Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Oração de um Afligido
LinkMaria FontaineEsta oração foi feita por uma pessoa que estava sofrendo muito e achava que a dor jamais passaria. Pode ser aplicada a todos que acham que não aguentam mais e ser passada para alguém que você deseje consolar, pois é uma oração a Jesus feita por um companheiro de aflição.O melhor de tudo é a mensagem de Jesus no final para todos os...
Israel: War Crimes? Us???
By Uri Avnery, ICH, June 27, 2015“WAR IS HELL!” the US general George Patton famously exclaimed.War is the business of killing the “enemy”, in order to impose your will on them.Therefore, “humane war” is an oxymoron.War itself is a crime. There are few exceptions. I would exempt the war against Nazi Germany, since it was conducted against a regime...
Greeks face new uncertainty as vote called on bailout
By Demetris Nellas, AP, Jun 27, 2015ATHENS, Greece (AP)–Anxiety over Greece’s future swelled on Saturday, with people queuing outside banks to withdraw cash, after Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ call for the people to vote on a proposed bailout deal increased the risks that the country might fall out of the euro.The call for a vote has strained relations...
How Busy People Make Time To Think
By Laura Vanderkam, Fast Company, June 23, 2013Increasingly we are expected to always be “on”–responding to emails and texts outside of business hours. When there’s so much to respond to, it’s hard to find time to just think about strategy, the big picture, or new ideas.Yet busy people do find time to brainstorm new ideas, and you can too. Here are...
The real “Supreme Court”

By Mark McMillionMost people, at least here in the States, have heard about the Supreme Court ruling clarifying that homosexual and lesbian marriage is legal under United States law. Needless to say, it’s a very big news item and a very big issue in these...
Sunday, June 28, 2015
An Ode to Television
The Twenty-Third Channel
By Philip Day
The TV is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
It makes me lie down on the sofa,
It destroys my soul.
It leads me in the path of sex and violence
For the sponsor's sake.
Yea, though I walk
In the shadow of Christian responsibilities,
There will be no interruption,
For the TV is...
“Aquele que Oferece Louvor…”
LinkVirginia Brandt BergNossa meditação de hoje é sobre dar graças a Deus, e encontrei um poema de L. A. Tubbs muito verdadeiro que realmente tocou o meu coração:Tenho contado minhas bênçãos,E somado o meu pesar,Mas não cheguei à conclusãoA que alguns naturalmente iriam chegar.Parei de contar os problemas antes de chegar a cinco,Mas vi as bênçãos...
What Burning Out Taught Me About Prioritizing My Work
By Carson Tate, Fast Company, June 25, 2015It was December 26. The day after Christmas; 10 days after my daughter’s first birthday. I was sitting on the floor coiling Christmas lights when I began to try to stand up. Almost immediately, I sank back down to the floor.I was tired: physically tired; emotionally tired. Even my soul felt tired.How did...
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Louvar nos Períodos Difíceis
Uma coletânea de pensamentos
Praticar o louvor (em outras palavras, estar agradecido) em situações difíceis muda as coisas, porque atrai o Espírito e o poder do Senhor. Uma atitude agradecida anima tanto você quanto as pessoas ao seu redor, pois o ajuda a ter uma perspectiva positiva, lhe dá fé, fé no Senhor e fé por mudança. Melhora...
Our Father Does Work in Wondrous Ways
By Reverend John Powell
Reverend John Powell, professor at Loyola University in Chicago, writes about a student in his Theology of Faith class named Tommy:
Some twelve years ago, I stood watching my university students file into the classroom for our first session in the Theology of Faith.
That was the day I first saw Tommy. My eyes and my...
Thursday, June 25, 2015
The girl in the picture: Kim Phuc’s journey from war to forgiveness
By Paula Newton and Thom Patterson, CNN, June 22, 2015
Ajax, Ontario, Canada (CNN) Even without the benefit of context, the image of a naked 9-year-old girl running for her life is as searing and indelible today as it was 43 years ago.
Não se preocupe
LinkPalavras de JesusPortanto Eu lhes digo: não se preocupem com suas próprias vidas, quanto ao que comer ou beber; nem com seus próprios corpos, quanto ao que vestir. ... Quem de vocês, por mais que se preocupe, pode acrescentar uma hora que seja à sua vida? Os pagãos é que correm atrás dessas coisas; mas o Pai celestial sabe que vocês precisam delas....
God’s Word: Our Spiritual Fuel
By M Fontaine Link Audio length: 8:12 Download Audio (15MB)
Our connection to Jesus is our lifeline. God’s Word is what keeps our faith strong. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”1 Putting emphasis on our spiritual...