Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Every Real Scientist Believes in Evolution!

By Dennis Edwards:

Maybe you've read or heard the above quote in the opposite context that a "real" scientist would never believe in the Bible account of a six-day creation around 6,000 years ago. But on my desk I have a copy in English and in Portuguese of the book In Six Days: Why 50 (Ph.D.) Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, complied and edited by John F. Ashton. These scientists from a why variety of fields of learning are not ashamed to be considered creationists. Neither am I. Recently a friend of mine did a presentation of the creation point of view showing three areas in science which negate the traditional evolutionary view. 

The first was the problem trying to synthesize creation with evolution. It just doesn't work. It's either one or the other. Christian doctrine is based on the truth of the Genesis account. Jesus made reference to it. He said when asked about divorce,

And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him.
And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you? 
And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife.

Jesus believed in the Creation account of Genesis. Elsewhere He spoke of Noah's Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah as literal events. If evolution and millions of years are true, then we have millions of years of death and dying before the first human. Whereas the Bible states that God made the first human out of the dust of the ground. The Bible also states that it was the disobedience of the first couple that brought death into the world. Mankind's need for a Redeemer comes from this first act of disobedience by the very first human beings.

The evolutionary story is totally different with mankind developing slowly over millions of years of chance mutations preserved by natural selection to transform living pond scum into human beings. Both stories can't be right. If evolution is true and the Genesis account is only allegorical. Jesus was therefore deceived in His belief in the Genesis account or He lied. In either case, He wouldn't be whom He claimed to be and Christianity is false. You see if you discredit Genesis you discredit the whole reason for Jesus' existence and you make salvation a none-event, not necessary. If there is no fall of man in the Garden of Eden, then there is no need for a Redeemer, for a Messiah. It all just becomes a story for children and pious woman. 

Michael Denton, research biologist in his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis has written, 

As far as Christianity was concerned, the advent of the theory of evolution and the elimination of traditional theological thinking was catastrophic. ... Despite the attempt by liberal theology to disguise the point, the fact is that no biblically derived religion can really be compromised with the fundamental assertion of Darwinian theory. Chance and design are antithetical concepts, and the decline in religious belief can probably be attributed more to the propagation and advocacy by the intellectual and scientific community of the Darwinian version of evolution than to any other single factor. (see)

Watch Ray Comfort question professors and university students over the evidence for evolution. 


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