Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No te preocupes
Palabras de Jesús

Les digo que no se preocupen por la vida diaria, si tendrán suficiente alimento y bebida, o suficiente ropa para vestirse. ¿Acaso con todas sus preocupaciones pueden añadir un solo momento a su vida? […] Esas cosas dominan el pensamiento de los incrédulos, pero su Padre celestial ya conoce todas sus necesidades. Busquen el reino de Dios por encima de todo lo demás y lleven una vida justa, y Él les dará todo lo que necesiten. Así que no se preocupen por el mañana, porque el día de mañana traerá sus propias preocupaciones. Los problemas del día de hoy son suficientes por hoy. Mateo 6:25, 27, 32-34[1]


La máxima protección para evitar hundirse en las tormentas de la vida es cultivar una amistad conmigo. Sin embargo, desperdicias mucho tiempo al preocuparte por las tormentas que ves que se forman en el horizonte de tu vida. En el pasado, muchas tormentas que pensabas que se aproximaban cambiaron de dirección y nunca llegaron a ti. Aunque algunas sí llegaron, en muchos casos ya habían perdido gran parte de su fuerza para cuando llegaron a ti. Te exhorto a que no te concentres en las dificultades que tal vez vayan en dirección a ti y que veas Mi Presencia, que siempre estoy contigo.

Nunca encontrarás seguridad al tratar de prever todas las tormentas que tal vez algún día lleguen a ti. Recuerda que Yo controlo la atmósfera de tu vida. Confía en Mí, relájate y deja tus inquietudes a Mi cuidado, que soy capaz. Me entristece ver que te obsesionas con los problemas que quizá se presenten, en vez de encomendarme esos asuntos. Cuando te encuentres ansiosamente escudriñando el horizonte de tu vida, que eso sea un recordatorio para que busques Mi rostro. No me encontrarás en la distancia. Estoy aquí, junto a ti, más cerca de lo que te atreves a creer.

En vez de que desperdicies el tiempo preocupándote, dedícalo a cultivar una amistad conmigo. Háblame de lo que te preocupa, de tus placeres y de tus problemas. Me interesa todo lo que a ti te importe porque soy tu Amante eterno. Recuerda que soy quien te sostiene de la mano derecha. Te guío dándote Mi asesoramiento, que se basa en la sabiduría eterna. Así pues, no hace falta preocuparse por el futuro. Cuando llegue el momento, personalmente te llevaré a la Gloria. Por ahora, vive cerca de Mí. Mi amistad es tu mejor refugio de las tormentas de la vida[2].


Tú me sostienes de la mano derecha. Me guías con Tu consejo, y más tarde me acogerás en gloria. […] Podrán desfallecer mi cuerpo y mi espíritu, pero Dios fortalece mi corazón; Él es mi herencia eterna. Salmo 73:23-24, 26[3]

Eleva el corazón

¡Eleva el corazón en alabanza y canta con júbilo! Cultiva la relación íntima y personal conmigo que te sacará adelante en esta época. No te canses ni pienses que estás malgastando el tiempo, porque este tiempo es muy valioso para ti y para tu espíritu.

Busca primeramente el reino de Dios y Su justicia, y todas esas otras cosas que tratas de encontrar te serán añadidas.

Tu espíritu será receptivo a Mí, y pondrá los ojos en Mí a cada paso. Sabrás que careces de fuerzas propias, mas Yo te fortaleceré y te ayudaré, te sustentaré con la diestra de Mi justicia, como promete Mi Palabra.

Así pues, no temas ni te preocupes en esas épocas de prueba. Ten fe. Pon tu confianza en Mí y Yo obraré. Evocarás estos momentos con aprecio y gran estimación.

Te fortaleceré y te ayudaré a salir adelante en estos momentos difíciles.


El SEÑOR es refugio de los oprimidos; es su baluarte en momentos de angustia. En ti confían los que conocen tu nombre, porque tú, SEÑOR, jamás abandonas a los que te buscan. Salmo 9:9-10[4]

Pon tu destino en Mí

Soy Yo el autor y consumador de tu fe. El que lleva a cabo esta obra en tu vida, como bien lo sabes. Pon toda tu confianza en Mí. Pon tu destino en Mí, y no des lugar al temor. He aquí que Mi mano está sobre ti y te he ungido para las tareas que te he encomendado. Te he concedido sabiduría para que puedas hacer lo que haya que hacer. Te daré la fortaleza y el poder que necesitas, incluso la fe, en tanto que siempre clames a Mí y perseveres; que no abandones.

¡Sigue peleando la buena batalla! Sigue poniendo los ojos en Mí y no vaciles ni te preocupes por las batallas, pruebas o dificultades. No te abrumes por los retos que tienes por delante. Ten la certeza de que soy el que vencerá todos los obstáculos y te conducirá al lugar de Mi elección. No te fallaré. No tienes más que seguirme paso a paso.

Soy consciente de que el mundo es complicado, que suceden muchas cosas malas, y que esas cosas malas afectan también a Mis hijos. Mas esa es Mi preocupación, no la tuya; no te afanes por esas cuestiones.

No trates de llevar cargas que no te corresponden; deja que las lleve Yo. Échalas sobre Mí. Consolídate en el conocimiento de Mi Palabra y en la fe. Alza la vista hacia Mí y alábame, dame gloria. Cumpliré todo lo que ha prometido Mi Palabra. La parte que te toca es hacer Mi voluntad y las tareas que te encomiende. En la medida en que me obedezcas y sigas de cerca, seguiré fortaleciéndote, y cumpliré así cuanto he prometido.


Le pido a Dios, fuente de esperanza, que los llene completamente de alegría y paz, porque confían en Él. Entonces rebosarán de una esperanza segura mediante el poder del Espíritu Santo. Romanos 15:13[5]

Deposita tu confianza en Mí

No temas ni te preocupes, sino reposa en Mí. Apóyate en Mí y en Mi Palabra. Pon los ojos en Mí y confía en Mis promesas. Ten fe en Mis Palabras que te dirijo. Ten fe en Mi voz, que te habla al corazón. Ten fe en el amor que percibes a tu alrededor.

Cuando sientas temor, dudes o te preocupes, pon los ojos en Mí y confía. Cuando comiences a temblar, confía en Mí. Cuando no puedas más y se te llenen los ojos de lágrimas, sigue confiando en Mí a pesar del llanto. Confía en Mí pase lo que pase.

Confía en que sé lo que más te conviene. Confía en Mi sabiduría. Confía en Mi capacidad para guiarte, orientarte y hacer que se cumpla Mi voluntad en tu vida. Confíame el futuro. Confía en que no te fallaré; cumpliré las promesas que te he hecho. Confía en que no te abandonaré.

Confía en que te consolaré por las noches cuando te parezca que no tienes a nadie. Confía en que siempre estoy contigo. Confía en que soy capaz, y en que te ayudaré en esta época de pruebas. Confía en que no te defraudaré.

Mantén los ojos en Mí y deposita tu confianza en Mí. No centres la atención en tus temores, preocupaciones y dudas. Fíate de Mi Palabra, de Mi voluntad para tu vida, del plan que he trazado para ti. Confíame tu destino.


¿Por qué voy a inquietarme? ¿Por qué me voy a angustiar? En Dios pondré mi esperanza, y todavía lo alabaré. ¡Él es mi Salvador y mi Dios! Salmo 43:5[6]

Impulsores de la fe

¿Has caído en el abatimiento o el desánimo? ¿Sin fuerzas para encarar el día? No te preocupes, Mi amor, tengo el incentivo que necesitas. Renueva ya mismo el vigor escuchándome.


Bendita la paz que encontramos en estos momentos de comunión que pasamos los dos a solas. No descuides nunca estos momentos conmigo; son lo que te da fortaleza.


Sé que te sientes incapaz. Me doy cuenta de tu inseguridad y de que no sabes qué hacer. Conozco bien lo que sientes. Por otra parte, ¿te has fijado en que buscas como nunca la intimidad conmigo para pedirme guía e instrucciones? Te colocaré donde quiero que estés, y a la larga, cuando mires hacia atrás, reconocerás Mi voluntad en todo lo que te sucedió, aun en aquello a lo que en este momento no le encuentras sentido. He puesto Mi mano sobre tu vida.


No te preocupes si a veces te sientes débil e inútil. A mí me encanta que te sientas así, porque te acerca a Mí y te mantiene humilde y dependiente de Mí. Cuando te desanimas estás en una situación única de modo que vuelvas la mirada hacia arriba y contemples Mi rostro. Es en esos momentos cuando de veras sabes que sin Mí no eres nada.


No te canses de hacer el bien, al contrario: vuélvete hacia Mí e invócame. Te concederé la sabiduría, la gracia y el amor que necesitas. A su tiempo segarás si no desmayas.


¡No te imaginas lo orgulloso que estoy de ti! Te sometí a muchas pruebas y no perdiste la fe; te apoyaste en Mí y te sometiste. Perseveraste y te asiste fuerte de Mi mano por pura fe. En algunas ocasiones, la situación se te puso un poco incierta y hasta turbulenta, pero me permitiste que te diera la gracia, la ayuda y las fuerzas que necesitabas. Estoy feliz y emocionadísimo de que nos hayamos acercado tanto como amigos, como amantes, como compañeros.


¡No te preocupes! Prometo velar siempre por ti y ayudarte a sortear todo obstáculo que se te presente. Siempre estoy a tu disposición, de modo que, cuando sientas la tentación de preocuparte, recuerda que Mi amor y Mi poder están presentes en todo momento para sacarte adelante.

Publicado en Áncora en agosto de 2014. Traducción: Patricia Zapata N. y Antonia López.

[1] NTV.

[2] Sarah Young, Jesus Lives (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009).

[3] NVI.

[4] NVI.

[5] NTV.

[6] NVI.

O Caminho da Transformação

Palavras de Jesus

O caminho do verdadeiro discipulado nunca é fácil. São muitas as dificuldades, as provações, as batalhas e as tribulações, mas Meu amor e Minha fidelidade jamais falharão. Estive ao seu lado em cada prova, dificuldade e situação difícil.

Meus filhos vão cometer muitos erros, por muitos motivos e cada um terá de prestar contas de si mesmo diante de Mim. Mas Minha misericórdia é grande, pois entendo as fragilidades da carne e do caráter humano. Entendo as tremendas cargas, pressões e aquilo que a vida às vezes pede de Meus filhos. Entendo que muitas vezes caem, deixam de fazer o que é certo e como o Inimigo de suas almas procura oprimi-los, atrapalhá-los e fazê-los falhar.

A vida de fé é uma luta constante e uma batalha incessante, mas é assim que Meus filhos aprendem e ficam mais fortes. Aprendem a lutar, a Me conhecer melhor, a se aproximarem de Mim e a entender melhor os caminhos do Meu Espírito. Mas são muitas as quedas, as falhas e as mágoas pelo caminho, e até erros graves são cometidos, com os quais, às vezes, os outros também sofrem. E isso é triste.

Nunca falho aos Meus filhos, aos Meus amados, àqueles que Me amam e Me buscam. Apesar de não poder evitar que façam escolhas erradas e tomem as decisões que não são boas, não existe consequência ou circunstância que Meu Espírito não possa ajudá-los a superar. Não existe poder maior do que o Meu. Nada é tão mau ou ruim que Meu Espírito não possa superar; nada está além do Meu poder de cura; não há nada que Meu amor não possa aliviar e levar embora. Sou seu Criador e posso restaurar tudo. Não existe nada difícil demais para Mim, se for trazido a Mim. Posso renovar tudo, pois para Mim tudo é possível!

Um dia, a justiça cobrirá a Terra como as águas cobrem os mares e tudo se tornará amoroso e será corrigido. Até lá, apegue-se a Mim, continue combatendo o bom combate da fé com amor, compreensão e humildade diante de Mim. Jamais lhe falharei nem o desampararei.

O brilho da pérola

Será que você não sabe? Nunca ouviu falar? O Senhor é o Deus eterno, o Criador de toda a terra. Ele não se cansa nem fica exausto, sua sabedoria é insondável. Ele fortalece ao cansado e dá grande vigor ao que está sem forças. — Isaías 40:28–29[1]

Eu o chamei, ordenei e escolhi. Eu o escolhi e abençoei antes da fundação da terra. Você é uma pérola preciosa para Mim, uma pérola de grande valor!

Derramei em você e continuo derramando. Ensinei-lhe e continuo lhe ensinando. Preparo você para o que lhe tenho reservado nos dias por vir. Você vive um período de preparação, aprendizado e crescimento.

Ensino por meio de outros e diretamente, por meio de provas, batalhas e tribulações. Mas tudo isso é para prepará-lo para o que está por vir e para aquilo que o chamei para fazer no momento determinado.

Portanto, pense nas coisas que são do alto, não nas que são da terra. Olhe para Mim a cada passo do caminho e Eu o guardarei, fortalecerei, protegerei e lhe darei a vitória, pois sou seu professor, pastor, amado, amigo e companheiro. Se você pudesse ver o que lhe está reservado, aceitaria passar por qualquer coisa! Contudo, como não consegue ver, precisa crer, pois Eu lhe falei sobre isso.

Ó preciosa pérola de grande valor, você tem um brilho especial, uma camada especial que Eu lhe dei como sinal do Meu amor.

Confie em Mim nas trevas, confie em Mim na luz.
De dia e de noite a Minha mão a conduz.
Confie em Mim quando a situação fica ruim.
Pois a pérola tem a forma de uma lágrima, isso sim.
Confie em Mim, sempre me confiou a sua vida.
E Eu recompensarei, pois você Me é querido.

Por causa da sua confiança, esta pérola será colocada no centro da coroa que escolhi. Por isso, não estranhe a ardente prova que vem para tentá-lo, alegre-se, sabendo que é participante do Meu sofrimento.[2] Alegre-se sabendo que isso aumenta o brilho da pérola. Alegre-se sabendo que está sendo fortalecido e que fortalecerá os seus irmãos.[3]

Brilhando cada vez mais

O caminho do justo é como a luz da aurora, que brilha mais e mais até ser dia perfeito. — Provérbios 4:18[4]

Depois de terem experimentado o mundo e de serem tentados por um espírito mundano, é difícil as pessoas verem a bênção e a recompensa de serem instrumentos em Minhas mãos, que Eu possa estar à frente e ser o centro das atenções. Quanto mais você se aproximar dos Meus caminhos e das alegrias e belezas simples da vida como Eu as criei e providenciei, mais parecido Comigo se tornará. Você brilhará com a Minha beleza e com o Meu amor, e terá cada vez menos do seu raciocínio carnal e do modo de pensar da carne. Esse modo de pensar passará a ser cada vez menos importante, conforme você procurar conhecer Minha maneira de pensar e se esforçar para viver de acordo com os Meus caminhos e desejos.

Você vai desejar aprender a viver com o Meu amor imparcial que ama os feios, os desagradáveis e aqueles que outros têm dificuldade de amar. Meu amor estende a mão a eles, cuida deles e os ajuda. Quanto mais você Me buscar e os Meus caminhos, desejando viver segundo a Minha Palavra, mais parecido Comigo ficará e poderá refletir Meu amor sem parcialidade. Poderá se colocar mais no plano de fundo e dar prioridade a Mim e aos outros.

Ao aprender a dar para ver os outros felizes, brilhará com a Minha luz. O seu cálice de felicidade e de amor transbordará e derramará sobre os outros.

Uma obra em andamento

Mas quando este sacerdote acabou de oferecer, para sempre, um único sacrifício pelos pecados, assentou-se à direita de Deus ...porque, por meio de um único sacrifício, ele aperfeiçoou para sempre os que estão sendo santificados. — Hebreus 10:12, 14[5]

Meu filho, Eu me comprazo em você. Apesar de você ainda ser uma obra em andamento, deseja que Eu o santifique e o consagre. ...

A melhor maneira de realçar Minha obra de santificação é Me amando de todo o coração e entendimento, com toda a sua força. O rei Davi expressou tal ardor quando saltou e dançou diante de Mim com todas as suas forças. Apesar de seus graves pecados, era um homem segundo o Meu coração.

Em vez de se concentrar em todo quebrantamento que você tem vivenciado, atice as chamas do seu amor por Mim. Elas podem até tremeluzir, fracas, como a chama de uma vela, mas o Meu amor por você é como um incêndio florestal. Portanto, achegue-se cada vez mais à minha presença amorosa e a luz flamejante do Meu Espírito Santo o encherá de ardor.[6]

Publicado originalmente em 1997, salvo indicação contrária. Adaptado e republicado em julho 2014. Tradução Hebe Rondon Flandoli.

[1] NVI.

[2] 1 Pedro 4:12–13.

[3] Lucas 22:32.

[4] NVI.

[5] RC.

[6] Sarah Young, Jesus Lives (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2009).

Make Someone’s Day

a compilation

Audio length: 9:39

Make someone’s day. It’s one of the simplest, most gratifying things you can do. There are countless ways to make someone’s day. Start by looking for things you can do. There’s no need to spend money or take a lot of your time; it really is the little things that count. Make someone’s day a little better, and you will find that your day is a little better too.—Susan Morem


Have you ever had a bad day just because you crossed paths with someone who was in a foul mood? Maybe it was someone on the bus or another customer in a store—someone who you normally wouldn’t have even noticed—but that one grumpy or inconsiderate person cast a pall on your whole day.

On the other hand, have you ever had a day that went great and realized later that it all started when you met someone who was especially nice to you? Maybe it was the way she smiled at you, or the way he picked up and handed you something you had dropped, or held a door open for you—only a little gesture, but one that had a positive impact on your day.

Everyone has influence. Moment by moment your attitude and level of happiness are reflected in the little things you say and do, and those are bound to affect others. What kind of impact do you usually have?

Think of the things people have done that made your day, and make a point of doing those same things for others. Not only will you brighten someone else’s day, but you will also find that you are happier and see life more positively.—Jesus, speaking in prophecy


There once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with cookies and a six-pack of root beer, and he started his journey.

When he had gone a few blocks from home, he met an old man. He was sitting in the park near the water, just staring at some birds.

The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer, when he noticed that the old man looked hungry, so he offered him a cookie.

The old man gratefully accepted it and smiled at him. His smile was so incredible that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer.

Once again, he smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word.

As it grew dark, the boy realized how tired he was, and he got up to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around and ran back to the old man and gave him a hug. The old man gave him his biggest smile ever.

When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked her son: “What did you do today that made you so happy?”

The child replied: “I had lunch with God.” But before his mother could respond, he added, “You know what? He’s got the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen!”

Meanwhile, the old man, also radiant with joy, returned to his home. His son was stunned by the look of peace on his face and asked, “Dad, what did you do today that made you so happy?”

He replied: “I ate cookies in the park with God.” But before his son responded, he added, “You know, He’s much younger than I expected.”

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring—all of which have the potential to make someone’s day a very special one, or even turn someone’s life around.—Author unknown


The best portion of a good man’s life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.—William Wordsworth (1770–1850)


Little things count. Small acts of kindness can create an atmosphere of love and tenderness. Little things can mean so much, because they show that your loved one was consciously thinking of you and going out of their way to make life a little brighter and better for you, for no outstanding reason other than that they love you and care about you.

Ask Me for ideas of ways to show love to your loved ones. I can give you a personalized list that fits your situation. Also, don’t underestimate the value of random acts of kindness. Start a chain reaction of kind deeds, and watch the love in your life blossom. You won’t regret it.—Jesus, speaking in prophecy


Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.—Philippians 2:41


After years of working in the stress reduction field, teaching people to be happier, I’m still amazed that some of the most effective methods of reducing one’s stress and of improving one’s life are actually the simplest. One of the first real-life lessons my parents taught me when I was a child is perhaps the most basic of all: If you want to feel good about yourself, make someone else feel good. It really is that simple.

Acts of kindness and good will are inherently wonderful. There’s an old saying: “Giving is its own reward.” This is certainly true. Your reward for being kind and making someone else feel good are the warm, positive feelings that invariably accompany your efforts. So, starting today, think of someone you’d like to make feel better and enjoy your rewards.—Richard Carlson2


Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.—Romans 12:133


Do you remember the last time you received an unexpected call, text, or email from someone who intentionally said something complimentary to you? How did it make you feel? Did it brighten your mood? Did it bring a smile to your face? What impression did this person make on you?

When I consider the different types of impressions we make on people, there are very few more powerful than when you do something unexpectedly to show people they are important to you. It could be a simple text message telling a friend how much you value the friendship or a short email to a co-worker complimenting him or her on the way he or she handled a difficult situation at the office today.

When you take your time to surprise people with acts of kindness or love, you will make them feel noticed, valued, and appreciated. You will bring a smile to their faces and joy to their hearts. It will enhance their self-esteem and strengthen their self-confidence. It will renew their energy and put a bounce in their step. It will draw them closer to you and you to them and create an extraordinary bond in your relationship. You will benefit also because there is joy in unselfish acts when you give of yourself, your time, and your resources.

I want to challenge you to look for situations when you can show your interest in others by doing something unanticipated. When you think of something, do it without hesitation and make someone’s day. …

Every time you show a genuine interest in the lives of others by committing an unexpected act of kindness, you are telling them that who they are and what they do is significant.—Todd Smith4


Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.—Marvin J. Ashton

Published on Anchor August 2014. Read by Irene Quiti Vera. 
Music by Michael Dooley.

1 ESV.

2 Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff at Work (New York: Hyperion, 1998).

3 ESV.

Monsanto and Ukraine

By Joyce Nelson, Counterpunch, Aug. 22, 2014

Finally, a little-known aspect of the crisis in Ukraine is receiving some international attention. On July 28, the California-based Oakland Institute released a report revealing that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), under terms of their $17 billion loan to Ukraine, would open that country to genetically-modified (GM) crops and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. The report is entitled “Walking on the West Side: the World Bank and the IMF in the Ukraine Conflict.”

In late 2013, the then president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, rejected a European Union association agreement tied to the $17 billion IMF loan, whose terms are only now being revealed. Instead, Yanukovych chose a Russian aid package worth $15 billion plus a discount on Russian natural gas. His decision was a major factor in the ensuing deadly protests that led to his ouster from office in February 2014 and the ongoing crisis.

According to the Oakland Institute, “Whereas Ukraine does not allow the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture, Article 404 of the EU agreement, which relates to agriculture, includes a clause that has generally gone unnoticed: it indicates, among other things, that both parties will cooperate to extend the use of biotechnologies. There is no doubt that this provision meets the expectations of the agribusiness industry. As observed by Michael Cox, research director at the investment bank Piper Jaffray, ‘Ukraine and, to a wider extent, Eastern Europe, are among the most promising growth markets for farm-equipment giant Deere, as well as seed producers Monsanto and DuPont’.”

Ukrainian law bars farmers from growing GM crops. Long considered “the bread basket of Europe,” Ukraine’s rich black soil is ideal for growing grains, and in 2012 Ukrainian farmers harvested more than 20 million tonnes of corn.

In August 2011, WikiLeaks released U.S. diplomatic cables showing that the U.S. State Department has been lobbying worldwide for Monsanto and other biotechnology corporations like DuPont, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow. The U.S. non-profit Food & Water Watch, after combing through five years of these cables (2005-2009), released its report entitled “Biotech Ambassadors: How the U.S. State Department Promotes the Seed Industry’s Global Agenda” on May 14, 2013. The report showed the U.S. State Department has “lobbied foreign governments to adopt pro-agricultural biotechnology policies and laws, operated a rigorous public relations campaign to improve the image of biotechnology, and challenged commonsense biotechnology safeguards and rules—even including opposing laws requiring the labeling of genetically-engineered (GE) foods.”

According to (March 16, 2014), Morgan Williams is at the nexus of Big Ag’s alliance with U.S. foreign policy.” Besides being president and CEO of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, Williams is Director of Government Affairs at private equity firm SigmaBleyzer, which touts Williams’ work with “various agencies of the U.S. government, members of Congress, congressional committees, the Embassy of Ukraine to the U.S., international financial institutions, think tanks and other organizations on U.S.-Ukraine business, trade, investment and economic development issues.”

Meanwhile, Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated in April: “We don’t have a goal of developing GM products here or to import them. We can feed ourselves with normal, common, not genetically modified products. If the Americans like to eat such products, let them eat them. We don’t need to do that; we have enough space and opportunities to produce organic food.”

Hill + Knowlton, with its Kuwait “incubator babies atrocities” falsehood, was instrumental in getting the American public to back the first Gulf War on Iraq in the early 1990s. Now the company is involved in fomenting a Cold War 2 or worse, and on behalf of Monsanto—recently voted the “most evil” corporation on the planet. That’s something to recall in the midst of the extensive mainstream media demonizing of Putin.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Naturalistic Assumptions of Evolution and Modern Science!

By Dennis Edwards --

Very few people today realize that modern science is based on naturalistic assumptions. Modern science is based on the philosophy or belief system in naturalism. Naturalism is the belief or philosophy which states the following: First, only the natural exists. There is no metaphysical or supernatural. Second, everything can be explained as a result of random natural causes. These two axioms are the foundation stones upon which naturalism is built and of which the General Theory of Evolution is the outgrowth.

In the past science was defined as knowledge, or the search for knowledge, or the search for the truth of the how and the why of nature and the physical world around us. With this definition of science, scientist of the past did not separate their belief in God from their science. In fact, their science was an outgrowth of their belief in God. If there was a rational God who created a rational world then, scientists reasoned, they could search and find out the rationale that God used to uphold His creation. Like Kepler said, “We were merely thinking God’s thoughts after Him.”[1]

Because scientists believed in a rational creator they searched for the rationale behind the creation. Their belief in a Divine Creator did not deter their scientific investigation, but rather justified and enhanced their scientific inquiry. Indeed, their scientific inquiry was a result of their belief system and their belief system justified scientific inquiry and predicted the results: scientific discoveries of the laws of nature, physics, chemistry etc. In a purely naturalistic world, why should we expect that there be any laws of nature if everything is a result of random, uncaused processes? As C.S. Lewis expressed in the following quote:

If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents - the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the thoughts of the materialists and astronomers as well as for anyone else's. But if their thoughts - i.e., Materialism and Astronomy - are mere accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all the other accidents. It's like expecting the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset a milk-jug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset.[2]

In other words, naturalism does not make sense. Nevertheless, it appealed to man’s baser instincts and therefore it took hold in the hearts and minds of the men who wanted to be free from the moral constraints of formalized religion and a God of retribution.

So we see, as a reaction to the moral restrictions imposed by the religious element of society in the 18th and 19th century and earlier, learned men, wishing to free themselves from the shackles of religiosity, began to oppose Biblical interpretations of nature. As an outgrowth of the Age of Reason, as opposed to the age where men accepted things by faith, because that is what the Church taught; and as a result of the political and social upheavals of the 18th century with the French and American Revolutions, enlighten thinkers began to promote naturalism. By the late 1700’s and early 1800’s naturalism made headway in the scientific community.

Scotland’s James Hutton’s book The Theory of the Earth promoted uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism is the belief that only natural processes happening in the present can be used to explain the world around us and its past history. Hutton’s mantra was “the present is the key to the past.”[3] Later, Charles Lyle’s Principles of Geology published in 1830 built on Hutton’s ideas and propagated his naturalistic interpretations as the correct way to do science and interpret the world around us. Lyle’s goal was to get Moses out of science,[4] and he greatly succeeded. Lyle was a great friend of Darwin and continually encouraged him in his writing of the Origins, so much so, that Darwin confessed that it seemed like his ideas came from the mind of Lyle.

It was not long before the idea that all of life and natural occurrences could be explained by unguided natural forces without soliciting supernatural explanations. Biblical interpretations of past events, or catastrophism seemed childish. By 1855, four years before Charles Darwin published the Origins of the Species, we see Charles Spurgeon, the famous British Baptist evangelist admitting his acceptance of naturalistic assumptions. He said,

Can any man tell me when the beginning was? Years ago we thought the beginning of the world was when Adam came upon it. But we have discovered that thousands of years before that God was preparing chaotic matter to make it a fit abode for man, putting races of creatures upon it, who might die and leave behind the marks of his handiwork and marvelous skill, before he tried his hand on man.[5]

Thomas Chalmers, the Scottish theologian and professor from the University of Edinburgh was the first to popularize the Gap theory early in the 19th century. He accepted the millions of years that both Hutton and Lyell propagated. Chalmers developed the theory mainly for the purpose of accommodating the great ages demanded by evolutionary geologists.[6] Natural theology became the popular theology of the day and was the idea that the science of nature was just as an important “revelation” as the scriptures themselves. The two could not contradict each other.

Rather than look for the weaknesses or faults in the scientific reasoning or assumptions, the 19th century man embraced naturalism as taught by Hutton and Lyle and abandoned the traditional Flood geology. Flood geology which had until then been the accepted method of explaining the geological features lost credibility and the atmosphere was ripe for Darwin’s ideas a few years later. Chalmers’ Bridgewater Treatise was published in two volumes in 1833 and went through 6 editions. His books were effectively an encyclopedia of pre-evolutionary natural history, commissioned and published whilst Charles Darwin was on board the Beagle.

The evolutionist Derek Ager in 1981 commenting on this period of history said the following:

My excuse for this lengthy and amateur digression into history is that I have been trying to show how I think geology got into the hands of the theoreticians (Hutton and Lyle) who were conditioned by social and political history of their day more than by observations in the field… In other words, we have allowed ourselves to be brain-washed into avoiding any interpretation of the past that involves extreme and what might be termed ‘catastrophic’ processes![7]

Evolutionist Stephen Jay Goule when writing about the Great Scablands debate said something similar.

The ‘establishment,’ as represented by the United States Geological Society (a modern day scientific organization), closed ranks in opposition (to a scientist’s interpretation of the geological features that supported catastrophic and therefore Biblical processes)…. Instead of testing Bretz’s flood on its own merits, they rejected it on general principles… Bretz stood against a firm, highly restrictive dogma (uniformitarianism) that never had made any sense: the emperor had been naked for a century. Charles Lyell, the godfather of geological gradualism (uniformitarianism), had pulled a fast one in establishing the doctrine of imperceptible change (uniformitarianism).[8]

Here we see that it was not scientific dating methods that gave us the millions of year, not scientific observations in the field, but theoreticians who had rejected the traditional Biblical analysis of the geological column. The acceptance of millions of years came before any modern day scientific dating methods. Such dating methods proofs were similar to Dr. Jan Baptista von Helmont’s experiment proving that Aristotle’s idea of spontaneous generation was true.[9] His experiment was merely verification. He placed dirty underwear and wheat in an open jar in a corner of the home and left it for two weeks. At the end of which he found adult mice in the jar and concluded that spontaneous generation was true. Today’s modern dating methods all too often fall under this outrageous category. They assume the millions of years and then seek a method that confirms that assumption and are oblivious to any evidence which contradicts or calls into question the conclusions or initial assumptions that were made.

By the middle of the 19th century Biblical interpretations began to be seen as infantile or at least unscientific. Naturalism became accepted as the philosophy of science and religion. Men rejected traditional Biblical interpretations, though few men admitted that it was because of the restrictive moral implications forced on society by the religious institutions. Nevertheless, from the time of the French Revolution there was a new awakening in man’s desire to be a free moral agent, an agent who followed his own dictates rather than those imposed upon him by ancient religious institutions. Men wanted to be free from the laws of touch not, taste not, think not, etc. Religion was seen by many as a hindrance to intellectual progress and, therefore, political and scientific progress. Naturalism was embraced because it eliminated God from scientific inquiry and at the same time freed man from the moral confines that religion demanded. If the world around us could be explained by purely naturalistic means, man would not need to invoke the help of the supernatural and could in a sense free himself from its moral restrictions. Man could be free to act and behave according to his own dictates and not to those of a book written thousands of years before to an entirely different culture and people. These underlining reasons helped lead to the rejection of Biblical interpretations.

Later in the 20th century, we see an interesting confession by Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas Huxley, Darwin's closest friend and promoter. Grandfather Thomas Huxley had done much to help defend the evolutionary theory at its beginnings and is credited to winning the famous Evolution/Creation debate with abolitionist William Wilberforce. Thomas Huxley did more to defend evolution than Darwin himself and became known as Darwin’s Bulldog. However, he was not totally convinced of Darwin’s mechanism for evolution. Later in 1960, grandson Aldous spoke honestly about his own hidden agenda.

I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning, consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption . . The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world (and this is what evolution ultimately teaches) is not concerned exclusively with a problem in pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do (moral freedom is the goal, to be free from religion’s restrictive confines). For myself, as no doubt for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom.[10]

So here we see Aldous Huxley, one of the most influential liberal writers of the 20th century, confessing that his rejection of a creator and his support of atheistic/naturalistic philosophy stemmed from his desire for sexual liberty. The apostle Peter in prophetic words had said the following:

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.’ (This is what uniformitarianism preaches that the present natural processes are the same as those that have been in the past.) For this they are willing ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.[11]

In other words, they are willingly ignorant of the creation act by God and the historical global catastrophic flood of Noah.

What has happened down through the centuries is that the false hypocritical religious systems have driven men from God. As men rejected God, they became proud in mind and their foolish hearts were darkened.[12] Professing themselves to be wise, they in fact became fools believing in the illogical and contradictory.[13] Instead of man being made in God’s image, we became descendants of creeping things, birds and four-footed beats, the Theory of Evolution. Saint Paul prophetically predicts the very same in his letter to the Romans.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.[14]

Most people today do not realize they have bought into naturalistic assumptions by accepting the Big Bang and the General Theory of Evolution. Naturalism is so strongly accepted into our society, we no longer reject its tenants conscientiously. We do not realize that the scientific models that we are taught as truths are those models that assume naturalistic assumptions and steer clear of Biblical ones. These models assume there is no metaphysical. They assume that past events can be explained by random natural forces happening today. By changing the definition of science to mean natural processes by which we can explain the world around us, modern day science has eliminated God from the discussion and conned mankind into accepting its naturalistic philosophy without mankind even realizing it.

Let´s take a look at the Big Bang Theory as an example. When formulating their model of the beginning of the universe evolutionists steer clear of anything which validates the Biblical framework. In the Biblical framework we would expect to find our galaxy near to the center of the universe. We would expect to find the universe expanding from that central region. Dr. Russell Humphreys has made such a model and has found some interesting discoveries concerning distant starlight, time and gravity.[15] His model postulates the possibility, because of gravities affect on time, of time passing slower on earth than at the end of the universe. He speculates that although billions of years could have passed at the far distant end of the universe, it could be possible that only six thousand years of earth time passed here on our planet. In choosing his model, Dr. Humphreys starts with a universe with a center and with our galaxy near that center. That would put our galaxy near the gravitational center of the universe. Since it is an established fact that gravity effects time and causes time to pass more slowly, time on earth would be expected to pass slower than time at the outer fringes of the universe where the universes gravitational well would have a much weaker affect. Dr. Humphreys’ universe also has an edge.

However, evolutionists when doing their model of the beginning of the universe avoid those two assumptions made by Dr. Humphreys: the universe has a center and our galaxy is near that center, and the universe has an edge. Internationally renowned astrophysicist George FR Ellis explains it in the following manner:

People need to be aware that there is a range of models that can explain the observations .... For instance, I can construct a spherically symmetric universe for you with Earth at its center, and you cannot prove otherwise based on observations, (that it is wrong) can only exclude it on philosophical grounds. In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide it.[16]

Ellis is admitting that evolutionists exclude a model like Dr. Humphreys’ because of philosophical reasons. They exclude it because it would give credence to the Biblical story, not because the evidence negates it. The fact is that the evidence supports Dr. Humphreys’ model over the traditional Big Bang model, but because of its Biblical ramifications, Dr. Humphreys’ model is ignored.

Evolutionist Professor of Genetics Richard Lewontin made a similar confession of evolutionist’s anti-Biblical bias. He said,

We take the side of evolutionary science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just so stories, because we have a prior commitment to materialism, that materialism is absolute for we cannot allow a divine foot in the door.[17]

Modern science is full of naturalistic assumptions which are contrary to reality. Because of modern man’s bias against God the naturalistic assumptions are assumed to be true without scientific evidence to back them up. It’s about time we re-evaluate the state of modern science’s condition. Ben Stein’s documentary, Expelled; No Intelligence Allowed, questions modern science’s bias and dictatorial control of modern thinking.[18] Dave Schoch in his book, The Assumptions Behind the Theory of Evolution, has said the following:

The truth can only be made up of facts, not assumptions. We should not be teaching assumptions as facts to our children, especially a theory that only stands upon one assumption after another.[19]

It is about time we take a closer look at our educational and scientific community and see exactly what’s going on. Future generations are dependent on us standing up for our convictions and exposing the false evolutionary doctrine for the mythological hocus-pocus that it is. Let’s get back to true scientific investigation without bias and prejudice whatever form it may take. The future of our children and the world depends upon it!

[5]John Morris:
[6]Gap Theory:
[7] Derek Ager, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, Macmillan, 1981, pg. 46-47.
[8] Stephen Jay Gould, The Great Scablands Debate, Natural History, Vol. 87:7 (Aug.Sep 1978) pg. 12 & 14.
[9] Evolution: the Grand Experiment, page 12.
[10] Aldous Huxley, "Confessions of a Professed Atheist," Report: Perspective on the News, Vol. 3, June 1966, p. 19.
[11] 2Peter 3:3-6
[12] Romans 1:21
[13] Romans 1:22
[14] Romans 1:21-23
[19] Dave Schoch, The Assumptions Behind the Theory of Evolution, pg.

Are we in the center of the universe?

Could Earth be near the center of the universe?

Secularists have been pushing Earth away from the center of the universe till finally saying there is no center at all. They take this position not based on observations but based on materialistic necessity. For them there cannot be a center and there cannot be a boundary. In fact, it seems for Stephen Hawking that there was no Big Bang explosion at all because it would demand a center and a boundary. “So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundaries or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?” Stephen Hawking

So once again we see the honesty of Richard Lewontin’s words, “We take the side of science [religion] in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.”

Evidence for Earth in the center of the universe:
1. Uniform Galaxies. Galaxies are spread out uniformly around us through out the universe. There appears to about the same number of galaxies in all directions.

2. Quantized Red Shift. Galaxies are bunched up into what is called Quantized Red Shift. More specifically the galaxies are bunched into groups and the groups are arranged into concentric circles around the Earth. According to Hubble’s Law, the distance interval is about 3 million light years between clusters. The mathematics are such that if you move Earth out 2 million light years away from our present central position, the red shift disappears into a random pattern.

Quantized Red Shift has been observed for many years now and was identified by William Tifft. By 1997 the data was so strong it is no longer questioned.

3. Rotating universe around an axis. Dr. Humphreys has noted that there is evidence that the entire universe is revolving around a central axis and Earth is near the central axis. The evidence includes: A polarization plane of the radio waves from distant galaxies display an angle. The angle gets bigger further out into the universe. The angles can be explained by a magneto effect and the universe is moving around a central access. (I likely have some of these details wrong.) There is more to it so I recommend the Starlight and Time DVD where Dr. Humphreys himself explains the evidence.

Some additional information that is pertinent to the subject:

An article from John Hartnett in TJ (Technical Journal — An Answers in Genesis Journal) vol 19(1) 2005 states, “This is what Edwin Hubble concluded; his observations of the galaxies’ red shifts indicated to him that we are at the center of a symmetric matter distribution. But Hubble rejected his own conclusion — that we are in a very special place — on philosophical grounds. And Hubble wasn’t alone in realizing the situation: “people need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations,” Ellis argues. “For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations.” Ellis has published a paper on this. “You can only excluded on philosophical grounds. In my view there is actually nothing wrong in that. What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.”

Keep in mind that the Big Bang advocates cannot tolerate a center because it would statistically place us in a very special place.

Carl Sagan said, “. . . the delusion that we have some privileged position in the cosmos . . .” From Sagan’s book, Pale Blue Dot His point was to say that we are meaningless and have no significance in the universe.

On the contrary, with Earth in the center of the universe is a message to modern humans that God considers us to be very special.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Eating more of these 5 foods can help improve your eye health

Julie Wilson, Natural News, August 22, 2014

Vision is one of mankind’s most valued senses. Unfortunately, for many it’s susceptible to extremely degenerative conditions. In the United States alone, nearly $7 billion is spent to treat cataracts, affecting about 22 million Americans over the age of 40.

About a third of the population suffers from near-sightedness, while about 60 percent are far-sighted, struggling to see up close.

It’s safe to say this country has a vision problem, and other than consuming a healthy diet, no preventive methods have been developed. We live during an age of heart transplants, yet there’s no technology that preserves one of our most important traits, eyesight.

Fortunately, a healthy diet is pretty powerful. Consuming certain foods has proven to directly impact vision and overall eye health. Below are five top foods for tackling degenerative vision.

1. Egg Yolks. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss for people over 65 years old; however, eating egg yolks can help slow this process. For various reasons, a degenerative process can affect the macula, a tiny area in the back of the eye, subsequently damaging your vision.

Egg yolks contain lutein, a yellow-pigmented antioxidant belonging to a class of compounds called carotenoids. Lutein and a similar compound called zeaxanthin selectively accumulate in the macula of the retina, scavenging free radicals and acting as a blue-light filter.

While other foods contribute to eye health, egg yolks were found to help the most

2. Spinach. This delicious, green leafy vegetable contains lots of lutein, therefore working miracles on the eyes. Consuming it raw is the best method, as heating spinach is known to damage some of its antioxidants.

In the macula, lutein and zeaxanthin are considered macular pigments. Macular pigments have been shown to decrease the risk of AMD, and might also play a role in age-related cataracts, according to the Egg Nutrition Center. Among carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin are the only ones to be found in the eye’s lens.

Kale, broccoli, romaine lettuce, peas, Brussels sprouts, zucchini and other collard greens also contain high amounts of lutein.

3. Blueberries. Blueberries, also referred to as “brainberries,” are considered by some to be the healthiest food on the planet. Their bright blue casings contain anthocyanins, a group of powerful antioxidants that aid the body with multiple protections.

Eating blueberries helps protect the retina from unwanted sunlight and oxygen damage.

4. Carrots. While consuming carrots won’t necessarily reverse bad eyesight, they can help improve overall eye health. Carrots contain lutein and beta-carotene, a substance converted to vitamin A by the body, a beneficial nutrient for eye health. Vitamin A is a crucial nutrient; in fact, a lack of it is the leading cause of blindness in the developing world, according to

Orange-colored foods like mango, pumpkin, apricots, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe also contain beta-carotene.

5. Almonds. This vitamin E-rich nut has also been proven to slow macular degeneration, and just one handful a day provides you about half of your daily dose, according to Almonds contain the anti-cancer nutrient amygdalin, also known as laetrile or vitamin B17.

Almonds promote overall well-being. They contribute to weight loss, help lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease and improve your complexion, among many other benefits.

Take Daily Walking Breaks To Refocus

By Rachel Gillett, Fast Company, Aug. 22, 2014

How much of your day do you think you spend sitting? 20%? 30%?

Research published in Diabetologia medical journal shows that the average adult spends 50% to 70% of his time sitting. Today we live in a world where most working professionals suffer from what the scientific community calls the sitting disease, and research shows that the longer you sit, the more likely you are to develop heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

In addition to staying healthy, there are so many other good reasons to get up and move around that this advice is hard to ignore.

For one thing, taking a lunch break away from your desk can boost your mood and prepare you for the afternoon ahead. And researchers from the University of Edinburgh say that taking a walk in the park—or any green space you can find in your area—can lessen your brain fatigue and frustration.

While you’re outside enjoying the greenery, you’ll more than likely be soaking up some sun as well—no matter the season or climate—which helps alleviate feelings of sluggishness and boosts productivity.

Looking for some creative inspiration? Scientists at Stanford suggest going for a walk—whether indoors or outdoors, in a green space or on a treadmill—to give your creativity a boost. Compared to sitting, they found any form of walking could increase creative thinking by about 60%.

“We’re not saying walking can turn you into Michelangelo,” said researcher Marily Oppezzo. “But it could help you at the beginning stages of creativity.”

It’s no secret that our energy slumps mid-morning and mid-afternoon (which is why it’s the best time to drink coffee). Research shows that getting up and taking a 15-minute walk at these times instead of checking Facebook can help you refocus.

Challenge yourself to go for a walk at least once a day.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bible Prophecy – a Mathematical Impossibility!

By Dennis Edwards --

At the end of the New Testament in the first verse in the Book of Revelation, we find the following words,

1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.[1]

At the end of the revelation, John tries to worship the angel who brought him the end-time message. The angel says,

10 See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. [2]

A testimony is a document that confirms the will of the testifier. Like a person’s will is a document giving evidence or proof or testament to his desires. The spirit of prophecy found in the Bible is the testament or proof or evidence that Jesus is God. The accuracy of God’s prophecies confirms or testifies that Jesus is the Christ. The accuracy of God’s prophecies confirms or testifies to the fact that the Bible is true.

In my condensed Bible concordance I can find some 48 Old Testament Messianic prophecies, or prophecies concerning the coming of the Jewish Messiah, all of which were fulfilled in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Nowhere in all of ancient Greek and Latin literature can there be found any real specific prophecy of a great Historical event to come in the distant future. To the contrary, the Bible is full of countless, detailed, specific prophecies, all of which have been miraculously fulfilled and come true—except the final End-time prophecies which are either to be fulfilled in the near future or are coming to pass right now.[3]

What would be the chance of one person just happening to fulfill all 48 prophecies by chance?

After researching, I have found some interesting information. In 1957 Peter W. Stoner, a university professor at Pasadena City College in California, did a study of the possibility of one person fulfilling 48 of the nearly 300 to 350 Messianic prophecies. His work was published in 1957 by Moody Press in Chicago, Illinois and was titled SCIENCE SPEAKS, An Evaluation of Certain Christian Evidences.[4] The research was done with the help of the students from twelve different classes who were taking a course on Christian Evidence.

First Professor Stoner, with the help of each Evidence class, estimated the odds for just eight of the Messianic prophecies being fulfilled by one man. They made “reasonable and conservative estimates” which the students agreed upon unanimously. For example, they tried to figure out the odds of a child born in Bethlehem at the beginning of the first century becoming the Messiah. What were the odds of three wise men would come from the east and bestow gifts on the child and his family? What were the odds that they same child would escape the slaying of the male children of Bethlehem by Herod the Great? What were the odds of that child traveling specifically to Egypt and then returning later to live in Nazareth so that later he would be called a Nazarene?

Stoner then took the average result for each of the possible eight prophecies calculated by the twelve different classes. By multiplying the probability that was found for one of the prophecies by the other seven prophecies, he came up with the probability of one man fulfilling all eight prophecies.[5]

Making the reasonable and conservative assumption that the other forty prophetic possibilities would have nearly the same rate of probability, he did the math. He found that the odds of one person fulfilling all 48 prophecies would be 1 in 10 to the 157th power or one over 10 followed by 157 zeros, or one chance out of


French Mathematician Emil Borel suggested in the late 1950’s that a number with a probability of 10-50, or one in ten to the fiftieth power, represents “a negligible event on the cosmic scale.”[6] Therefore 10 to the negative 157 would be even less negligible. It’s just beyond possibility for one person to accidentally fulfill all 48 prophecies of the some 300-350 total Messianic prophecies found in the Bible. Nevertheless, Jesus did.

Attorney Lee Stroebel, the former agnostic journalist with the Chicago Tribune, who had received Illinois’ highest honor for public service in investigating reporting from United Press International, said in 2007 that statistical information presented in Professor Stoner’s Science Speaks about the Messianic prophecies was one of the factors which gave him confidence to believe in Christ. Lee went on to become a New York Times besting-selling author with his books The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith and The Case for Easter.[7]


[1] Revelation 1:1

[2] Revelation 19:10b

[3] Treasures, World Services, Zurich, Switzerland, 1987, pg.19.


[5] ;



Escondendo a Sua Palavra nos nossos Corações
Palavras de Jesus

Nestes últimos dias falou-nos por meio do Filho, a quem constituiu herdeiro de todas as coisas e por meio de quem fez o universo. — Hebreus 1:2[1]


Minha Palavra é o alicerce, firme como uma rocha, na qual você pode pisar com segurança sem o risco de resvalar. Mantenha-a em grande estima e não a substitua nem dela se desvie, pois é de suma importância estar alicerçado na rocha da Minha Palavra, buscar a Minha Palavra, absorvê-la e deixá-la se infiltrar no seu íntimo. Essa é a maneira de medir tudo, com base nessa rocha sólida, a Minha Palavra, o alicerce que lhes dei.


Considerem as coisas na sua vida que sufocam a Palavra. Acaso os cuidados deste mundo, o engano das riquezas e o desejo por outras coisas estão sufocando a Palavra em suas vidas? Balança falsa é uma abominação aos Meus olhos. Por isso, apliquem o antídoto da Minha Palavra e fiquem limpos.

Deixem a luz entrar e as trevas fugirão. Esse é o antídoto. Vocês devem se limpar a cada dia, têm de se lavar e se renovar. Devem se alimentar com Minha Palavra — não só quando descansam e são reabastecidos, mas também aplicando a Minha Palavra à sua vida.


Permaneçam nas Minhas Palavras e deixem-nas permanecerem em vocês. Deixem-nas habitar abundantemente em vocês. Bebam-nas, comam-nas, absorvam-nas; mas não negligenciem Minha voz. Escutem-na. Falo com vocês pela Minha Palavra, pelo dom de profecia, em sussurros em seu coração e em sua mente, quando comungam Comigo.

Minha Palavra está em primeiro lugar e acima de tudo, porque a exalto até acima do Meu nome. Mas para obterem mais força, ajuda e orientação, escutem Minha voz e os sussurros em sua mente e em seu coração. Assim, encontrarão forças que não vocês conhecem. Seu trabalho será facilitado, porque terão mais entendimento e fé.


Deixem Minha Palavra se infiltrar em seu coração e se tornar parte de vocês. Absorvam-na. Orem fervorosamente para que ela se torne viva para vocês, real, cheia de sentido e frutífera. Orem por uma fome sincera pela Minha Palavra. Deixem Minha voz os guiar, suster e guardar.

Minhas Palavras têm poder! São vida, verdade e energia! Vão lhes dar força e graça para continuarem. Nela encontrarão direção, orientação e conselhos. Nela poderão se apoiar quando se sentirem cansados ou fracos, e lhes servirão de sustento quando acharem que vão desfalecer. Minhas palavras lhes darão paz quando vocês se sentirem confusos e cansados; energia e graça, quando acharem que chegaram ao seu limite.

Recorram às Minhas Palavras. Orem fervorosamente nos momentos de necessidade e Eu os socorrerei. Atenderei quando Me chamarem. Estarei sempre com vocês até a consumação dos séculos.[2]


Não seja como a velha senhora que por tantos anos teve grande riqueza e bens, mas achava que eram apenas gravuras bonitas que de nada valiam, que serviam apenas para decoração, ou que talvez tivessem sido de alguma valia para outra pessoa anteriormente, mas para ela não tinham valor. Minhas promessas são para você. Estenda a mão e pegue-as! Coloque-as à prova.

Minhas Palavras são verdadeiras. São a verdade e têm poder! Meu poder é real. O poder da oração e o mundo espiritual são reais. Acredite em Mim e em Minha Palavra. Apegue-se às Minhas promessas e confie que o levarei até aonde deve chegar.


Apesar de algumas vezes você questionar, sentir-se desencorajado e sobrecarregado pela imensidão dos problemas que o cercam, orgulho-Me muito de você por aguentar, por ter a fé do tamanho de um grãozinho de mostarda e dizer: “Estou sobre o firme alicerce da Palavra de Deus. Mesmo que às vezes eu questione e tenha que me ajoelhar de tanto tremer, o alicerce é inabalável."

Meu amor, não importa quantas vezes você questione, não entenda, ou ache que não consegue seguir adiante porque o vento é tão forte que é difícil sequer ficar em pé, porque tenho você firme em Minhas mãos! Enquanto você continuar Me entregando seus pensamentos e perguntas, lavando-se com Minha Palavra, apegando-se à fé do tamanho de um grão de mostarda que tem, Eu o segurarei firmemente.

Enquanto continuar olhando para Mim, o Inimigo não terá permissão para exigir nada e o seu alicerce não será abalado. Você está em Minhas mãos e Eu o seguro firmemente. Sua âncora está firme, pois você tem um grande amor por Mim e grande amor por aqueles de quem cuida, e isso o manterá firme.

Continue se banhando em Minha Palavra. Não deixe de passar tempo Comigo, pois é assim que se fortalecerá, será ungido e ficará firme. Enquanto fizer isso, não precisa se preocupar nem temer. Não precisa duvidar achando que vai falhar ou que não vai conseguir continuar, porque Eu o segurarei firme.


A grandeza de Deus vem das provas, das tribulações e da confiança. A glória, a força e o poder que você busca não vem como você acha. Não chega por caminhos gloriosos como a glória do homem, mas pelo caminho de Deus: uma estrada simples, uma vereda humilde.

Recorra a Mim nos momentos de provações. Clame a Mim; apegue-se à Minha Palavra. Agarre-se às Minhas promessas, pois são a verdade. Para você se tornar o homem ou mulher de Deus que Eu desejo que seja, precisa entender que Minha Palavra é verdade, poder, força e vigor. É Minha Palavra que o salva e fortalece. É Minha Palavra que o protege por completo. A base de sua conexão Comigo é Minha Palavra.

Confiar em Minha Palavra é confiar em Mim. Digo na Palavra que sou seu consolo porque é a verdade e pode contar com isso. Quando digo na Minha Palavra que vou protegê-lo, pode ter certeza que o farei. Quando digo na Minha Palavra que vou suprir, pode acreditar que suprirei. Minha Palavra é vida.


A tua palavra, Senhor, para sempre está firmada nos céus. A tua fidelidade é constante por todas as gerações; estabeleceste a terra, que firme subsiste. Conforme as tuas ordens, tudo permanece até hoje, pois não há nada que não esteja a teu serviço.

Se a tua lei não fosse o meu prazer, o sofrimento já me teria destruído. Jamais me esquecerei dos teus preceitos, pois é por meio deles que preservas a minha vida. ... Como eu amo a tua lei! Medito nela o dia inteiro. Os teus mandamentos estão sempre comigo. —Salmo 119:89–93, 97–98[3]

Publicado originalmente em 1997. Adaptado e republicado em julho 2014.
Tradução Hebe Rondon Flandoli.

[1] NLT.

[2] Mateus 28:20.

[3] NVI.

As coisas que contam
Uma compilação

Assim, permanecem agora estes três: a fé, a esperança e o amor. O maior deles, porém, é o amor. — 1 Coríntios 13:13[1]


Recentemente, li algo que me fez pensar: abrir mão de coisas que gostamos ou desejamos pode parecer um sacrifício, mas quando chegarmos ao céu e virmos tudo sob a perspectiva correta, ficaremos constrangidos por não termos feito esses pequenos sacrifícios com mais alegria.

Mesmo agora, eu me sinto mal ao me lembrar das tarefas das quais me esquivei de fazer, dos argumentos que insisti em ter a última palavra, de quando que dei um jeito de pegar o maior pedaço de bolo. Estou começando a ver como essas coisas são temporárias e o que realmente conta são as ocasiões quando abri mão de alguns minutos durante um período de descanso para ajudar alguém; quando me contive e deixei de responder a um comentário; quando poupei alguém de um constrangimento, quando reservei o maior pedaço de bolo para outra pessoa. Em suma, os momentos que dediquei a outrem, quando podia tê-los usados para mim, ou quando contribuí para melhorar um pouco o dia de outra pessoa. Hoje, não vejo nada disso como um grande sacrifício, pois foram coisas irrelevantes quando penso que é um investimento para a eternidade. — Michael French


Eu nunca vou levar desta vida
Ouro, prata ou bens preciosos.
Tudo que estimo e acumulo
Não levarei para o outro lado.
Posso lutar para ter um quadro raro
Pendurar na parede e ali deixá-lo.
Será meu e me gabarei do seu valor
Mas ficará para trás quando eu me for.
Tudo que adquiro e guardo,
Jamais levarei ao partir.
Quais serão minhas possessões
Na outra vida, eu me pergunto.
O que ficará claro e será observado
Na alma que representa a minha pessoa?
Saberá o grande Juiz das minhas riquezas?
Ou só então perceberei que tudo pelo qual lutei
Ficou para trás.
—Edgar A. Guest


Algumas pessoas dedicam bastante tempo e energia para se tornarem mais atraentes e terem o corpo perfeito. Mas não investem no seu interior, no espírito ímpar e eterno que lhes dei. É uma visão curta, porque, com o tempo, o corpo, a fachada, se irá. O mais importante é o coração, o espírito. Prefiro que dedique mais tempo a atividades que vão embelezar sua alma. Meu amor é que lhe dará verdadeira satisfação e brilho.

Seu corpo é uma fachada temporária, mas seu espírito é eterno. Ao investir no espírito você está investindo na eternidade. — Jesus falando em profecia


Uma citação que Albert Einstein tinha pendurada em seu escritório dizia: “Nem tudo o que pode ser contado conta, e nem tudo o que conta pode ser contado.” Em outras palavras, muito do que você faz em um dia ou semana não pode ser “contado”. Refiro-me a atividades como passar tempo em oração, à energia investida em ministrar para crianças, o investimento feito na missão, ou quando abrimos mão de algo que gostaríamos de fazer em benefício de outra pessoa. Não são coisas que se pode marcar na lista de afazeres como “tarefas realizadas”, mas são momentos decisivos em sua vida.

Jamais devemos nos esquecer de que o mais importante é o amor. Se não tivermos amor, todas as nossas tarefas e grandes realizações não terão valor algum.

O amor é e sempre será a prioridade número um! Se puder se deitar à noite sabendo que demonstrou e deu amor, poderá descansar, sabendo que realizou algo realmente grandioso.—Maria Fontaine


Dedicar tempo, amor e esforço nos seus filhos é investir na eternidade. Os filhos são para sempre. Suas vidas durarão para sempre e tudo o que investir nelas vai contar. —David Brandt Berg


Vi tudo o que você já fez pelos outros e está registrado. Sou um fiel contador e anoto tudo no Meu livro. — Toda palavra gentil, ato de carinho e altruísmo fica registrado nesse livro. Também vejo cada sofrimento, dificuldade, injustiça que sofre, e tudo o que coloca a sua fé à prova. Tudo isso está registrado no Meu livro. São investimentos na eternidade.

Não percebe quanto investiu ou quanto lhe vai render em juros. É possível que se surpreenda com as recompensas que receberá no dia da prestação de contas, quando eu fizer o balanço e você vir tudo o que reservou para a próxima vida! — Jesus falando em profecia


A terra de certo homem rico produziu muito bem. Ele pensou consigo mesmo: ‘O que vou fazer? Não tenho onde armazenar minha colheita’. "Então disse: ‘Já sei o que vou fazer. Vou derrubar os meus celeiros e construir outros maiores, e ali guardarei toda a minha safra e todos os meus bens. E direi a mim mesmo: Você tem grande quantidade de bens, armazenados para muitos anos. Descanse, coma, beba e alegre-se. Contudo, Deus lhe disse: “Insensato! Esta mesma noite a sua vida lhe será exigida. Então, quem ficará com o que você preparou?” Assim acontece com quem guarda para si riquezas, mas não é rico para com Deus.

Portanto eu lhes digo: não se preocupem com suas próprias vidas, quanto ao que comer; nem com seus próprios corpos, quanto ao que vestir. A vida é mais importante do que a comida, e o corpo, mais do que as roupas. Observem os corvos: não semeiam nem colhem, não têm armazéns nem celeiros; contudo, Deus os alimenta. E vocês têm muito mais valor do que as aves! Quem de vocês, por mais que se preocupe, pode acrescentar uma hora que seja à sua vida? Visto que vocês não podem sequer fazer uma coisa tão pequena, por que se preocupar com o restante?

Observem como crescem os lírios. Eles não trabalham nem tecem. Contudo, eu lhes digo que nem Salomão, em todo o seu esplendor, vestiu-se como um deles. Se Deus veste assim a erva do campo, que hoje existe e amanhã é lançada ao fogo, quanto mais vestirá vocês, homens de pequena fé! Não busquem ansiosamente o que hão de comer ou beber; não se preocupem com isso. Pois o mundo pagão é que corre atrás dessas coisas; mas o Pai sabe que vocês precisam delas. Busquem, pois, o Reino de Deus, e essas coisas lhes serão acrescentadas.—Lucas 12:16–31[2]


A sabedoria ensina que a vida na terra é um campo de provas, um aprendizado. Tendo a Mim como guia e orientador, você terá sucesso. Nem sempre isso será o que muitos consideram êxito, mas você terá sucesso naquilo que importa, nas coisas que permanecem além desta vida, por toda a eternidade. — Jesus falando em profecia

Publicado no Âncora em julho 2014. Tradução Hebe Rondon Flandoli.

[1] NVI.

[2] NVI.

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