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Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Rape of Portugal!

By Dennis Edwards:

I have been watching the situation in Ukraine with much sadness. Is the uprising taking place really a spontaneous reaction of the people? Or is this crisis being provoked by International financial interests trying to pull Ukraine into the Western hemisphere’s influence or divide it into two pieces? There is no simple answer. But I will share my experience in Portugal to propose what could really be happening.

When Portugal, Greece and Spain joined the European Union financial aid poured into those countries. In the time before 2004 much money came in as financial help toward the building of roads and stadiums. Portugal and Spain had won the bid for the Euro football games while Greece would provide the summer Olympics. So in order to build the stadiums and roads and infrastructure to support those stadiums loans were granted. Everything was great and dandy. Jobs were abundant. Foreigners poured into the country from Eastern Europe, especially Ukraine and Romania, and from Brazil. I am specifically talking about my experience in Portugal, but Spain and Greece have parallel stories. At the same time, new shopping malls were built and Portugal at one time had the newest and biggest shopping mall in all of Europe, the Columbus Shopping Mall in Lisbon.

At the same time, European agreements with China allowed the Chinese merchants to also enter the country with many tax benefits. It was a great time of financial bubble. Portugal and Greece also went to the final of the European Cup. A great euphoria and optimism existed both in sports arena and in the psychology of the people. The government encouraged business to invest in new technologies to stay competitive. Banks were loaning money with easy access to credit and encouraging people to take more. Many thought the new financial explosion would last forever. They unwisely borrowed expecting all things to continue as they were.

Meanwhile corrupt politicians were pocketing money. The Chinese imports started affecting the local clothing and pottery industries. When the bubble burst the small industrial base had already been eroded. The pottery industry collapsed and almost completely disappeared. The clothing industry collapsed, also. The new shopping malls with the international names imported clothing from China, Morocco, Turkey, Pakistan, India, and Thailand. Many Portuguese companies went bust as Portuguese lost their family fortunes. The new free motorways made access to the larger commercial center easy and assured them of clients. While the traditional local business dribbled to a trickle.

The European quotas on milk and fish further squeezed the traditional Portuguese economy. Farmers were paid to stop raising so much dairy or fined if they exceeded their quotas. Fishermen were encouraged to retire early to bring down the Portuguese fishing catch beneath the new European quotas. The traditional Portuguese economy was being decimated. The new supermarkets aided by the free motorways led to the movement of money away from the local small business toward the big internationals whose products were from either outside of Portugal or outside of Europe completely.

During this time, the socialists were in power and busy spending. They pushed through two amendments on abortion that failed to gain the necessary votes. The third amendment did not get enough votes to be counted as a legal reflection of the will of the people as fewer than 50% of the population participated. Therefore they used a new method. The Congress which was strongly socialist passed a law approving abortion. When this law went to the Conservative President for his signature, most believed he would veto it. However, just the week before the Polish Prime Minister, a friend of the Portuguese President, had been killed in a mysterious plane crash. The Portuguese President’s wife confessed they were afraid for their lives and so her husband did not veto the abortion bill as expected. How strange that the members of the Polish government died in one stroke. The Polish Prime Minister was against the European agenda of abortion and gay rights being strongly Catholic. His Central Banking president had kept Poland debt free. The Health Minister had refused to buy the Gripe A vaccine which kept the government from being in debt to the pharmaceutical industry. These important anti-European agenda ministers were all gone in one smooth stroke of “bad-luck.” What a coincidence?

In the meantime, here in Portugal, the financial bubble was building. The Socialist government offered free computers to the children of poor families to help to become computer literate. At the same time, mobile phones and internet and cable and disk multi-channel television were opening up the culture to new influences. Before this flood gate was opened the traditional Portuguese television was strongly Portuguese. Then came the new SIC TV program which promoted gay personalities and humor. But now the door has been opened and the traditional Portuguese culture is under heavy attack and slowly being corrupted and eliminated.

Some time ago the strongly socialist congress passed a bill in favor of gay marriage. Again the President did not veto it as he said a veto would only be overturned by Congress.  Last week, the Congress passed a bill to allow gay marriages to adopt children. The bill went to the President to sign into law. The President did not veto it, but sent it on to the Constitutional Court to see if it was constitutional. The Constitutional Court voted that the bill was unconstitutional. The socialists and communists protested that the Court was standing in the way of democracy and the will of the people. The war goes on. The Antichrist forces in Europe are slowly and surely destroying the strongly Catholic and Christian beliefs of the people of Southern European. Poland and Ukraine could be their next objective. Ireland and Iceland may have already been their targets. Romania and others are also in their sights.

That’s how I see it from Portugal. The new wealth that the Portuguese experienced enabled them to buy the machines that were needed to slowly erode their faith away and embrace the European Union’s agenda of abortion and gay marriage. The Bible says the love of money is the route of all evil. Portuguese lusted after those things that money could buy which they thought would bring them happiness. They have more things but have compromised their values. The international bankers burst the financial bubble and left Portugal with debts to pay. In order to pay them they have had to sell off their state owned businesses. They have had to make those free motorways pay roads. Their children cannot find jobs in Portugal as the factories have closed and the youth have had to move abroad. The traditional family unit has been destroyed. Internet and computer games dominate the lives of youth. Traditional Catholic morality no longer exists. And no one stands up against the wake of destruction.

Will similar methods be used in Poland and Ukraine to bring them in line with the New World Order agenda? It only remains to be seen. Jesus said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” But the meek and poor countries are being offered the riches of this life and many are falling for it. The Portuguese are poor once again. Eighty percent of the people do not have money to survive for a whole year. Thirty percent are living day by day. Sixty percent of the people receive minimum salary or less per month. The financial bubble helped put into the homes of the Portuguese people these new gadgets that the internationalists are using to erode away the faith of adult and youth alike. The debt to be paid to the Central Bankers will take many years of economizing. Pensions have been cut. Age of retirement has been raised to sixty-six years. The workday has been extended to eight and a half hours a day. The European Union promised the Portuguese everything, but it indeed has been the rape of Portugal, as well as, Spain and Greece and Ireland. Will your country be next?


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