29, 2014- Sovereign Man - Notes From the Field - Simon BlackSantiago, Chile“The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite!”Most people remember Karl Marx’s most potent points and phrases, and the mountain of...
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Repórter da BBC: Google prepara-se para "suprimir Jornalismo legítimo» Paul Joseph Watson | 3 de julho de 2014A decisão "Direito a ser esquecido" ameaça "coibir a liberdade de expressão" O editor de economia da BBC, Robert Peston, adverte que...
Consolo nas Aflições de JesusMuitas são as aflições do justo, mas de todas o livrará Deus.—Salmo 34:19[1]*Você está debaixo de uma chuva de aflições, minha florzinha? Não se preocupe. As suas orações e as orações daqueles que a amam farão surgir um arco-íris com suas cores fabulosas, e o sol voltará a brilhar....
Influence compilationAudio length: 9:30Download Audio (8.7MB)The power of one person’s life over another’s is something almost startling! There have been single looks of an eye which have changed a destiny. There have been meetings of only a moment which have left impressions for life, for eternity! No one can understand...
What did the Old Testament Prophet Daniel and Isaac Newton have in common?
Chapter 4-The Daniel - Isaac Newton Connection By Dennis EdwardsIsaac Newton, who lived from 1642-1727, is known as one of the world’s greatest scientists. But not many people know he was fascinated with the Book of Daniel. He was a devout Christian, and Bible scholar who studied the Old Testament in the original Hebrew. He said, “I have a fundamental...
Monday, September 29, 2014
Arms, Arms and More Arms! or It’s Blood Money, Baby!

By Dennis Edwards --
America has also polluted the world through her sales of armament and weapons of war. Although other countries also sell arms, the USA has had the biggest share in sales of military equipment and weapons of death and destruction. Researcher...
War is a Racket!
excerpt from my book "Where is America in Bible Prophecy."In another book, “War is a Racket,” written by the most decorated Marine in history, Brigadier General Smedley Butler, we find his apology for being a military Mafioso for Wall Street and Big Business and the bankers. He confesses. I spent 33 years and four months in active military service...
The Wild Man Prophecy and Its Affect on the Middle East!

By Dennis Edwards --
Most everyone knows that Abraham is the father of both the Jewish and Arab nations. However, most people do not realize that both Jews and Arabs are descendants of Shem. In fact, according to Bible chronology, Shem and Abraham’s lives...
O Perfeito Amor Lança Fora o Temor
Palavras de JesusAssim conhecemos o amor que Deus tem por nós e confiamos nesse amor. Deus é amor. Todo aquele que permanece no amor permanece em Deus, e Deus nele. Dessa forma o amor está aperfeiçoado entre nós, para que no dia do juízo tenhamos confiança, porque neste mundo somos como ele. No amor não há medo; pelo contrário o perfeito amor expulsa...
Meet the BRICS’ “New Development Bank” Corbettcorbettreport.comThis article originally appeared in The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter on August 23, 2014. To subscribe to the newsletter and become a member of The Corbett Report website, please sign up for a monthly...
Friday, September 26, 2014
Alessandro Zanardi..Testimony - Overcoming Difficulties
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Post by Tho W...
Palavras Poderosas Mudam o Mundo
By Maria Fountaine
Tive uma epifania outro dia — mesmo sem saber exatamente o que é uma epifania, sabia que tivera uma. Quando procurei o significado da palavra, vi que uma das definições principais é “percepção súbita e intuitiva da essência de algo, ou compreensão de uma realidade,...