Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

You Don’t Have to Be Perfect
Words from Jesus

Audio length: 9:17
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Don’t be afraid of the weakness of your human nature, or your personality traits that you don’t like, because I work through these things to help you to come to Me, to depend on Me. These lacks help to keep you close to Me. I see the humility of spirit, the dependence on Me, and this is pleasing to Me.

I look at your heart above all, and I know that your heart is toward Me and desires to please Me. I know your desire is to serve Me to the best of your ability and to love Me with all your heart, mind, and spirit. And yet sometimes you fail, or think you fail. Sometimes you make mistakes, you don’t follow Me closely enough, or you don’t re­member to pray. You’re too slow or too fast, too busy, or you’re not as loving or giving as you feel you should be. These mistakes are a part of human nature.

When you forget to do something or fail or make a mistake, it doesn’t mean that you’re not doing well overall, or that you’re not trying to do all you can to please Me and serve Me. As long as you’re doing your best for Me and striving to be guided by My Word to the best of your ability, you can trust that I won’t allow you to make too big a mistake.

It’s good to try your best, to make the effort and do your best to be guided by My Word and Spirit. But know that when you slip and feel you don’t measure up, this isn’t a setback or failure in My eyes, if you allow Me to use it to teach you and strengthen you.

So even when you make mistakes, or don’t do as well as you could have in a certain area, or you fall short in loving others, don’t let the Enemy come in with condemnation. Rather use it as a steppingstone to humble yourself before Me, as you seek Me and continue to depend on Me. Then it will be a meaningful experience—one that I can use to draw you even closer to Me.

The transformation process

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. … Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart.”—2 Corinthians 3:18–4:11

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and there is none righteous, no, not one. The only righteousness a man has is that righteousness which I have put within him—the righteousness of love, My Spirit, My truth.

Many times following the path I’ve set before you is a struggle, because you’re still in the flesh, and the flesh wars against the Spirit. This is the struggle you have to endure during your days on earth—to continually let My Spirit reign in your heart. But as you try to live according to My Word—as you work to be led of My Spirit, you bring forth the fruits of the Spirit, the fruits of the spiritual life.

Yet it’s impossible to attain to the fullness of life by the Spirit, its totality, until you shed the life of the flesh and enter into the spiritual realm.2 But don’t feel bad or condemned when you miss the mark in some areas of your spiritual life. The goal is not to attain perfection. I don’t expect you to attain perfection, but I do wish for you to partake of as much of the life of the Spirit as possible so that you’ll be connected to Me and to My Spirit.

Continue to press toward the mark of the high calling I have set before you, even though you may stumble or fall sometimes. As long as you keep going, as long as you keep getting up, as long as you keep trying, you’re a success. You only fail when you don’t lean on Me for help, or when you don’t let Me pick you up and help you when you’ve fallen. When you realize what success is in My eyes, there can be no condemnation in Me, for I don’t condemn you.

Emphasizing the positive

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”—Philippians 3:12–143

Do you remember what Paul said right after his famous “O wretched man” cry? He then said, “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Despite his problems, trials, and failings, he thanked God anyway, and that helped him keep the victory. And then next he was able to say, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.”
You need to be thankful for all the good. You need to emphasize the positive and forget the negative. Look at all the progress you’ve made. You’re learning and growing. But the Enemy robs you of the joy in this when you look at what you’re not doing. He gets your eyes off the victories and on to the failures. But the victories are so much bigger than the failures.

It takes faith to not feel guilty. It takes faith to not be condemned and feel like a failure. It takes faith in My Word, and in the knowledge that if you follow Me the best you can, I will be pleased. In the last analysis, that’s what it comes down to—trust and faith in Me.

If you have too negative a view of yourself, you won’t be able to believe that I can do mighty works through you. You won’t be able to trust that I’m changing you, and you can lose heart and stop trying. People thrive on encouragement, caring words, inspiration, and the motivation that I will do it and that I love them.

Seek out the good in others, seeing them and their possibilities and potential with eyes of love and understanding. Without encouragement, a person can lose heart. Without appreciation and words of commendation, people feel like giving up. But if someone comes along and says, “You’re doing a good job! I’m thankful for you,” then that person musters the courage to keep on going. People often need some encour­agement and appreciation, and that will go a long way toward helping them believe that they’re making it, and that they can make it. People need the Gospel in shoe leather.

Depending on Me

I have called you out of darkness into My marvelous light.4 I brought you not only out of darkness but also into My royal family. I clothed you with My own robe of righteousness—making you fit for My kingdom.5 You are one of My own special people: You belong to Me, and I delight in you.

I have chosen to use imperfect ones like you to proclaim My praises. I know you cannot do this as well as you would like. The truth is, without My help, you cannot do it at all. This gap between My call on your life and your ability to respond is part of My plan. It heightens your awareness of your utter insufficiency. Because you are Mine, I allow you to connect your deep inadequacy to My utter sufficiency.

Instead of focusing on your imperfection, make every effort to stay connected with Me. The more you depend on My resources, the more you can celebrate My majesty. In whatever you do, consistently rely on My help—living in the joyous wonder of self-forgetfulness. As you look to Me continually, your face will reflect the light of My surpassing glory.6

Originally published January 2001, unless otherwise indicated. Adapted and republished July 2014. Read by Jerry Paladino. Music by Michael Dooley.

1 ESV.

2 Galatians 5:16.

3 NIV.

4 1 Peter 2:9.

5 Isaiah 61:10.

6 Sarah Young, Jesus Lives (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009).


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