Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Are They Using Meteorological Warfare to Win the Election?

Dennis Edwards

The last week we have had some interesting weather in USA. A hurricane followed a path into a battle-ground state between Republicans and Democrats. The state of North Carolina almost never gets hurricanes. The people dont have the option to get hurricane insurance because hurricanes dont pass that way. Strange as it may seem, the hurricane was going in one direction and then made a sharp turn and went a completely new direction into a state known for not having hurricanes. The area that was hit was pro-Trump in a state where only a few thousand votes could make the difference in an election. Is the government using meteorological warfare against the opposition party?

Since the end of WWII, the government has been developing its ability to use weather in warfare. HAARP is one such program using massive amounts of electrical energy to bounce powerful electric rays off the ionosphere to cause some meteorological effect elsewhere. Some believe the strange heavy rainfall in Dubai last year was caused by some type of weather technology. Dubai had just announced it would use other currencies beside the USA dollar in its economy. Some believe USA send a warning message to them through the flooding.

Another method of meteorological manipulation is through cloud seeding. Aluminium atoms and or other such substances are poured into the cloud as it is developing. The seeding can cause the storm to grow to greater intensity. Electric energy waves can be shot around the hurricane to make it move in a certain direction. We know that the government has the ability to manage the weather and has used such program during the Vietnam War in the 1960-70s. Are these hurricanes natural events, or are the powers that be using meteorological warfare at home in USA? Last week we read the old German poem about Comets.

Eight things there be a Comet brings,

When it on high doth horrid range;

Wind, Famine, Plague, and Death to Kings,

War, Earthquake, Floods and Direful Change.

 Are these hurricanes the result of the two comets passing by as we see Wind and Floods are predicted in the old poem? Hillary Clinton predicted last month that something big would happen during the month of October that would change the course of the Presidential campaign. Does she have some secret information about the future which we do not have access to? Is the Biden government planning some event to make sure the Democrats hold onto political power? Are the hurricanes being manipulated meteorologically to affect Trump supporters and give the election to Kamala Harris in those important battle ground states? Is the government trying a new strategy to steal the election again from Trump? People are asking these questions. Confidence in the government is at an all time low.

Today we will continue our study from last week. Gods word is where we go when we are searching for answers. We can bring our problems and questions to the Lord in prayer and then read His word and it will speak to us. A good knowledge of Gods word is one of the best protections to keep us alert and open to hearing Gods voice. Let us continue with our study from last week.

We were studying the question about whether the comets that are passing by earth during October could be the astrological events that we see in the book of Revelation during the Great Tribulation period? Could we be entering into the Great Tribulation now? Could the comets that are passing be the plague of the second angel in Revelation 8:8-9 and the third angel in Revelation 8:10-11? Could the passing of the comets be the opening of the sixth seal in Revelation 6:12-13?

We looked at these questions last week. Does anyone remember what answers we found if any? Are we in the tribulation yet? Why do we think we are not yet in tribulation? Today’s class will help clarify our answer.  Go Back to Previous class.



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