This certificate is awarded to
Dennis E. Molinski
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
For successfully completing Resurrection Challenge
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Jesus—His Life and Message: Jesus’ Birth (Part 5)

By P. Amsterdam
The birth narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke tell us the story of Jesus’ birth. These accounts also portray deep truths about what God was doing in His plan of salvation. To get the bigger picture concerning the event of God’s Son...
Louvor e comunhão na virada do ano
D Brandt Berg estamos, reunidos na última noite do ano, pensando em nossas realizações, no progresso feito, nas bênçãos recebidas e na bondade do Senhor para conosco. Acho que seria bom cultivar o hábito de todo final de ano, na última noite, fazer um balanço das nossas vidas,...
New Year’s Eve Praise and Communion
By D Brandt Berg length: 7:30Download Audio (13.7MB)Here we are on the last night of the year, contemplating what we have accomplished this past year, what progress we have made, what blessings we have received, and how good the Lord has been to us. Maybe it would be a good idea...
Rethinking Conspiracy
by Shawn Hamilton October 27, 2014 31 CommentsThe terms “conspiracy theorist” and “conspiracy nut” are used frequently to discredit a perceived adversary using emotional rather than logical appeals. It’s important for the sake of true argument that we define...

After leaving The Washington Post in 1977, Carl Bernstein spent six months looking at the relationship of the CIA and the press during the Cold War years. His 25,000-word cover story, published in Rolling Stone on October 20, 1977, is reprinted below.THE CIA...