Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Oposição ou Oportunidade? Uma compilaçãoEu lhes disse essas coisas para que em mim vocês tenham paz. Neste mundo vocês terão aflições; contudo, tenham ânimo! Eu venci o mundo.—João 16:33*Conforme cumprimos fielmente a nossa missão de levar a mensagem ao mundo, podemos contar com oposição. Oposição e objeções são...

Different Gifts compilationAudio length: 9:17Download Audio (8.5MB)If you’re someone who looks around and sees others who are brighter than you, more eloquent, more skilled, more energetic, or who just seem “more” or “better” in a variety of ways, you’re not alone.The problem, though, is that that adds up to a lot...

A Question That Can Change Your Life

By Peter Bregman, ETR, Feb. 26, 2015 For years I’ve exercised every day—doing weights, cardio, yoga—but despite my continuous effort, I haven’t seen much change. Until a few months ago. Recently, my body has changed. My muscles are stronger, more defined, and I’ve lost five pounds along with a visible layer of fat. So what did I do differently? Let’s...

This filmmaker set out to win Sundance and got ‘saved’ instead Merritt, Religion News Service, Feb 20, 2015Brian Ivie, 24, grew up dreaming about making a film that would compete at Sundance Film Festival. When he stumbled on a 2011 Los Angeles Times article, “South Korean pastor tends an unwanted flock,” Ivie thought he found his way in.The article recounted...

Friday, February 27, 2015

Gang Members Shot Him Eight Times—An Angel Helped Save His Life Michael Ashcraft and Mark EllisWhen gang initiates shot musician Marcus Stanley eight times one night in 2004 on a Baltimore street, he feared that IF he lived, his music career was over.He played piano with R&B singer Chris Brown. He traveled...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

House Churches Swap Steeples For Sofas, And Say They’ve Never Been Closer

Eleanor Klibanoff, NPR, Feb. 22, 2015At most churches, it’s embarrassing to show up late. But if you arrive early at Greg Stultz’s church, you might interrupt the hosts’ last-minute preparations as they put away homework or toss shoes up the stairs.Stultz and his family are part of a house church. They typically meet on the Eastern Shore of Maryland,...

7 Habits of the Wealthy

By Jayson Demers, INC., Feb. 22, 2015 Are there habits wealthy people consistently practice that impact their success? Are there traits or strategies we can incorporate into our own day-to-day lives that can give us a better chance of financial success?In his book, Rich Habits—The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, Tom Corley suggests there...

Declarações Positivas para Combater a Negatividade FontaineEu gostaria de compartilhar algumas declarações edificadoras da fé, inspiradas pelo Senhor, que oro ajude a turbinar sua fé quando estiver combatendo a negatividade. A variedade é grande, mas se não tiver nenhuma que se encaixe perfeitamente na sua situação,...

Praise for Victory Words from Jesus Audio length: 9:45 Download Audio (8.9MB) Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.—1 Thessalonians 5:181 * In everything give praise, for this is My will concerning you. As you give thanks in everything, as you rejoice even in...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thoughts on Love to Meditate On Maria FontaineDownload Audio (11.8MB)Here are a few beautiful thoughts from Jesus that you can take a bit of time to stop and think about and meditate on. I know that as you do, He’ll give you ideas about how to put His love into practice. Even with everything going on, and little time, He’ll...

Pensamentos Sobre Amor Para Meditação FontaineSeguem-se alguns lindos pensamentos de Jesus nos quais pode pensar e refletir um pouco. Sei que se fizer isso, Ele lhe dará ideias de como colocar o Seu amor em prática. Mesmo com tudo que está acontecendo e do pouco tempo de que dispõe, Ele lhe mostrará como pode...

Monday, February 23, 2015

Walk Hard. Walk Easy. Repeat.

By Gretchen Reynolds, NY Times, February 19, 2015Intense, interval-style workouts—brief bouts of very hard exercise broken up by periods of recovery—have been shown to improve the health and fitness of people who exert themselves for only a few minutes a week. Such efficiency is alluring, and has helped this kind of conditioning attract widespread...

O Segredo da Videira compilação“Permaneçam em mim e eu permanecerei em vocês. Nenhum ramo pode dar fruto por si mesmo, se não permanecer na videira. Vocês também não podem dar fruto, se não permanecerem em mim. Eu sou a videira; vocês são os ramos. Se alguém permanecer em mim e eu nele, esse dá muito fruto;...

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