring political manoeuvre, like so many of things are. It will confirm that the tribulation (the Last Seven Years) has begun. For those who study biblical prophecy, Daniel 9:27 written over two Millennia ago, appears to be continuing to unfold before our very eyes. Let's refresh your memory of what Daniel 9:27 truly says. Daniel 9:27 is the primary verse that, after all, marks how the final seven years of man's rule on Earth begins. This seven-year period is also popularly known as the tribulation (the Last Seven Years) or Daniel's 70th week, and during that period, Jesus will return to reward the Saints and punish the wicked.
Of concern to many of course,
is that this seven-year period is also the greatest time of persecution and
trial that the world has ever known. So, we're not just talking about some
minor thing here, but the start of a tribulation (Last Seven Years) with the
greatest fulfilment of Prophecy in 1950 years. It is something absolutely
everyone listening to this video needs to pay attention to.
So, what does this verse truly say? It says something different than most English-speaking Christians realize. According to a dozen of the world's most well-known scholars on ancient Hebrew in the Old Testament, this verse should begin to read like this: “He will cause to strengthen or enforce a secular Covenant on both the Jews and the Gentiles for a period of seven years.” Yes, that is different than many of your English Bibles read, and is completely different than popular movies like “Left Behind” want to portray.
We explained why those Bibles get this verse wrong and that the experts are correct about this verse in this previous video. You can check it out at the end of this one. This is Bible teacher Nelson Walters, and as we explained during the fall of this year, this verse means that, the “he” in this verse, most likely the Antichrist, will cause a pre-existing Covenant to be enforced for seven years. the Antichrist will not make a covenant. He won't even enforce it. He will cause it to be enforced, and that means he will be able to do it covertly, behind the scenes, if he wants to, and I'm pretty sure that's exactly what is happening.
We know from 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4, that the Antichrist is not revealed until he sits in the temple of God on the Temple Mount. So, we can't figure out who he is from this recent event, but that doesn't mean that Daniel 9:27 hasn't started to be fulfilled. Okay, so what's this Covenant that the Antichrist will cause to be enforced? We believe it is “The Pact for the Future” that the UN already approved in September 2024, the most powerful secular Covenant of all time. It's the pre-existing Covenant. The enforcement started one week later when 90 Nations formed an alliance to begin to force Israel to divide their land. This took place on the Feast of trumpets in October. So that the enforcement can take place for the entire 7-year period just as the prophecy says. This 90 Nation group has met twice already and now 157 Nations have voted to force this upon Israel. They have voted to meet in June 2025 to finalize the two-state solution.
Obviously, things are going to happen between now and then but that will see the finalization. Additionally, Trump is now in office who with Muhammad Ben Salman were the first to initially suggest a two-state plant back in 2017 and both the Hamas leaders have now been eliminated, so there won't be any Palestinian opposition. Only, only Israel will stand against the world at this meeting and frankly by that time I don't think they'll have any will left to stop the process. So for all these reasons we believe with 95% certainty that the seven-year tribulation or 70th week of Daniel began in October. We saw the Covenant with the many and it began to be enforced on the first day of the Hebrew year and now in June the dividing of Israel will be finalized.
Nelson, you might say, how can you say that? The meeting doesn't happen until June, the dividing of Israel might never happen. Well, you're correct, it might not. That is why we say it's with 95% certainty. If a peace plan doesn't take place in the next year or so, well, then we were mistaken. However, it looks very ominous right now. The scale of support for this UN resolution, with only eight countries voting against it. is overwhelming. Among them by the way were the United States, Israel, Hungary, and a few Pacific Island nations. This underscores the unparalleled level of international alignment against Israel, and for this plan, and you know, that's a precursor that closely mirrors Daniel's words about enforcing a covenant involving many, 157, Nations, certainly, many. The whole world is Shifting in favour of this plan, yet for students of Bible Prophecy, this shouldn't be surprising.
Global opposition to Israel after all is described in Zechariah 12:3. “On that day when all the nations of the Earth are gathered against her I will make Jerusalem an immovable Rock for all the nations.” So, you can place June 2025 on your calendar as a potential date of extreme biblical importance. I'm placing it on mine. Where else is this Covenant mentioned in scripture? How about Isaiah 28:14-22 which describes a covenant similar to the one enforced in Daniel 9:27.
The passage speaks of the leaders of Israel, whom Isaiah accuses of making a quote “Covenant with death and an agreement with sheal,” which is the grave. By the way, the leaders seem to believe this Covenant will protect them from something called “the overwhelming Scourge or whip.” You know a Scourge is what they beat Jesus with on the day he was crucified. But Isaiah warns that it will instead bring destruction, because they don't trust God's true provision, God's true peace. “I have laid a stone in Zion a tested Stone a precious Cornerstone.” Isaiah 28:16. This implies that all these human efforts to establish peace, especially those outside of God's will, are doomed to fail.
Isaiah 28 and Daniel 9:27 share several striking thematic parallels that suggests they're likely discussing the same Covenant or at least related events. Let's look at them. They're both a covenant of deception. In Daniel 9:27 the Covenant involves many and appears to promise peace, but it leads to tribulation, right. In Isaiah 28 the leaders make a covenant with death believing it will protect them. But they're ultimately deceived and the Covenant fails. Daniel 9:27 Covenant is broken halfway through the tribulation unleashing chaos. Isaiah 28 describes an agreement that fails leaving the people vulnerable to disaster.
Finally, both passages emphasize in the end, it's God's intervention that will eventually save Israel. If Isaiah 28 does reference the same Covenant as Daniel 9:27, think about what that means in terms of this UN resolution that just passed this week, and the global push for two-state solution. The message is pretty clear to me. Any agreement that contradicts God's promise to Israel and his plan for his people will not stand. Just like 1 Thessalonians 5:3 says, “while they say peace and security,” and that happens to be the UN Motto by the way, “sudden destruction comes upon them and they will not escape.
So, what can we do here. Well, one we can start to pray for Israel, intercede for the Peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 and for wisdom for Israel's leaders as they navigate these unprecedented challenges, because there're still 6 months. I mean, this isn't finalized yet. This may not be the tribulation. There's still a 5% chance. We might as well pray for it, God's will to be done on Earth, as it is in heaven. But there's still a chance, and we can also educate others. This is like super important. We’ve got to share the prophetic significance that these events are having right now with your community just like I'm doing on this video with my community.
Almost everyone out there remains unaware of how closely these current events are lining up with Biblical prophecy. And of course, keep your eyes peeled for June 2025. But the prophetic clock's already ticking. This week's United Nations vote is more than just some kind of political Milestone. It's a prophetic marker. Daniel 9:27 is no longer a distant prediction. It's today's headline, which means, that the tribulation is also today's headline, which means, doesn't begin in June 2025 it may likely have already begun. And if it truly started in October, as we surmise, then the Antichrist is revealed in April 2028, just three and a half years from now. So as the world is going to rally around this illusion of Peace, those with eyes to see must recognize this as a fulfilment of Prophecy and move forward.
So where does that leave us? It means there's some more action steps for those of us with open eyes we are granted this time to be able to see this happen as a blessing, so that we can actually do something as we wait for June 2025 in the full confirmation that the tribulation truly has begun. We have to start acting now, as if it has begun. We have precious little time folks. The tribulation (the Last Seven Years), if it has indeed begun, demands readiness on all fronts. Think about it. You have got to prepare practically to withstand hardship, spiritually to grow closer to Christ, and emotionally to endure loss, because there will be a lot of loss.
Okay. let's look at some steps for physical preparation. They include stockpiling of basic necessities. Beginning to prepare a hiding place, such as a remote cabin or a trusted friend's property somewhere, where they can't find you. If June 2025 happens, as predicted, ensure that cabin's equipped with necessary resources for self-sufficiency for two (THREE) and a half years that you've got to be there. Learn survival skills like gardening, water purification, making shelters. All that could be invaluable and you got to start now. If you wait till the midpoint and you say, “Oh well, there's the Antichrist in the temple, I guess it's time to do something.” It’s too late. That's why the parable of the 10 virgins is important. (Matthew 25:1-13) Half of them, they weren't prepared and they didn't make it into God's wedding Feast. They didn't make it into heaven.
Strengthen your relationships with fellow Christians, because you're going to need them to support you spiritually and emotionally, just like you support them. Small trusted groups can also help you prepare practically and provide accountability. Remember churches are either going to be shut down or they're going to be government churches. The tribulation means accepting loss and endurance. The lifestyle many enjoy today is likely going to be stripped away. Emotional reliance is essential, if we're going to remain faithful in the face of that loss. Mentally we have got to accept that following Christ May cost you everything, your possessions, your house, your comfort, even your life.
Reflect on the apostles, and how they had joy, when they suffered for Jesus, Acts 5:41. Begin to you see your possessions now as temporary and expendable. So, you can begin to practice contentment and gratitude for what you have now, by giving some things away. And it is not a half bad idea to invest in things where you can make a difference. If you think it's this ministry, we have a lot of plans for things we want to do to spread the word. You have got to recognize that your eternal treasure is in heaven. Matthew 6:19- 21 and that outweighs anything earthly.
Okay, you’ve got to strengthen your faith through trials. “Now, remember count it all joy, Brethren, when you enter into all kind of trials, James 1:2.” Why? Because God uses trials to strengthen our faith. So treat everyday challenges as opportunities to build endurance and reliance on God. This prepares you to face great greater trials with unwavering faith in the future, because those trials are coming.
Talk openly with your loved ones about potential difficulties ahead. Encourage them to trust God's plan and his promises now, and remember that no matter how chaotic things appear now or in the future, God's in control. Let scriptures, like Romans 8:28, Isaiah 41:10, reassure you of his presence and his ultimate victory. You may not think this way as your preparing for yourself, but we also need to be a beacon of light amid the darkness. Many will be searching for answers as the world just spirals and spirals into chaos, and this will probably start a year from now, maybe a year and a half. We're going to start to see that second seal opened and it's going to get rough
Folks. So, share the gospel
boldly and compassionately now. Point others to Christ. He's their only hope
after all and use your resources and skills to assist those who are struggling,
even if it means personal sacrifice. Your possessions are going to be lost
anyway, right. So why not demonstrate God's love through action and it will
speak volumes, even if they don't respond now. When these things begin to
happen that are written in the scriptures, they'll remember and they will react.
So, encourage other Christians to remain steadfast, because in the parable of
the 10 virgins, 50% of those attending churches, are going to fall away. And
realize that we're going to have to do this secretly in the future. So, begin
planning for this now and pray for those who will be deceived by the Antichrist
in the world's systems.
Intercessory prayer, you know, it's a powerful tool. It is the most powerful thing in the world and it can bring others to Christ before it's too late and it soon will be too late. Jesus said, you know, to work now because night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4) and most importantly remember that God's grace is sufficient for everything. His promises are true and His victory is assured. Stay faithful, folks. He will see you through. Now a lot of this hinges on the fact that the Bible you hold in your hand right now may not be correct in terms of how the tribulation begins. Click right here to keep watching to see how a dozen biblical experts interpret Daniel 9:27 and why they believe theirs is the correct way and your Bibles is not. Until then, this is Nelson and I'll see you there.
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