Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Secret to Survival - the Word!

By D.B. Berg
When I returned to college determined to study philosophy, psychology, and political science, rather than religion, I became seriously involved in the study of socialism and communism. However, I soon saw that the purportedly unselfish goals of these political systems could never be achieved without the love of God in the hearts of men, as in the pure Christian communism of the early church, made possible only by the power of the Spirit of God. Such voluntary sharing of the wealth with those in need could only come through Jesus.
Nevertheless, I could also see, as I’m sure most of us can who think honestly, that not all the rich would be willing to share their wealth with the poor, nor would all industrialists be willing to sacrifice their pollution to save our lives and environment, nor the politician his power, nor the militarist his weapons of war. Very few men are so idealistic as to be willing to give up their own sins in order to please God that they might try to save their fellow men—only a few!
The vast majority have often proved wrong. Therefore, the so-called democratic rule of the majority can never voluntarily bring perfect government and perfect peace on earth, a fair economy, a healthful environment, a godly education, nor a righteous religion. Only the direct intervention of God Himself with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to set up His own kingdom of totally righteous rule here on earth will ever bring such a reign of perfection, with peace and justice for all.
All other attempts at changes for the better, whether violent or nonviolent, by unregenerate and sinful man, will only bring more unregenerate and sinful governments, economies, pollutions, educations and religions and wars resulting from man’s sinful heart. To truly change these instruments and ailments of man, you must change man and his sinful heart, something that only God can do. Otherwise, you will only have revolution after revolution, war upon war, rich and poor, pollution and disease, political religion, and regime after regime, with empire following empire!
The Bible predicts that in the last days of man-made regimes on earth, a totally godless anti-Christ world government will arise, led by a Devil-possessed dictator who will bring a false peace on earth and a counterfeit utopia, and its price will be enforced worship of himself as the imitation messiah.

(Editor: In a way, we are seeing the counterfeit utopia with today’s European Union and other such economic unions which promise unequalled economic success through free trade and free movement within such unions. Immigrants from all over the world are clamoring to enter into Europe’s “Promised Land.” But those countries in both Southern and Eastern Europe have found that entrance comes with a price. Tided to the money these countries receive from Brussels is a moral and cultural agenda aimed at destroying the former beliefs and values of their countries. Brussels pushes for the new members of the union to liberlize their laws concerning marriage. They push to change the laws concerning abortion to be more abortion friendly. Governments are encouraged to adopt eutanásia or assisted suicide. Agriculturally governments must allow genetically modified seeds and widespread use of chemical fertilizes, etc.

(The European Union is also in favour of world agreements concerning the environment. Because of Codem – 19 the European Union cancelled all visits to the parlimentary chambers. However, Greta Thumburg, the young environmentalist from Finland, was not cancelled, although there has been an outcry from some European parliment members. Pope Francisco is also making a call for a new agreement on climate change. Now with the outbreak of corona virus or Codem-19 there may very well be another push for some global apparatus that will help the nations share important information amongst themselves. There will be calls for some international agreement to deal with such problems as the corona virus. Such an international agreement will seem necessary and innocent at first, just as the environmental concerns seem to be. But in the end these agreements will lead to a new world order with government in total control. This is what is prophecized in the Bible and this is where we are being directed by the powers that be behind the scenes.)
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Finally, under the antichrist world government, all members of society will have some sort of mark or biometric number in order to buy or sell or obtain food or employment. (Editor: In China, because of the Corona Virus problem, the government has implemented a survellence device used with one’s mobile phone. This app helps the government know everyone’s where abouts. As technology advances some sort of biometric implant could be the famous “mark of the beast” predicted in the Bible as compulsory in the last days. But the Bible warns us that the “mark” has spiritual consequences and Christians are admonished to refuse it unto death.) Those who refuse to cooperate and receive the mark will be hunted, persecuted, and killed as terrorists by the Antichrist’s commandment—a time of Great Tribulation.
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However, those who have the invisible seal of God in their foreheads, His own children, the true believers at the end who have Jesus in their hearts, will be hidden and spared by the miracles of God until the coming of Christ, when they will join Him in the air. The only way out will be up! And the ones saved will be all those who have had this supernatural, regenerative rebirth of the Spirit by God’s love in Jesus, being born again by accepting Him!
Our only hope of survival in this life and the future, therefore, is to be prepared spiritually and even practically, with both the personal experience of salvation—this change of heart by God’s love in Jesus—and by a working knowledge of His Word and what it advises us to do under the conditions of the difficult days that the Bible predicts are coming.
As a young Christian leader with years of experience in the churches, I could plainly see that most Christians were unprepared for these certain eventualities so specifically predicted in the Scriptures. Many Christians today do not know their Bibles, or memorize Scripture for remembrance and encouragement, inspiration, and instruction.
I’ve read through Bibles many times, because I believe it. Therefore, I read it. I know it’s the Word of God, because I know it works, and that’s the best proof you’ve got. Just try it, it works! That’s the best proof of the inspiration of the Bible. That’s the best proof that this is the miraculous, supernatural Word of God Himself, by trying it. Why don’t you give it a chance? You’ve tried everything else, why not try Jesus? Why not try the Bible? You read everything else.
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We talk to people time and time again who’ve been through college and they’ve read hundreds of books, huge tomes and textbooks and all kinds of books, but have never even cracked the Bible, never even read the Bible! The most wonderful, supernatural, miraculous, amazing, marvelous book in the whole world, which can tell you the answers to everything—where we came from, how we got here, why we’re here, and how to survive and be happy while here, how to have love and peace now and forever, and yet many have never even read it.
The Bible also tells us how to leave this life and know where you’re going, and to know that you’re going to be happy forever with God and His Son Jesus Christ in heavenly places. Not far off in the stratosphere or outer space someplace, but right here on earth! A new earth, that’s true, a remade, renovated earth, the old surface all burned away and purified and all that pollution completely swept away, a newly created earth, sort of like the first one in the days of the Garden of Eden—beautiful and pure, with a new heavenly city.
That’s where we’re going, and we won’t have very far to go, because it’s going to be right here. When it’s time for the new heaven and new earth, we’re not going to heaven; we’re going to spend eternity right here on the new earth in the new heaven.
John saw that heavenly holy city coming down from God, out of heaven, right down here to this earth, so he said, “God is going to dwell with man.” He doesn’t say man is going to go up and dwell with Him, but God is going to dwell with man.
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Will you know what to do? Will you be prepared to survive and help others to do so, as well as to continue to worship God and encourage others in the faith during days not unlike those of the catacombs church of martyrs under Roman persecution? These things have already happened and continue to happen to Christians in many nations. Will you be prepared and will you know what God expects you to do under such conditions? Your best preparation is the Word of God!
Edited by Dennis Edwards of originally published on Anchor found at


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