Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Responses to "Who Are the Mighty and the Holy People of Daniel 8:24?" - Part 6

Dennis Edwards: The following were comments from various friends who read the articles on Daniel 8:24.  

Paulo Aveiro: Yes, America has been used as a powerfull tool to achieve the goals of the Masons or Iluminati. But, as all countries now work to the New World Order and people are becoming more controlled, there is no need for a super powerfull military in America, or Russia, or China. Technology will increasingly be used to monitor, control and punish human beings. World leaders have united to propagate this scamdemic. That is only possible because the world government is already formed behind the scenes. They have infiltrated and subjugated nations corrupting their leaders or murdering the opposing ones. The Rothschild family control America, because they own the Federal Reserve Bank. Some people think the Rockefellers descend from the Rothschilds. America was built on tremendous blood shed from the beginning. Many criminals ran away to this lawless land and many became masons. For me, it seems straightforward, hiring these people to do special jobs.

Paulo Aveiro: It is interesting to note that Bayer, and other companies in Germany started a drug monopoly that lasts up to this day. Rockefeller tried hard to beat them and he did (Dennis: and started the medical and pharmatheutical system in America. Read Death by Injection by Mullens) Now the Rockefeller and Rothschild familes work together as a team. Countries are no longer separate entities. Now they are just mere puppet states of the New World Order. We see this when we analyse the coordinated, well planed response to the present global crisis.

Dennis Edward: Yes, we are just missing "the Man of Sin" who will reveal himself at the beginning of the last 7 years and break the covenant in the midst of the week. Jesus said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." It may be that the Masons or Elites will give their power to the Antichrist. He in turn takes over total control of the New World Government. He then eliminates those whom he desires not, which includes true believing Christians and eventually the pinnacle of the Great Whore's global political system (USA) which may be at that time  in the hands of a nominal Christian believer.

Andrew Tomar: I don't believe either of you gives the complete picture of the nature of Babylon. The description is of a worldwide commercial system. America is the epitome of this--but not totally. The masons (my father was a top mason before getting saved) are the soldiers of the elite business class and count most of the world leaders in almost every sphere among their number. When a mason attains the 32nd or 33rd level, he is required to read a range of books on satanism and witchcraft--including Alastair Crowley's works, showing the source of its leadership. Masonry, as we know it, was founded in Egypt and has its roots there. I've not heard that Nimrod was its founder--though that would make a lot of sense. 

I don't know where it 'says in Revelation that all deaths on Earth are caused by them or where the evidence that they 'did all empires, wars, dark projects, famines, "health" care, politics, economy, etc.'  I think that is overstating their power and influence--though, I'll agree that they have had their hand in a wide range of activities on behalf and at the behest of their 'Lord'. Babylon is greater than any one country, though America does a good job of promoting it. Have you considered the role that China has been playing from the days of Mao? Its modern slavery has a part in Babylon, though, again, it's only a part of the whole. Then the WEF and Charles Schwab, drawing together the 'great men of the Earth' to perform the Great Reset and enslave the entire world must surely be included in the makeup of Babylon.

Dennis Edward: Of course Great Babylon is world-wide, and yet Great Babylon is destroyed by fire through the help of the ten nations who join together with the Antichrist at the very end. Revelation 18:24 talks of the deaths.

Revelation 18:24 - And in her (Great Babylon the Whore) was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

Paulo Aveiro: Great study. Yes, that's exactly right. In Revelation 18:24 it is written that Great Babylon the Whore is responsable directly or indirectly for all premature deaths on Earth. That can only be achieved by a global system of education, medicine, economy, politics, etc. That's what I was talking about. The first time I heard about Nimrod being the first mason was when I was watching a video by the ex-satanist Bill Schnoebelen. When he converted to Jesus many years ago, he started exposing his vast knowledge of satanism, masonry, and other occult stuff.  He said they are all over the world, infiltrated in all walks of life. 

His "Exposing the Illuminati from Within" 5 hours long is very insightfull. They use subvertion to infiltrate and then change values to suit their goals. They all unite on that purpose to one day give their power to the devil, thinking they will have power and reign with him for a 1000 years. I know, these people are evil. That's why they have achieved so much destruction. If Christians where as united and hard working as these, we would have Christ in every soul on this planet. I've also got some insight about what has happenned in History from David Icke.

Paulo Aveiro: These two parts are almost 4 hours long together.

Dennis Edward: Thanks. I will take a look at them. God bless. Things are very tense. Keep close to the Lord.

Paulo Aveiro: True, but always keep calm and know that God will only allow them to do what is necessary to fulfill the Scriptures. Then Jesus will come. They will run and won't know where to hide, because no one hides from the Most High. I don't want to be in their shoes. Now there are lots more modern videos with good info, but this, when it appeared, was like a bomb to me. In the first one, he talks about his life path until he met Jesus. Then he talks about how the masons have influenced mankind from the shadows, from early times. At least, that's what I remember.

John Little: I have read some stuff by ex-Masons who say they claim their origins to be from the time (& area) of Solomon - nothing to do with Egypt. Icke is an idiot, & in spite of some good political exposés, is possibly a patsy, used by the Insiders to be able to label & dismiss all such "conspiracy theorists" as blatant nut-jobs.

Dennis Edwards: I think the Egyptian Book of the Dead was supposedly written by Solomon in his backslidden state. Maybe he was editting some of the "knowledge" of the former times and bringing it up to date, like Albert Pike did in the 1800s with his Masonic writings. But surely it would make sense that the "secret knowledge" goes back to Nimrod and his false religion and demon worship. The 19th century Christian scholar George Smith promotes that idea also. As for Icke, I am not a big fan of his, but his Covid programs were quite well done and were good exposés, and were soon deleted from YouTube and the London program that sponsored him stopped.

Paulo Aveiro: From what I've seen in "mythology" Nimrod introduced all the evil things in the world. Together with his mother (or wife) they wanted to create a world goverment where people would see God as bad for killing mankind in the flood. So people would replace God with the government. For that to happen they would strike fear to people claiming only the government would save them from a new flood. Sounds familiar? They create the problems and then they pose as heroes.

Dennis Edwards: Yes, Nimrod was posing as the Promised Seed, the Messiah, that would save them and bring peace on earth. But he was infact the Satanic seed of that time period channeling spiritual energy from the darkside and teaching mankind to do likewise.

Andrew England: Well, like Benjamin Wills Newton in the 19th century I agree that there is babylon the whore as a spiritual force and religious system and also  actual city or near future world centric/new Babylon in actual Mesopotamia. The Antichrist's secular centre of world administration. I see the ongoing rise and expansion of the Emirates , Dubai ets etc...and eurasia China Russian links... The Free ports, tallest building projects, clean futurist super tech cities that are linking up via subterranean magnet electric super fast trade routes to Asia and eurasia and well Israel is planting its embassy's and influence there increasingly more in line with the discriptions. I see that more in line with many of the prophecies... And by it snd its markets the Kings and great men are made rich... A world maritime hub as when it burns the shipmen lament. Well, America has made itself or its elite rich. I feel you have a bias of knowledge and experience based on your onw nationality which ascribes too much to the USA. Yes, as a market you have Wall Street and Holywood etc, but there has also always been the oil, the black gold which has been involved in the world wars and has made them all rich. Fair to say the blood of the all nations has been spilt in the mideast and mingled with the oil. Or that the ground has opened her mouth to drink said blood.

To endeavour to anticipate the full fulfillment of all these things is indeed speculation, especially when we superimpose upon scripture unequal inconsistent or partial interpretation methods or exclude portions that don't fully fit in out vision. So I think if one is to speculate it's always better to be thoroughly literal when that is plausible or indeed not unlikely. Anyway I don't like doting on strife of words and man's opinions. It's unprofitable for me personally.

I don't say conclusively you couldn't be right but I dont see it myself as I read or hear those prophets. I mean the fact that God promises so emphatically to man and beast that he won't again completely destroy the world with a flood may indicate a future partial destruction event. Sea rise or whatnot. That could destroy New York and hurt London if not wipe them off the map. Many things could happen before the ten kingdoms and Kings emerge as such with Israel.

Dennis Edwards: So we have some different opinions. We are indeed speculating on Bible Prophecy and though we may feel sure in our opinions, that's all they are at the present moment: speculations and opinions. We know what is written in God's word will come to pass. Whether we are seeing things clearly or through a glass darkly remains to be seen. Therefore, we should major our efforts on helping to lead others to Christ, on getting them in relationship with Jesus.

However, from all that we have experienced during the pandemic, it appears that global government is already in place through international institutions and giant corporate entities that superimpose their preplanned will on the planet. The One World Government is only lacking a firgurehead with a more visible presence.

We all sense the insecurity of the present situation, of the present mode of operation. Change, great change, seems to be looming in the foreground. The uncertainty of what the change will bring causes us to be anxious. That anxiety should drive us to the Lord and His promises in His word. He is a very present help in time of trouble. God bless you as you cling to Him and deepen your relationship with Him day by day.


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