Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Finding Strength in Times of Trouble

by Dennis Edwards: 

About three years ago my twenty-seven year old son died in a swimming accident. After finishing his education in England he had been offered a job in Bermuda at $50,000 a year. He took it. Six months later at midnight, I received the phone call that every parent dreads. Your child has gone missing. His clothing has been found on the beach front near to his home. He has missed work for the first time in six months.

I immediately got on my knees and cried out to God, as any parent would, beseeching Him for my son’s safety. No sooner had I begun to pray, than I saw, in my mind’s eye, a vision. My son was entering into the Heavenly City. A crowd had gathered to meet him. I saw my recently departed father and a close friend who had died from cancer a few months earlier. Everyone was hugging my son with warm embraces, like a great celebration or graduation. At that moment, I knew my son was with the Lord, and we would not find him alive. His body was found five days later.

I remember, there in Bermuda, while sorting through his things, a wave of emotions hit me like a tsunami. “Why, God? Why, God? Why did this happen? Why, my son, who was hard-working, friendly and had so many good qualities?” I had walked down to cliff where his clothes had been found above the churning waters of the Caribbean at a local diving spot. The tide was high and rough. If I dove in, could I make it through those troubled waters to the mouth of the little natural pool where bathers would swim peacefully some forty meters away? The voice of conscience told me it was too dangerous. Besides, I knew not where the hidden rocks stood beneath the waves that had injured many a young diver.

When I got back to his apartment, I was still in emotional turmoil. Desperately, with tears forming constantly in my eyes, I opened up my computer and logged in. I had a message on Facebook. My son’s former girlfriend had written me. While she had been taking time to listen to the Lord and receive from Him some encouraging words for me in prophecy, she heard my son’s voice in her voice of conscience. “Tell my father not to be discouraged. Tell him I’m okay. Now, I understand all that he had tried to teach me. Tell him I am thankful for all he did and not to worry about me. I am okay.” She thanked the Lord for the privilege of receiving this message and sent it on to me.

As I read those words, tears swelled in my eyes. But they were not tears of despair and anguish, but tears of joy and comfort knowing that my son was okay. He was safe in the arms of Jesus. You may say, “It was a figment of her imagination.” Maybe it was. All I know, I was encouraged and through those words found strength to continue on in the face of one of life’s most difficult tests, the death of one’s child.

How God does sends the message, is His business. Whether or not it was my son speaking to his former girlfriend or an angel disguising himself as my son or Jesus himself speaking as my son, or the girlfriend’s own wishful imaginative thinking, I do not know. I do know that I was encouraged, and strengthened in that difficult time. I was able to face that dark hour in faith and with the knowledge that my son was okay. He was with Jesus.

“All things truly do work together for good to them that love God.” She called upon the Lord and He answered and He gave her just the message I needed to be inspired and encouraged and to find the faith to continue on in life’s difficult journey. Her listening to the Lord in prophecy and accepting the message bore good fruit in my life. Like Jesus said, “and by their fruits you shall know them.” Therefore, I conclude it was good. It was from the Lord.

Are you calling upon the Lord and learning to hear His still, small voice in your heart? He may have a message for you or for you to pass on to someone else who’s passing through a time of trouble. He may give you a vision, or a dream, or you may have a sensation. Or you may hear his still, small voice in your heart telling you this is the way, walk in it.

“Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you”. Are you knocking on Heaven’s door for the answers that you need? Please do. You won’t be disappointed. Your message from the Lord may be just the comfort your loved one needs in their time of anguish!


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