Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024

“Useless People” - Who is Yuval Harari? Klaus Schwab's Right-Hand Man

Dennis Edwards: The Antichrist will set up with the help of men like these! Is he the False Prophet or at least a false prophet? Revelation 13. Sounds like a Brace New World! You can be optimistic or positive because you have faith in God, and yet God's Word warns that things will get worse and worse.

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