Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

If I Were to Start My Life Again
By Christina Vernier

Toward the end of the year, as I review the year and set new goals, at times I think, “If I were to start my life again, what changes would I make?”
Love at the center

If I were to start my life again, one of the main goals I’d set is to do everything out of love.

After I got saved 40 years ago, I dedicated my life to the Lord and strove to be willing to do anything He asked of me. I should imagine that I would have become a more loving person. Yet after years of busy Christian service, mostly in the production of Christian literature, I felt that my life often seemed to revolve more around Christian service than love.

It was necessary to translate and produce Christian literature in a difficult Asian language, to help new converts of a totally different culture to understand faith and to ground their belief in the Lord. But I was a young convert and mother as well, and with all the busyness, I didn’t take time to tune into my own spiritual growth, let alone work on personal interaction skills with others. I was businesslike and had a temper. Looking back, I can see that I should have slowed down, taken on less, and cared for people around me a lot more.

I’ve learned that besides having good communion time with the Lord, I needed to make sure I had a daily exchange of wills with Him so that He’d be able to give me the love, joy, and peace that I needed, which I could in turn impart to folks around me. I should have let the Lord carry the load and let Him show me what to do step by step. It reminds me of the Anchor post “The Lamp.” I was burning the wick by relying too much on my own talent and organizational skill. Though I got a lot of work done, my relationship with others needed great improvement.

Well, it’s never too late for love, and the Lord has given me a new start. During the last few years, I have had a chance to start my life all over again. I’ve made a resolution to center my life on love and ask the Lord to check me whenever I’m going too fast spiritually, being businesslike, or starting to develop any attitude that’s not of Him. He’s so faithful. He’s been speaking to me, reminding me every step of the way.

He’s also given me a great victory in helping my actions to be based on love. Love permeates my thinking and attitude, and thus influences my actions. I still have a long way to go, but at least I feel the spirit of work doesn’t have a grip on me anymore. I catch myself thinking, “What can I do to obey the Lord more? What can I do for this person? How will my action or speech affect them?” It’s the beginning of a new life. Thank the Lord!

I do have to make some sacrifices. For example, in yielding to the Lord completely, I don’t always get to do what I’d like to do. At this time, the Lord is calling me to be an assistant to my husband and my son’s family, to put their happiness and ministries before my own. Seeing their faces beaming with happiness and fulfillment is a reward all in itself, not to speak of the peace and joy the Lord is rewarding me with daily.
Physical health

Ever since I was a child, I’ve mainly been into reading books and doing low-impact activities with my friends. After becoming a busy mom and working on translation, etc., I simply put exercising on the back burner.

I’d been working at a desk for 30 years, and due to aging and lack of calcium (as I can’t take in a lot of dairy products), my back developed a condition called “vertebrae degeneration.” I had osteoporosis and easily injured muscles. My body began developing a few other problems as well—possible diabetes, obesity, heart palpitations, and tendonitis. Was the Lord saying something to me? Yes. Besides using my body signals, He spoke to me in prophecy that it was time to get off the chair and do some exercise daily, to keep my “temple” in good shape so that I can enjoy health and long life.1

Seeing the good health my husband and my son enjoyed, all due to faithful exercise, motivated me to change. I might not be able to play basketball or soccer, but at least I could start doing some low-impact exercise such as swimming, aerobics, walking, and dancing.

I’m convicted that by not having developed good exercise habits from the time I was a child, I suffered all these ailments. I’ve been using myself as a dandy bad example to warn young people to build up their health so they can enjoy their lives more. The old adage “health is wealth” is so true.

I’m thankful that during the last few years the Lord has given me a chance to restart. People have commented that I look healthier and more radiant now. I feel much better too. This in turn has improved my mood. I feel more hopeful. As soon as a sad mood starts to set in, I just head out the door for a good walk, and the Lord’s sunshine, fresh air, and fragrant nature floods into my soul and being and chases away the shadows of unhappiness. Thank God!

These are the two areas of my life I am making changes in. Perhaps the Lord will show me more areas to renovate in the future. I pray this little article is a blessing for you, and I pray you’ll enjoy a happy New Year in His service and love!

1 See 1 Corinthians 3:16.


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