Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

La Lucha Espiritual! Español (para os português tambem)

por Maria Gloria Cruz

Dos veredas

La Palabra de Dios nos habla desde Génesis a Apocalipsis de dos caminos, dos veredas que están establecidas en la historia de la raza humana. No hay tres brechas, no hay tres veredas, sólo hay dos caminos, uno que conduce a la vida eterna, al retorno con el Creador, una que nos lleva directamente ante la presencia de Dios, una que conduce a la eternidad.

Pero hay un sendero de muerte, una vereda que parece ser recta, que parece que conduce a un lugar maravilloso, un camino espacioso, hermoso, atrayente, lleno de vivencias humanas, de abundancia, un camino que parece ajeno a las piedras, a los tropiezos, a las caídas, un camino que no requiere arrepentimiento, una camino que pierde la luz lentamente hasta llegar a un túnel oscuro y tenebroso. Es el camino de la muerte, es el sendero que conduce al infierno, a un mundo gobernado por el Príncipe de las Tinieblas.

Mat.7:13 Entrad por la puerta estrecha; porque ancha es la puerta, y espacioso el camino que lleva a la perdición, y muchos son los que entran por ella;

Mat.7:14 porque estrecha es la puerta, y angosto el camino que lleva a la vida, y pocos son los que la hallan.
Una lucha espiritual

Hay una lucha espiritual entre el bien y el mal por el control de nuestras almas. San Pablo nos lo definió muy claro cuando nos advirtió:

“Por lo demás, hermanos míos, fortaleceos en el Señor, y en el poder de Su fuerza. Vestíos de toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis estar firmes contra las asechanzas del diablo. Porque no tenemos lucha contra sangre y carne, sino contra principados, contra potestades, contra los gobernadores de las tinieblas de este siglo, contra huestes espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestes”. (Efesios 6:10-12)

Es evidente que hay una lucha espiritual, que no podemos ver físicamente pero que quiere cautivar nuestras mentes y finalmente nuestro corazón y espíritu.
Jesús sanó enfermos y echo fuera demonios

Uno de los principales ministerios de Jesús fue el de sanar enfermos y el de echar fuera demonios que estaban poseyendo y molestando a las personas.

Mat.8:16 Y cuando llegó la noche, trajeron a Él muchos endemoniados; y con la palabra echó fuera a los demonios, y sanó a todos los enfermos;

El mundo espiritual es igual ahora que en los tiempos de Jesús. Lo cual quiere decir que los demonios aún tratan de poseer a las personas.

En Proverbios, Salomón nos habla de cómo hay caminos que parecen rectos y que parecen muy buenos pero el fin es muerte.

Pro.14:12 Hay camino que al hombre le parece derecho; pero su fin es camino de muerte.

Pro.16:25 Hay camino que parece derecho al hombre, pero su fin es camino de muerte.

Pro.16:2 Todos los caminos del hombre son limpios en su propia opinión; pero el Señor pesa los espíritus.

Pro.21:2 Todo camino del hombre es recto en su propia opinión; pero el Señor pesa los corazones.
El diablo “ángel de luz”

Y lo que tenemos que darnos cuenta es que si Satanás quiere hacernos caer en su red, NO se nos va a presentar de una forma terrorífica para asustarnos, lo puede hacer disfrazado de “ángel de luz”, nos va a hacer creer que su camino es bueno y que nos va a ir muy bien y nos va a ayudar seguir sus consejos.

Recuerda como le presentó a Eva la fruta prohibida para hacer que ella comiera:

Gén.3:4 Entonces la serpiente dijo a la mujer: No moriréis;

Gén.3:5 sino que sabe Dios que el día que comáis de él, serán abiertos vuestros ojos, y seréis como Dios, sabiendo el bien y el mal.

Gén.3:6 Y vio la mujer que el árbol era bueno para comer, y que era agradable a los ojos, y árbol codiciable para alcanzar la sabiduría; y tomó de su fruto, y comió; y dio también a su marido, el cual comió así como ella.

También S. Pablo nos advirtió sobre como el Diablo puede ser muy engañoso, e incluso disfrazarse como “ser de luz”.

2Cor.11:14 Y no es maravilla, porque el mismo Satanás se disfraza como ángel de luz.

2Cor.11:15 Así que, no es extraño si también sus ministros se disfrazan como ministros de justicia; cuyo fin será conforme a sus obras.

En Ezequiel 28, nos da una descripción de cómo era Satanás antes de caer y vemos que era uno de los querubines más hermosos.

Eze.28:13 En Edén, en el huerto de Dios estuviste; de toda piedra preciosa era tu vestidura; de cornerina, topacio, jaspe, crisólito, berilo y ónice; de zafiro, carbunclo, esmeralda y oro; los primores de tus tamboriles y flautas estuvieron preparados para ti en el día de tu creación.

Eze.28:14 Tú, querubín grande, protector, yo te puse en el santo monte de Dios, allí estuviste; en medio de las piedras de fuego te paseabas.

Eze.28:15 Perfecto eras en todos tus caminos desde el día que fuiste creado, hasta que se halló en ti maldad.

Eze.28:16 A causa de la multitud de tus contrataciones fuiste lleno de iniquidad, y pecaste; por lo que yo te eché del monte de Dios, y te arrojé de entre las piedras del fuego, oh querubín protector.

Eze.28:17 Se enalteció tu corazón a causa de tu hermosura, corrompiste tu sabiduría a causa de tu esplendor; yo te arrojaré por tierra; delante de los reyes te pondré para que miren en ti.

Y en Isaías lo menciona como un lucero, en otras traducciones es Lucifer, lo que significa “portador de luz”.

Isa.14:12 ¡Cómo caíste del cielo, oh Lucero, hijo de la mañana! Cortado fuiste por tierra, tú que debilitabas a las naciones.

Isa.14:13 Tú que decías en tu corazón: Subiré al cielo; en lo alto, junto a las estrellas de Dios, levantaré mi trono, y en el monte del testimonio me sentaré, a los lados del norte;

Isa.14:14 sobre las alturas de las nubes subiré, y seré semejante al Altísimo.

Isa.14:15 Mas tú derribado eres hasta el Seol, a los lados del abismo.

“Seré semejante al Altísimo”, Satanás nunca será Dios pero tratará de parecerse a Él y hacer que las personas le adoren como Dios. Así que esto nos puede dar una idea de que el Diablo no siempre se presenta como algo terrible, sino que se puede presentar como algo muy bueno y apetitoso. Seguramente va a estudiar nuestro lado débil o quizás estudiar las necesidades que tenemos para de alguna forma infiltrarse en nuestras vidas por ahí.

Cuando el tentó a Eva, no le dijo una mentira total, en realidad le dijo la verdad; que en el momento que comiera del fruto prohibido sus ojos se abrirían siendo como dioses conociendo el bien y el mal. Y si sigues leyendo la historia, es justo lo que pasó, Adán y Eva perdieron la inocencia y desde ese momento entró el mal en el corazón del hombre. El Diablo los llevó a desobedecer a Dios y ahí entró la maldición y desde entonces usa los mismos trucos para alejarnos de Dios. Si dijera una mentira muy obvia no lo creeríamos, tiene que usar una media verdad para hacer que nos lo traguemos.

Uno de los trucos que usa es hacer creer a las personas que el Diablo no existe, que son solo energías con las que uno está conectando y jugando para hacer que actúen a nuestro favor. Pero como cristianos sabemos que el Diablo existe porque lo hemos leído en la Palabra de Dios, lo cual nos ayuda a estar alerta de sus maquinaciones.

1Pe.5:8 Sed sobrios, y velad; porque vuestro adversario el diablo, como león rugiente, anda alrededor buscando a quien devorar;

1Pe.5:9 al cual resistid firmes en la fe,
Prácticas de la Nueva Era

Y la verdad es que mucho de estas prácticas de la Nueva Era como son el Reiki, Yoga, Meditación Transcendental, La ley de atracción, etc… hacen sentir bien al individuo al principio. ¿Por qué? Porque usan dinámicas espirituales que funcionan como son la imposición de manos de la cual la Biblia habla para sanar enfermedades.

Mar.16:17 Y estas señales seguirán a los que creen: En Mi nombre echarán fuera demonios; hablarán nuevas lenguas;

Mar.16:18 tomarán en las manos serpientes, y si bebieren cosa mortífera, no les hará daño; sobre los enfermos pondrán sus manos, y sanarán.

A través del Espíritu Santo podemos ser sanados de nuestras enfermedades, siempre que sea la voluntad de Dios, ya que la Biblia nos da unas pautas espirituales por las que puede ser que nos enfermemos y que tenemos que corregir para poder recibir curación.

La Biblia también nos habla mucho sobre la meditación y la oración. Es una práctica que nos hace bien a nuestras almas y nos acerca a nuestro Creador.

Sal.1:2 sino que en la ley del Señor está su delicia, y en Su ley medita de día y de noche.

La Biblia también nos habla mucho de la importancia de la fe y de cómo a través de ella podemos acceder al poder de Dios y ver milagros en nuestra vida.

Mar.11:24 Por tanto, os digo que todo lo que pidiereis orando, creed que lo recibiréis, y os vendrá.

Todo eso son verdades espirituales que nos ayudan y que existen para nuestro beneficio, pero que van atadas a un código de conducta especificado en la Biblia y que si las queremos recibir por otros conductos, es muy posible que sea a través del conducto equivocado.

Claro, estas manifestaciones llaman mucho la atención y son atractivas especialmente si no estamos acostumbrados a ello y estamos buscando espiritualidad en nuestra vida.

Pero así como la serpiente engañó a Eva diciéndole medias verdades, o la verdad coloreada para incitarla a desobedecer, así hace con nosotros. Nos ofrece técnicas que están coloreadas para que las acojamos con los brazos abiertos y entremos por ahí a su mundo espiritual.

2Cor.11:3 Pero temo que como la serpiente con su astucia engañó a Eva, también corrompa vuestros pensamientos apartándolos de la sencillez de Cristo.

2Cor.11:4 Porque si viene alguno predicando a otro Jesús que el que os hemos predicado, o si recibís otro espíritu que el que habéis recibido, u otro evangelio que el que habéis aceptado, bien lo toleráis;

El mismo Jesús dijo que el Diablo es un mentiroso:

Jn.8:44 Vosotros sois de vuestro padre el diablo, y los deseos de vuestro padre queréis hacer. El ha sido homicida desde el principio, y no ha permanecido en la verdad, porque no hay verdad en él. Cuando habla mentira, de suyo habla; porque es mentiroso, y padre de mentira.

Como cristianos deberíamos de conocer muy bien la Biblia para estar muy en guardia de todo lo nuevo que nos presentan como la solución a nuestros problemas y que nos parece muy atrayente. Debemos de aprender a probar los espíritus, tenemos que ser maduros espiritualmente para que no seamos engañados:

Efe.4:14 para que ya no seamos niños fluctuantes, llevados por doquiera de todo viento de doctrina, por estratagema de hombres que para engañar emplean con astucia las artimañas del error,

S. Juan nos advirtió:

1Jn.4:1 Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.

1Jn.4:2 En esto conoced el Espíritu de Dios: Todo espíritu que confiesa que Jesucristo ha venido en carne, es de Dios;

1Jn.4:3 y todo espíritu que no confiesa que Jesucristo ha venido en carne, no es de Dios; y este es el espíritu del anticristo, el cual vosotros habéis oído que viene, y que ahora ya está en el mundo.

Esto nos da unas buenas pautas para saber si lo que nos están presentando va de acuerdo a la Biblia.

J Generalmente todas estas religiones te dirán que aceptan a Jesús, pero lo aceptan como un maestro más de los muchos que tienen. No lo aceptan como Salvador que es, ni Hijo de Dios que resucitó y que vino a salvarnos del pecado y a darnos vida eterna.

Lucas 6:46 ¿Por qué me llamáis, Señor, Señor, y no hacéis lo que Yo digo?

Romanos 6:13-18 ni tampoco presentéis vuestros miembros al pecado como instrumentos de iniquidad, sino presentaos vosotros mismos a Dios como vivos de entre los muertos, y vuestros miembros a Dios como instrumentos de justicia. (14) Porque el pecado no se enseñoreará de vosotros… (16) ¿No sabéis que si os sometéis a alguien como esclavos para obedecerle, sois esclavos de aquel a quien obedecéis, sea del pecado para muerte, o sea de la obediencia para justicia? (17) Pero gracias a Dios, que aunque erais esclavos del pecado, habéis obedecido de corazón a aquella forma de doctrina a la cual fuisteis entregados; (18) y libertados del pecado, vinisteis a ser siervos de la justicia.

Diferencias entre Reiki, Yoga, otras tendencias y el cristianismo.

Y esto nos lleva a estudiar un poco más a fondo las diferencias entre uno y el otro y porqué es imposible decir que es Reiki cristiano o Yoga cristiano.

Quiero dejar sentado que no soy una experta en estas prácticas, pero he tenido que investigar un poco para discernir que son y lo poco que he leído me ha dado una idea bastante clara de lo que es. Se necesitaría mucho tiempo para realmente profundizar en este tema y hay bastante en Internet, más en el mundo de habla inglesa, dónde ya muchos cristianos se están dando cuenta de dónde lleva todo esto.

Reiki, Yoga, Meditación Trascendental, etc..


Son ideologías filosóficas panteístas. Es la creencia de que el universo (con todas sus extensiones celestes y criaturas) y Dios son lo mismo, o sea, son uno. Es decir, Dios no es un ser en particular ni una simple energía; y cada criatura es un aspecto o una manifestación de Dios, que es concebido como el actor divino que desempeña a la vez los innumerables papeles de humanos, animales, plantas, estrellas y fuerzas de la naturaleza.

Cree en un Dios creador del Universo y de la naturaleza, de todo lo que vemos. Dios Padre, Dios Hijo (Jesús) y el Espíritu Santo (poder de Dios).

Su divinidad se manifiesta en su creación pero la creación no es Dios.

Creen en la reencarnación, el karma. Uno tiene que ganarse la salvación a través de las reencarnaciones.

Cree en la salvación y perdón de nuestros pecados a través de Jesús, sin tener la necesidad de purgar nuestros pecados por nosotros mismos regresando una y otra vez a la tierra para ello.

Reiki usa símbolos con los cuales se supone que se abre la puerta a estos “guías espirituales para sanar”. Uno de los símbolos es la serpiente.

Yoga a través de sus posturas, abre el espíritu para conectar con ciertas divinidades. Una de las prácticas es imaginar la serpiente que asciende por nuestro cuerpo hasta que toca el tercer ojo y entonces se abre la sabiduría.

Jesús nunca nos dijo que teníamos que usar símbolos para orar y comunicarnos con él. Cuando le preguntaron cómo teníamos que orar, nos dejó una sencilla oración “el Padre Nuestro”, también dio otras pautas para la oración. Pero nunca este tipo de invocación de energías espirituales.

En la Biblia, la serpiente y el dragón simbolizan el mal, el maligno, el diablo.

La ley de Atracción presenta un Dios como si fuera un Genio que va a hacer todo lo que nosotros queremos

Dios responde nuestras oraciones siempre y cuando estén dentro de Su voluntad y de acuerdo a Su Palabra.

Examina tu camino

La Biblia nos exhorta a examinar nuestros caminos y a asegurarnos que estamos en el camino correcto

2Cor.13:5 Examinaos a vosotros mismos si estáis en la fe; probaos a vosotros mismos. ¿O no os conocéis a vosotros mismos, que Jesucristo está en vosotros, a menos que estéis reprobados?

Recuerda lo que dijo Jesús sobre los últimos tiempos:

Mat.24:4 Respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Mirad que nadie os engañe.

Mat.24:5 Porque vendrán muchos en Mi nombre, diciendo: Yo soy el Cristo; y a muchos engañarán.

Mat.24:11 Y muchos falsos profetas se levantarán, y engañarán a muchos;

Mat.24:24 Porque se levantarán falsos Cristos, y falsos profetas, y harán grandes señales y prodigios, de tal manera que engañarán, si fuere posible, aun a los escogidos.

2Tim.4:3 Porque vendrá tiempo cuando no sufrirán la sana doctrina, sino que teniendo comezón de oír, se amontonarán maestros conforme a sus propias concupiscencias,(lujurias. vicios

2Tim.4:4 y apartarán de la verdad el oído y se volverán a las fábulas.

2Tes.2:15 Así que, hermanos, estad firmes, y retened la doctrina que habéis aprendido, sea por palabra, o por carta nuestra.

Quizás puedes meditar en lo siguiente, que como cristiano deberías tener claro:

ð Mi maestro de reiki ¿afirma que Jesús es el Salvador y Señor de nuestras almas? O cree en El como un simple maestro igual que Buda, Confucio, etc…

ð Esto ¿me está haciendo que quiera conocer más de Jesús y de Su Palabra? O ¿me está apartando de Jesús y quizás hasta me está haciendo antagónico al cristianismo?

ð ¿Estoy teniendo experiencias espirituales que son extrañas?

ð ¿Me está ayudando a reconocer a Dios en todos mis caminos? O ¿más bien creo que todo es sólo mi energía y me está llevando a adorar a esas energías?

ð ¿Qué podemos hacer para librarnos de cualquier opresión espiritual?

Si estás en un punto que te das cuenta de todo esto o que a lo mejor has comenzado a tener experiencias espirituales extrañas y quieres librarte de todos esos espíritus, pide oración a alguien con quien sientas confianza: un sacerdote, un pastor o un hermano en la fe que sea fuerte en la Palabra de Dios. Jesús le dijo una vez a sus discípulos acerca de echar fuera demonios:

Mat.17:18 Y reprendió Jesús al demonio, el cual salió del muchacho, y éste quedó sano desde aquella hora.

Mat.17:19 Viniendo entonces los discípulos a Jesús, aparte, dijeron: ¿Por qué nosotros no pudimos echarlo fuera?

Mat.17:20 Jesús les dijo: Por vuestra poca fe; porque de cierto os digo, que si tuviereis fe como un grano de mostaza, diréis a este monte: Pásate de aquí allá, y se pasará; y nada os será imposible.

Mat.17:21 Pero este género no sale sino con oración y ayuno.

Y Dios promete limpiarte completamente de todas las malas influencias.

1Jn.1:9 Si confesamos nuestros pecados, Él es fiel y justo para perdonar nuestros pecados, y limpiarnos de toda maldad.

Eze.36:25 Esparciré sobre vosotros agua limpia, y seréis limpiados de todas vuestras inmundicias; y de todos vuestros ídolos os limpiaré.

Eze.36:26 Os daré corazón nuevo, y pondré espíritu nuevo dentro de vosotros; y quitaré de vuestra carne el corazón de piedra, y os daré un corazón de carne.

Eze.36:27 Y pondré dentro de vosotros mi Espíritu, y haré que andéis en mis estatutos, y guardéis mis preceptos, y los pongáis por obra.

Testimonio real de un joven español

El reiki es invocar demonios con signos japoneses: 32

El anzuelo del bienestar
»El Reiki habla de una técnica japonesa de energía canalizada para la sanación. Te explican que tenemos chakras -puntos energéticos en el cuerpo- y seguramente nos dirán que tenemos el aura de color un poco pálido y que eso denota enfermedad. Y te dicen que no te preocupes porque impondrán sus manos sobre nuestro cuerpo y todo se irá yendo progresivamente…

»Y el problema es que eso parece al principio. Llegas a notar una pseudo sensación de bien estar, una falsa sanación de síntomas… Es un anzuelo para que pienses que todo eso es maravilloso…

Según Eduardo, a partir de cierto nivel, los "maestros de Reiki" parecen realmente ser "capaces de adivinar cosas, saber cuándo va a haber un terremoto, entender lenguas muertas, ver espíritus pasando por el salón de su casa". Además, ellos mismos explican que obedecen las órdenes de un invisible "guía espiritual” que según ellos es un “ángel de luz” que es el encargado de guiarlos por su camino espiritual.

Así, lo que empezaba como "una energía curadora", impersonal, canalizable... pasa a ser, a niveles altos, una relación con entidades espirituales invisibles que otorgan conocimientos ocultos…

Es decir, el Reiki implica el trato con las entidades espirituales malignas que la tradición judeocristiana y la Iglesia llama demonios…

»Las personas que practican el Reiki, en general no están conscientes de que están llamando a los espíritus de Reiki cuando envían Reiki o están iniciando a otros. Invitan a los espíritus del Reiki dibujando el símbolo japonés de un demonio específico y les invitan llamando su nombre 3 veces, de esta manera pueden enviar la energía Reiki a alguien. También por los mismos símbolos, inician a alguien espiritualmente al Reiki, abriendo, por rituales, acceso a estos espíritus del Reiki para que el fluir de la energía Reiki pueda venir. Los Reikianos son engañados por las manifestaciones y el bienestar a corto plazo"….

Eduardo identifica así los 5 dibujos clásicos de la iniciación en el Reiki:

1- Dai-ko-myo, demonio principal, soberano del Reiki

2- Hon-cha-se-shonen, el espíritu de contacto del Reiki. Símbolo y espíritu para el segundo nivel de Reiki, para hacer contacto con una persona o una situación distante. Significado: “de mi divinidad a la tuya”. Se usa en todas las iniciaciones e incluso está escrito en la mano en el ritual para el segundo nivel de Reiki.

3- Sei-heki, espíritu de guía, del Reiki. Símbolo y espíritu para el segundo nivel de Reiki, para influir en los niveles subconscientes. Se puede usar en la manipulación de personas. Este espíritu revela mucho sobre la gente y sus situaciones, y envía esta información al "tercer ojo". Este símbolo también se usa en todas las iniciaciones de Reiki.

4-Cho Ku Rei, principal espíritu del Reiki. Símbolo y espíritu para el segundo nivel, activa o incrementa la energía reiki que se envía sobre alguien. Significa: "dios, ven aquí", mandando actuar a la divinidad del reiki.

5- Ling, espíritu principal del Harbori-reiki. Símbolo y espíritu para enviar o incrementar energía: es popular en España.

6- Raku, El símbolo de Raku está conectado con la iluminación, el brillante rayo de luz que nos ilumina el despertar, mientras que aún estemos en cuerpo humano. El Raku se debe utilizar solamente para los alineamientos o iniciaciones y no para sesiones de sanación. El Raku no es un símbolo de sanación.

Hay muchas diferentes formas de reiki que usan otros símbolos, dan nombres a espíritus (ling, raku, dragon de fuego, etc y demonios del satanismo). Cada maestro de Reiki es libre de mezclarlo con lo que quiera….

Cuando los materialistas hacen espiritismo
Eduardo señala que muchos usuarios de Reiki son personas vagamente materialistas, atraídos por esa idea de una energía que no es religiosa, y es difícil explicarles lo que se descubre a niveles más avanzados: que es un edificio construido sobre el trato con espíritus.
Testimonio de una afectada

El lado oculto del reiki

Se argumenta que el “arte” del “Reki” afirma, entre otras cosas, que en el cosmos o en la naturaleza,” existe un “poder sobrenatural oculto” capaz de interactuar con el “enfermo” y de “recargarlo”. Hablamos, pues, de “tratos con lo “Oculto”, de ocultismo.

Hay que recalcar que las enseñanzas ocultas que están detrás del Reiki, tienen prácticas ocultas. El “Reiki” pretende utilizar la llamada “energía vital universal”. Pero ¿qué es la energía vital universal? (que otros llaman energía cósmica, magnética, “crística”, etc.). El que se abre a la “energía universal” se abre a fuerzas que no conoce, y que no son todas buenas. No se sabe lo que puede entrar en el ser humano ni a quien le abre…

El practicante de “Reiki” termina abriéndose a los llamados “maestros guías” o “espíritus guías”, que son voces interiores que le hablan. Nos preguntamos: ¿Quiénes son estos “espíritus-guías”, estos “maestros” a los que se someten los practicantes de “Reiki”? Si no son Jesucristo, ni Dios, ni el Espíritu Santo, entonces ¿quiénes son? La Biblia habla de estas fuerzas que dirigen el universo, y que Jesucristo despojó de su poder de muerte

Col.2:15 y despojando a los principados y a las potestades, los exhibió públicamente, triunfando sobre ellos en la cruz.

El “Reiki” es panteísta, enseña que el hombre es una simple emanación de la “energía divina cósmica”, y que le basta con tomar conciencia de la misma para tener poderes divinos: ¿No es la misma tentación de la serpiente, “Serán como dioses”?

El “Reiki” cree en la reencarnación, o sea, no importa lo que haces con tu vida ya que tendrás otras. Es incompatible con la Palabra de Dios, que al igual que la filosofía, enseña que cada persona, cuerpo y alma, es única e irrepetible, y que se muere una sola vez, después hay un juicio, somos responsables de lo que hacemos con nuestra vida.

Heb.9:27 Y de la manera que está establecido para los hombres que mueran una sola vez, y después de esto el juicio,

El “Reiki”, como otras prácticas de la Nueva Era, acusa al cristianismo como culpabilizante e intolerante. Consideran a Jesús simplemente como una de las múltiples reencarnaciones de un gran “maestro” que ellos conocen por medio de videntes y otras comunicaciones ocultas…

Los niveles de reiki

Los practicantes de “Reiki” normalmente se apuntan por primera vez a un cursillo, por un precio pequeño, le llaman “nivel 1” de “Reiki”. Se trata de poner las manos por el cuerpo, siguiendo un orden determinado, el orden de los “chakras” por un tiempo determinado. Esta práctica es aparentemente inocua, y entonces se debe cursar el “nivel 2”.

En este nivel se enseña a “reforzar” el “Reiki” mediante unos signos que hacen efecto de “interruptor”, o sea, abren o cierran el ritual, con intención de saltar la barrera del espacio-tiempo. Estos signos tienen nombres japoneses, o sea, son directamente una invocación a entidades desconocidas. Se pueden explicar cómo invocaciones mágicas. Con el segundo nivel de “Reiki” empiezan las prácticas meditativas. Se medita con los símbolos japoneses, se los coloca en la casa, se “proyectan” encima de las personas, se opera con ellos bajo una influencia desconocida.

En el tercer nivel de “Reiki”, el nivel de “maestría”, uno ya es capaz de contactar con los “maestros-guías” e iniciar a otros. En este nivel el practicante de “Reiki” ya “canaliza” entidades “superiores” que son los hipotéticos agentes de la sanación. Se empieza a trabajar con velas, incienso, piedras y se estudia la filosofía del Uno Todo, la “unidad de la persona” con la “energía cósmica”, se debe meditar cerca de 20 minutos diarios, repitiendo un “mantra” en ese idioma, aunque no se entienda, llamando a alguien para que “entre y actúe en mi cuerpo o el de un semejante”.

En este punto son comunes los fenómenos de opresión, aparición de experiencias o fenómenos extrasensoriales, “oír voces en la cabeza” o pensar que uno ya ha contactado con el “Yo Superior” o “Guía interno” que le llevará a ser, directamente, más que humano, como en todas las “escuelas” de corte ocultista.

He pensado en mostrarte estos símbolos, por si acaso sin darte cuenta estás usando o tienes algunos de estos objetos, si es así te aconsejo que lo destruyas.

PENTAGRAMA INVERTIDO: Simboliza la estrella de la mañana, nombre que Satanás ha tomado para sí. Usada en brujería y rituales ocultos para conjurar espíritus de maldad. Puede estar dentro de un círculo o no, de cualquier manera representa a Satanás.

BAFOMET: Inicio de los Satanistas. Es una deidad demoniaca y es un símbolo de Satán. Puede verse como joyería, o en rituales de brujos.

PENTAGRAMA: Símbolo usado en brujería, representa los elementos, la tierra, el viento el fuego y el agua, con el espíritu rodeándolos.

HEXAGRAMA: Es uno de los símbolos más potentes usados en los poderes de las tinieblas. Usado en los trabajos de magia. Se confunde con la estrella de David, pero ésta estrella está dentro de un círculo.

ANKHA: Simboliza los rituales de fertilidad. Además el espíritu que es el poder de unión de las representaciones de lo masculino y femenino. Es además llamado el sello de por vida.

SVASTICA O RUEDA DEL SOL: Es un símbolo religioso antiguo usado mucho tiempo antes de que Hitler tomara el poder. Ha sido usado en inscripciones Budistas, Monumentos Celtas y monedas Griegas. Representa el curso del sol en los cielos. También representa el poder del boomerang, todo lo que sube tiene que bajar, todo lo que haces se devuelve.

CRUZ TAU: Símbolo del dios Matras de los Persas y de Aryans de la India. Para ellos, Mathras era el ángel de luz, o la luz celestial. Es usado por modernos masones como símbolo de la T cuadrada.

CUERNO ITALIANO: Unicornio. Fue introducido por los Druidas de Escocia e Irlanda. Es asociado con la Buena suerte y la Buena fortuna. También es usado como el “ojo del mal”. Además significa que Satanás tomaría control de tus finanzas.

CRUZ INVERTIDA: Simboliza burla y rechazo a JESÚS. Los satanistas se ponen estas cruces como collares. Puedes verla en cantantes de Rock y en las portadas de sus discos.

CABEZA DE CABRA: La cabra cornuda es el dios de los brujos. Es el modo satánico de burlarse del CORDERO que murió por nuestros pecados.

CRUZ DE NERON: También se le conoce como signo de “amor y paz”. Otro signo que es de burla a la cruz de Jesús. También significa: Las ruinas del hombre muerto. Se dice que en el ritual de iniciación brujo tienen que romper los brazos a la cruz lo que sería este símbolo.

EL ESCARABAJO SAGRADO: para algunos este símbolo egipcio significa reencarnación. Es además el símbolo de Belcebú, Señor de las moscas (Satanás). Si los satanistas lo tienen puesto, significa que tienen poder y es fuente de Protección.


“S” SATANICA: Representa un rayo cayendo, que significa “Destructor”. En la mitología, Era el arma de Zeus. Puesta en el cuerpo o en la ropa significa poder sobre los demás. El Grupo de rock KISS usa este símbolo.

CRUZ SATANICA: Cruz que cuestiona la Deidad de Dios. Dentro del ocultismo representa los tres príncipes coronados: Satanás, Belial y Leviathan. Significa completa sujeción bajo Lucifer.

UDJAT: También conocido como “el ojo que todo lo ve”. Uno de algunos de los símbolos que significa “Rey del Infierno Lucifer”. Es quien ellos piensan sería pasado el juicio. La lágrima significa el lamento de todos aquellos que no pueden salir de su influencia.

Tossing the Scale

By Jesus, speaking in prophecy

Forgiveness is the act that helps another’s wrong to not become your wrong as well.


Talking about forgiveness when you have been hurt or wronged is difficult and painful for most people; thinking about it can make your stomach knot and your skin crawl. That can be because you are associating the pain, the wrong, and the injury with the forgiveness. You are putting them both into the same equation—but it’s not really an equation. You can’t compare a beautiful, wonderful, and loving gift with an unkind, unloving, and hurtful act, nor should you try.

In order to free yourself to forgive, it helps to pull yourself away from this perspective. Don’t put the wrong done to you on one side of the scale and the choice to forgive on the other. It’s not a scale. The two sides will never balance. It will never be “fair.” That’s not really the point. The forgiving is for you. The forgiveness is how you will be healed.

The balancing and the restoration of equity and fairness, the retribution and judgment, is Mine to mete out. Leave that with Me. Don’t allow yourself to think on it, for it will only delay the healing that you could have. If someone has made you suffer, why should you add to your suffering? When you brood on harm and injury, when you stall on forgiving, you are prolonging and adding to your own suffering. When you forgive, you are expediting your healing.

This is a spiritual law and a spiritual truth: Forgiveness brings healing. It’s something you can’t fully understand until you do it. You don’t have to understand it before you do it. It only requires that you make the decision. It is an act of your will, a positioning of your heart.

Forgiveness is by faith. It is a choice that you make. And in making that choice, you are choosing to open yourself up to receive a supernatural and miraculous gift from the heavenly realm, for which there is no complete human explanation. Forgiveness can be likened to the opening of a portal to heaven, through which flows love, redemption, cleansing, healing, restoration, and renewal.


I know how hard it is to forgive. Taking the step to forgive is a sign of great strength—strength in Me, and strength of character. But it is in forgiving that you find healing and restoration of joy in life, and the renewal of your spirit and the fading of the hurt.

The ability to forgive is a sign of strength of character. It’s not easy. It’s a conscious decision. It takes leaning hard on Me for the strength you cannot find in yourself. In fact, if you look at the situation logically before you make that choice to forgive, it may seem impossible—that’s how hard it is.

But it’s not impossible, because I’m here to help you, and I have limitless love and strength to give you. I want you to forgive because I want you to heal, I want you to be happy again, and I want you to grow stronger through the experience.

Isn’t that the case with the things in life that make you stronger? A hallmark of strengthening is that it’s not easy to go through. It pushes you to new limits. Forgiveness is no exception.

When you are hurt, you have to choose what you’ll do with that hurt. You can forgive and go on stronger than ever, or you can hold on to it and try to maintain, and eventually you’ll grow weaker. When you choose to forgive, you can find healing. If you don’t take that step of choosing to forgive, it can begin to taint the good in your life and your joy can slowly begin to slip away.

Know that I look with great love and compassion upon you when you face a situation where you must choose to forgive. I know how hard it is. But I also know how beautiful your life can be and what strength of character can result when you come through it. So lean hard on Me and find Me very present to help you.

When I’m trying to forgive someone, I picture myself physically lifting that person off a big hook, like in a cartoon. …

Earlier this year, a friend of mine made me really mad. Crazy mad. My therapist suggests that crazy mad is always covering over hurt and fear, so if we’re telling the whole truth here, she hurt me, and she made me feel scared. And that’s worse than just making me mad. I felt small and scared and out of control, and I felt like my friend was making decision after decision to hurt me. Every time I heard from her or about her, it hurt.

How do I forgive someone who doesn’t think she did anything wrong? Or who doesn’t care?

I think I could maybe do it if she groveled or begged. It would be even easier if she cried a lot. But nothing. No phone calls. No emails. … Why should I forgive someone who doesn’t even think she needs to be forgiven?

This is why. Because I want my neck and my back muscles to stop hurting, to unfurl like window shades. Because I want to sleep instead of having endless imaginary conversations. Because I want my mind back. Because I want my life back. Because she’s not the only one on the hook. Because every time I hang her up on that hook, the hook reaches down and grabs me, too.—Shauna Niequist1

Originally published August 2008. Adapted and republished May 2014.
Read by Jerry Paladino.

1 Cold Tangerines (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007), 165, 167.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Witnessing in a Nursing Home

By Maria Iceland

I have found that the Lord very often uses the tough times to open people’s hearts. In these circumstances we can have a real chance to witness. We may find ourselves praying silently for someone who is going through tough times. But we can also use prayer as an opportunity to witness. Although prayer changes things, requesting something from God is not something many people rely on, so hearing us pray makes a real difference to them.

I work as a nurse in a nursing home. I very often take care of dying patients. In fact, death is the only way our patients are “discharged” from the facility, so it is a big part of the job. At these moments I have often been blessed to speak to the patient about what will happen, and have gotten close to the relatives as well. In a nursing home dying seldom occurs suddenly. Most often there is plenty of time to prepare, and people often start preparing right when they are admitted. When the dying process begins, the patient and relatives are open to speaking about it. It’s okay to ask direct questions about what they believe. In fact, I have found that they will try their best to answer a nurse that speaks plainly about death.

When a patient dies, a number of family members often show up. Before they all arrive, and usually before the patient dies, we will have discussed what to do. They are asked if they wish for a minister to come. Since many Icelanders are not churchgoers, they usually don’t know what to answer. They often ask me, “What do you think?” or “Would he (or she) have wanted that?” or “How is this usually handled?”

I tell them it is up to them, but that often a minister is not requested by the family unless the death was unexpected and the family is dealing with the shock. However, for others this is something they want to do and feel strongly about. Generally people are really open at this time. They might say, “Well, it would be nice to perhaps do something and say a few words.”

At this point I offer my help. The first time I spoke after someone’s death, it was so difficult. I said, “If you like, I can come into the room with you and say a few words to your family.” I immediately thought, “Oh my! What have I said?” I wondered if this was even allowed. But it is; there are no rules or policies that prohibit this. The relatives simply said, “Yes. You know how to do that?” “Sure!” I replied.

The family members all came into the room. We circled around the bed hand in hand. I addressed the Lord and began by thanking Him for how He took the patient, that it was gentle and calm and that the patient was in no pain. I thanked Jesus for the family and for the life the patient had. I thanked Him for the privilege of getting to know them. I asked Him to take care of them, to bless the family in this tough time, to help take care of all the details related to their relative’s passing that are so many yet so important, to give them strength and faith, to help them become closer as a family as a result. The way I prayed was very personal, and they felt that I was addressing Jesus as a personal friend of ours, of theirs.

Each time I do this, it’s different. If there are young people sobbing I tend to keep the prayer shorter, because I cannot help but cry myself. I might use the word “Jesus” more often sometimes, or I may call Him “Lord” for a church-going family. I grew up with a minister dad, so I know how to talk like a minister if that is what they prefer. The Lord just does it, really! If I see that there was not a close relationship with the deceased, I will pray that the family is strengthened, and focus less on the person who passed away. It all depends on the people involved, and it is the Lord that comes through.

I am often surprised by the words that come out in the prayer, and I have a hard time remembering what I said afterwards. I feel the Lord so strongly and have prayed some things that seem to touch people. They are always very grateful and moved. Before I start the prayer, I always feel my heart pounding nervously. I know that this is a moment the family will remember. I know that they have no expectations. They kind of go along with it, and I use that opportunity.

I remember a time when there were three well-accomplished people in the room—a lawyer, a symphonist, and a member of parliament. They were all holding hands in a circle with me around the bed. This important and proud family just let me lead. Oh, how nervous I was. But as I spoke, I felt they were moved. They cried; he was their daddy. They were no different than any other folk.

Of all the times I have been able to witness, these times of standing hand in hand around the bed with people Jesus loves and praying for them are some of the most special to me. To people that have no faith, death is a scary thing and often very sad. I am able to use these difficult moments to witness. I can be strong for others when they cave in. I say Jesus’ name, and speak of Him matter-of-factly. Who knows? This may be the seed that changes their life.

Our words are so powerful if we let our words be His, our lips His, and do our job, whatever it may be, for His glory.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Reacting Positively

A compilation

Faith is reacting positively to a negative situation.—Dr. Robert Schuller


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past; we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.—Charles R. Swindoll


When something seems to be going wrong, instead of complaining or letting it get you down, seek My help and try to find a personal solution for it. That doesn’t mean figuring out how to change things so that they always go your way. It means finding a way to be cheerful even if they don’t. Learn to make the best of any situation—“making lemonade out of the lemon.”

It makes Me especially happy when you have a positive reaction to something that didn’t turn out quite as you would have liked. When something is tough for you, but you smile through your disappointment, it shows that you trust Me. Faith and trust please Me, and I will bless you accordingly.—Jesus, speaking in prophecy


If there’s one thing that unites us all, it’s that we all suffer. We all triumph. We face obstacles in our lives and encounter things that throw us off our course and challenge our inner strength. That’s life, with the lesson often seen in retrospect. Without the difficult times, there would be no great times. Everything would just seem flat and uneventful, plain and boring.

There would be no impactful change without struggle. The beauty of life is overcoming what we think we cannot. Our self-esteem grows and we find strength in ourselves that we never knew existed.

This very point had me thinking about various struggles that I’ve been through in my life. I remember focusing mostly on the negative aspects of the situation. How bad I felt, how crappy the situation was, and how much I didn’t think things would ever change. Blah, blah, blah. It’s a vicious cycle.

But what if we focus on how our struggles change us and our lives for the better?

Would it be possible to improve negative situations if we thought about how we might benefit from them?

When I was unhappy with my research career, all I could think about was how much I screwed up my life. I went to university for seven years training as a researcher only to discover that I basically loathed it. So many days I would curse myself for making such a huge mistake in my life and going down the wrong path.

My negative thoughts were so powerful, I almost convinced myself that it was better to just live the rest of my life unfulfilled than face the alternative (change). I told myself that I could do what I wanted when I retired. I was 25 years old at the time!

That’s when I realized that I could rot in my own negativity or I could see things in a different light. Instead of cursing myself and “mistakes” (I’d rather call them “learning experiences”), I searched for lessons and meaning.

What was my unhappiness trying to tell me?

How was this discomfort nudging me to make a change in my life?

Without taking the wrong career path, I wouldn’t have found the happiness I have with my career today. I started this blog as a hobby while I worked as a researcher. It was something I could work on during my own free time and it brought me so much happiness that I spent most of my free time working on it. What started as a distraction from my real life became the thing that gave me life.

Little did I know, this hobby would not only serve as the catalyst for eventually leaving my unfulfilling career and starting my own business, but it would also lead me to discover my real passions in life.

Most surprisingly of all, I now see struggles in a new light. Instead of cursing an uncomfortable time, I see it as a message to change. Whether I listen or not is up to me.—Angela1


Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right.—Philippians 4:82


Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.—Habakkuk 3:17–193


Life is seldom problem free, and it seems that many of our problems involve the people closest to us—family members, co-workers, neighbors, and others with whom we interact on a regular basis. Even if those people aren’t the cause of our problems, they are affected by our reactions to them. If we are in the habit of reacting negatively, that can sour life and relationships faster than almost anything else.

One of the secrets to both happiness and success with people is to not allow the relatively small problems and irritations of daily life to cast large shadows. Helen Keller hit on that truth when she said, “Keep your eyes to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows.” The apostle Paul was more specific when he said, “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”4

For the next couple of weeks, why not take a few minutes each night to reflect on your day? What were the high points and low points? Did you thank God for the highs? How could you have reacted better to the lows by looking on the bright side? There’s something to be gained from even the worst situations if you look for it. By recasting the events of your day in a more positive light, you condition yourself to react more positively in the future.—Abi May

Published on Anchor May 2014. Read by Irene Quiti Vera.
Music by Michael Dooley.


2 TLB.

3 NLT.

4 Philippians 4:8 NKJV.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Verdadeira Grandeza nunca se Torna “Viral”

De Stephen Altrogge

Domingo à noite tive o grande privilégio de assistir meu avô cruzar a linha de chegada. Como muitos outros peregrinos antes dele, ele cruzou o rio da morte e foi para junto do seu Salvador do outro lado. Um momento ele respirava através de uma máscara de oxigênio, e no seguinte inalava as glórias do céu.

De acordo com os padrões do mundo, meu avô não era ninguém grandioso. Ele não tinha um único amigo no Facebook ou seguidor no Twitter. Nunca escreveu um livro, nunca falou em uma conferência, nunca criou um vídeo que se espalhou pelo mundo. Ele não tinha um blog popular. Nunca foi a um jogo do Super Bowl nem participou das Olimpíadas, nunca constou em um seguimento inspirador na ESPN.

Ele apareceu na televisão exatamente duas vezes em toda a sua vida. A primeira no programa chamado “Bowling For Dollars” [Jogando Boliche por Dólares], no qual meu pai tentou ganhar dinheiro derrubando pinos de boliche. Acho que ele ganhou cerca de uns cem dólares. A segunda vez foi quando ele teve oportunidade de transmitir parte de um jogo do New York Mets junto com o locutor. Meu avô cometeu o erro de chamar os New York Mets de “New York Giants” repetidas vezes. Não foi um dos seus melhores momentos.

Apesar de não ser famoso, o meu avô era verdadeiramente grande aos olhos de Deus. E isso é o engraçado com relação à verdadeira grandiosidade segundo a Bíblia. Grandeza bíblica quase nunca é algo que se espalha, porque quase sempre envolve fazer coisas que ninguém vê.

Ninguém viu meu avô ajudar seu vizinho cego, Homer, pagando as suas contas.

Ninguém viu meu avô dar aulas bíblicas todas as semanas no Lar para Idosos Saint Andrew.

Ninguém viu meu avô levar doação de sangue de Indiana até o banco de sangue em Johnstown (uma viagem de duas horas e meia ida e volta).

Ninguém viu meu avô levar Tom e Tony (idosos e pensionistas) para fazer as compras na mercearia cada semana.

Cada mês meu avô pintava cerca de trinta cartões de aniversário que enviava para amigos e membros da igreja. No decorrer de sua vida ele pintou algo como uns 6 mil cartões. O maior reconhecimento público que ele recebeu por esse grande empreendimento foi um artigo no jornal da cidade.

Na nossa cultura apaixonada pelas celebridades, meu avô era o contrário de celebridade. Ele fazia compras no Wal-Mart. Certa vez arrancou um dente ruim com alicate. Marcava os pontos nos jogos de softball da igreja. Ele era veterano da Segunda Guerra e nada impressionado consigo mesmo.

Mas meu avô certamente foi grandioso aos olhos de Deus. Pouco antes de seu último fôlego, li Mateus 25:20–21 para ele:

“Então aproximou-se o que recebera cinco talentos, e trouxe-lhe outros cinco talentos, dizendo: Senhor, entregaste-me cinco talentos; eis aqui outros cinco talentos que granjeei com eles. E o seu senhor lhe disse: Bem está, servo bom e fiel. Sobre o pouco foste fiel, sobre muito te colocarei; entra no gozo do teu senhor.”

Quem me dera poder ter ouvido os “vivas” quando Jesus disse essas palavras para o meu avô.

De Tradução Denise Oliveira. Revisão H.R.Flandoli.

God’s Little Miracles

By D.Brandt Berg

The Lord returns and rewards and compensates any sacrifices you make for others in trying to help them. If we are willing to obey and willing to do His will and carry on His work, He never fails. He has never failed. As Martin Luther said when somebody complained that he was taking too many people into his home—and he had about 25 people living with him then—“Never fear. With every additional mouth, God will supply.” He not only supplies, but He abundantly supplies. He lavishes on us many blessings and good grace as we follow His example in living simply and sharing what we have with others.

The Lord has blessed and increased it as our bread was broken. It has increased, and God has been with us and kept us, protected us, and supplied every need. He once commanded us in a prophecy to “enlarge our tents and to lengthen our cords and to strengthen the stakes,” for He was going to “increase us and cause us to be spread abroad throughout the land.” Surely He has fulfilled that prophecy! It has come about by being kind to a few. The Lord has been kind to us in return and caused many others to be kind to us and to care for us and our needs as we have endeavored to bring happiness to others.

I want you to remember that you can never outgive God. When the great David Livingstone, the pioneer missionary to Africa, was asked by the newspaper man, “Hasn’t it been a terrible sacrifice for you to leave England to come to this land among strangers, enduring hardships and privations and malaria and all of these things?” David Livingstone said, “I have enjoyed life. I have been happy, I have been healthy, I have done a great work for the Lord, and I have never made a sacrifice!” What he was saying was that he couldn’t possibly sacrifice for the Lord. It was impossible to outgive God! The more you give, the more He gives back in return.

Who would have even dreamed that the dreams which we have had in the past would now be so marvelously and abundantly fulfilled, both in our household of faith and our missionaries spread abroad throughout the land? But now here we are, and we can sometimes hardly believe it. We’ve turned to each other and we’ve said, “Are we dreaming or are we really here? Are we here far across the sea in these strange lands of Europe surveying the need, talking to the young people, seeing the tremendous opportunities? It’s all like a dream!” And knowing that God is going to do the same here that He has done throughout North America!

It has been due to your prayers and your faith and your sacrifice, if you want to call it that, but you’re giving to God, and you’ll never be able to outgive Him, because the Lord gives back abundantly in return. The Lord did that for us when we made our last little sacrifice—what we thought was a sacrifice. We gave up our little home on wheels. It was only 26 feet long and 8 feet wide, but it was home, our little rolling tent. Yet God asked us even to give that up, that we might go out as Abraham did, from our own land and from our own country into another land amongst strangers which He promised to him.

God’s entrance exams

I’ve almost always found that the Lord allows the most severe test at the very beginning. I’ve found that God usually gives me the most severe test, allows the Enemy to tempt and test me the worst, just as I’m considering or about to begin a new task or new project for Him. We have the most difficult times and the most difficult trials and the most severe tests to see if we’re really going to go through with it, live or die, sink or swim. It’s to see whether you really mean business, whether you’re going to trust Him and whether you have what it takes to see it through. Usually, if you pass those first severe, hard tests, the Lord stamps your passport with His stamp of approval.

After that initial testing, it’s not really as hard as we were afraid it was going to be. As Mark Twain said, “I’m an old man and I’ve had many troubles, most of which never happened!” Most of the things that we fear, most of the things that we worry about, most of the problems that we thought we were going to encounter never even happened. God didn’t let them happen. But the Lord allowed us to think they might happen and to worry about them a little bit and be willing to go ahead thinking that it’s possible that they might happen, to see if we were willing to go at any cost, pay any price, make any sacrifice in order to obey Him.

“The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave, but one.” I’m afraid most of us are cowards, because most of us seem to have to die a thousand deaths before the one real one. We think we’re going to die, and we go through all the hell and the agony of dying these deaths before they even happen. Worry can kill you. “Fear hath torment,” His Word says, and lack of faith is a terrible, frightening thing.1

You see, if the Devil can scare you out before you begin, then you’ll never get started and you’ll never accomplish what God wants you to do. So for God’s sake and the sake of others and your own sake, don’t let the Devil frighten you or bluff you out of what the Lord wants you to do before you even get started. That’s when he attacks you the worst, and that’s when the Lord allows him to, because the Lord is testing you to see if you really mean business and to see if you’re willing to even die trying.

If you can get started, if you can get over that hump, then you can usually make the rest of the journey! None of the other trials ever seem as great as those in the beginning. Isn’t that what you’ve usually found? Haven’t you had greater strength or greater victory as you went along, even though perhaps the trials in some ways might have been more severe and bigger problems? They were bigger trials, greater tests, but you were much stronger to meet them, and they were not nearly as difficult to overcome as those little trials in the beginning. How true that is. Praise the Lord!

Little miracles

I’ll never forget one night I ran with the suitcases a long distance. I thought the train was about to pull out, and I’d prayed that the Lord would stop the train until I got on it. My faith that God was going to do it apparently wasn’t as strong as it should have been, but He did it. He stopped the train and it didn’t leave, and we sat there on the train after I got on, huffing and puffing and gasping for breath, thinking the train was due to pull out.

We sat there waiting and waiting and waiting for the train to leave. I wondered why in the world the train wouldn’t go after it was already way late, and here I’d been afraid it was going to pull out without me. All of a sudden it came to me. “You prayed for Me to stop the train, and you haven’t prayed that it would go again!” I said, “Okay, Lord. I’m on it. Forgive me, Lord. Let it go now.” And right away the train started. You tell me God can’t do miracles? Some of you may think it was just an accident, but I know it was the Lord. God has done so many little miracles like that for us, besides the big ones.

It’s the little things God does that are wonderful. Of course God takes care of the big things that have to be done, but the little tiny thoughtful acts of the Lord—to find a market that’s open, to find a bathroom scale, to find that your bags weigh just the right amount when you’re traveling—are so wonderful. There’s nothing too small for the Lord or too hard for Him. He’s concerned about every little thing!

Why do we worry? Why do we fret? God’s going to take care of every little detail. Each time I thought, “Maybe this is it. Maybe we just can’t make it. Surely this is going to be the door that’s going to be closed; this is going to be the impossible situation. Lord, You brought us this far, but here’s where we can’t make it any further; it’s impossible.”

We have seen one miracle after another, one fleece after another that the Lord has honored. Time and again, the Lord did the miracle. I wonder how many times you’ve put out a condition for the Lord to meet, kind of hoping that maybe He wouldn’t do it so you wouldn’t have to do it. Then the Lord just knocked the props out from under you and jerked the rug out from under you. He took away all your excuses and did all the miracles, so that the decision still had to be up to you. Then you had no excuses for not going on with something the Lord showed you, because He’d opened the door, He’d provided the way, and He’d made everything possible! That’s exactly the way the Lord worked for us. In every little thing, it was just miracle after miracle after miracle.

Lift up holy hands unto the Lord.2 Clap your hands unto the Lord, all ye people!3 Lift up your hands unto the Lord; lift up your voices unto the Lord, all ye lands. For the Lord, He is good. He is God, and it is He that has made us and not we ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.4 Hallelujah!

We’re nothing, but God has increased us and strengthened us and prospered us and given us many souls. Nothing is impossible with God, and all things are possible to him that believeth.5 God is a God of miracles, so let’s thank Him for it!

Originally published October 1970. Adapted and republished May 2014.
Read by Jon Marc.

1 1 John 4:18.

2 Psalm 134:2.

3 Psalm 47:1.

4 Psalm 100:3.

5 Luke 1:37; Mark 9:23.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Um outro Fator na Equação

De Peter Amsterdam

Jesus evidenciou a obrigação de perdoar, mas também deixou bem claro que a pessoa deve evitar comportamentos que suscitem a necessidade de perdão. O fato do seu irmão ter a obrigação, segundo as palavras de Jesus, de perdoar, não lhe dá o direito de lhe fazer mal deliberadamente. Você continua responsável diante de Deus por suas palavras e ações.

Como sempre, Jesus coloca o Seu princípio de forma concisa e poderosa: E como vós quereis que os homens vos façam, da mesma maneira fazei-lhes vós também.[1] Em uma outra versão da Bíblia foi traduzido da seguinte forma: Façam aos outros a mesma coisa que querem que eles façam a vocês.[2] Em Mateus, diz: Portanto, tudo o que vós quereis que os homens vos façam, fazei-lho também vós, porque esta é a lei e os profetas.[3]

Se estiver tomando uma decisão e ficar na dúvida quanto ao que é moralmente certo ou errado, pergunte-se: “Eu ia querer que outros me tratassem da maneira como estou pensando em tratar esta pessoa?” Se a resposta for negativa, já sabe que provavelmente é a maneira errada de agir.

Por outro lado, se gostar da sensação ao imaginar-se recebendo o tratamento que pretende dispensar a uma outra pessoa, isso pode servir de indicador de que é seguro assim agir. Se gostaria de ouvir alguém dizer de você o que vai dizer sobre outra pessoa, ou se ficaria feliz com a transação financeira que está oferecendo ao seu irmão, então faça. Mas se no fundo sabe que a sua ação pode prejudicar o outro e você não gostaria de ser tratado assim, então pode ter certeza que está pecando contra o seu irmão.

As admoestações bíblicas de tratarmos os outros como gostaríamos de ser tratados e amarmos nosso próximo como a nós mesmos não são apenas jargões ou conselhos de auto ajuda, mas sim desafios propostos por Deus para cada pessoa; são o referencial pelo qual devemos julgar nossas ações. Deus é que nos dá essas diretrizes e deveríamos considerar que é por elas que Ele julga o que fazemos.

Não é uma fórmula complicada que requer uma vida de estudo para entender. É tão simples que até uma criança pequena consegue assimilar. Não trate ninguém de uma maneira que você não gostaria de ser tratado.

A Bíblia contém as coisas profundas de Deus, tesouros novos e velhos, e às vezes pode parecer complexa e repleta de sentidos. Mas Jesus, de forma sucinta, usando poucas e simples palavras que qualquer um pode entender, explicou a sua mensagem essencial: amar a Deus de todo o coração, alma e entendimento; e ao próximo como a si mesmo. Isso cumpre a Lei e os profetas, ou seja, todo o conteúdo do Antigo Testamento.

Porque toda a lei se cumpre numa só palavra, nesta: Amarás o teu próximo como a ti mesmo.”[4]

Cumprir significa fazer; não são apenas imagens ou boas ideias. Trata-se de princípios a serem colocados em ação. Em outras palavras, diante da decisão de tomar uma atitude que vai prejudicar alguém, ou agir em amor, você opta pela atitude amorosa — mesmo que saia perdendo. As profundas declarações de Jesus devem ser aplicadas, pois são princípios pelos quais deveria nortear e avaliar suas decisões.

Aplicar ou não esses princípios gera consequências positivas e negativas, pois colhemos o que semeamos. Se semearmos amor, colheremos amor; se semearmos gentileza é o que colheremos.

E ocorre também o contrário, como expressa Jó:

Segundo eu tenho visto, os que lavram iniquidade e semeiam o mal segam isso mesmo.[5]

Há uma correlação entre nossas ações —a maneira como tratamos as pessoas —e as consequências que geram. Colher o que semeamos é um princípio que pode afetar profundamente nossas vidas. A nossa história pessoal será afetada positiva ou negativamente pela maneira como tratamos outros. Por isso, tratar as pessoas como gostaríamos que nos tratassem é um princípio muito importante que seria aconselhável aplicarmos ao nosso dia a dia.

Publicado originalmente em março de 2011. Compilado e republicado em Âncora, maio de 2014. Tradução Denise Oliveira. Revisão H.R.Flandoli.

[1] Lucas 6:31.

[2] Lucas 6:31.

[3] Mateus 7:12.

[4] Gálatas 5:14.

[5] Jó 4:8.

RAPTURE: Corrie Ten Boom Dire Warning & Word from the Lord concerning the Rapture and the Church

 by Anita Fuentes

"There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still." and

"God will give us the love to be able to forgive our enemies".

- Corrie Ten Boom

Miss Corrie Ten Boom was a Dutch survivor of the Nazi Concentration Camps. Her family had hidden Jews during the German occupation of Holland. For this they had been captured and sent off. Corrie was the only one to come out alive. Corrie was just one of the many evangelical Christians sent to concentration camps during the World War II. Her life hung in the balance during an ordeal that went on for years. But God was with her. Her faith was preserved in and through those terrible trials. She lived to testify all over the world of how God kept her in, through, and out of that time of tribulation. Corrie and her sister Betsy made this wonderful discovery.

Corrie was finally released because of a typographical error.

For this slip-up to occur in the highly efficient Gestapo was surely a miracle.

The definitive book that tells her story is called, 'The Hiding Place'.

Corrie Ten Boom has become a beloved light bearer for evangelicals around the world.

She is a shining example of a Western Evangelical Christian who was tested under fire.

She was proven and refined in the crucible of history. And she came through as gold.

In this capacity Corrie Ten Boom has earned the right to be heard.

She is eminently qualified to present this special word of warning to the Western Church.

In her worldwide travels Miss Ten Boom met with many Christians abroad. Many in the Suffering Church were enduring persecution just as she had. She met with Church leaders of the underground church in China. There she became aware of what had happened to the Chinese church in 1949. At that time Mao Tse Tung was bringing China into communism. The American missionaries had left the country. Chinese Christians entered into a time of intense persecution.

During that period the Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine had been the accepted teaching. But there was a problem. And it turned out to be a serious one. This Biblically unfounded doctrine had not prepared the Chinese Church for witness under trial. Christian believers were interrogated and brutalized under the Red Guard. Many fell away from the faith in those times.

Other Christians found the promised spiritual reserves. They endured these tribulations and came through victorious.

(See the wonderful video 'China Cry' by tested and proven Chinese overcomer Mrs. Nora Lam.)

The Chinese experience with Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine is a telling one.

You will look for that doctrine in China today, and you will not find it.

It is extinct, ...... as dead as the Dodo bird.

It seems that this shameful escapist doctrine has been tried in the crucible of history.

And it has been found wanting!

The Chinese Church leaders asked Corrie to bring a word of warning to the Christians in the West by the Holy Spirit.

Responsible evangelicals realize that our present religious freedom will not remain forever.

Corrie knew her Jesus in a deep and personal way. She also knew her Bible very well. Her life of victorious witness under persecution demonstrated and burned into her soul the truths found in its pages. The life and witness of Corrie Ten Boom is a rare example of a true saint. Here we see an otherwise ordinary modern Christian who embraced blood covenant devotion in the midst of great trials to emerge as an overcomer.

The letter Miss Boom wrote in 1974 has been entitled "Prepared for the Coming Tribulation".

In this letter she expressed a plea.

She exhorts Christian believers to prepare themselves in Christ.

Bible believing Christians in the west are wise to pay close attention here.

The present political cover we have will not be with us forever.

And one autumn day we may wake up to a different world, even a New World Order.

In such a situation our faith will surely be put to the test.

If we are not forewarned and forearmed we might not be prepared for the trials.

Christians not rooted and established in the faith could be offended, and many probably will be.

Our Apostle Paul prophesied a great apostasy, a great 'falling away' from the faith. (2Thes.2:3) Many of which will surely occur due to the rapture not taking place before the Great Tribulation.

Carnal Christians may be offended by this word of exhortation.

Many just don't want to hear such messages and will denounce it as "negative"..

But the woman of wisdom is still crying out in the streets. (Prov.1)

Unfortunately, most of those who pass by are just not listening.

But the true saints will pay attention and discern the spirits here.

These are the wise virgins, out finding the oil of the Holy Spirit.

They are preparing their lamps against the coming night.

And they, at least, deserve to know the truth.

So this message to the western church is exceedingly important.

Miss Boom's message of warning and encouragement is set forth below.


- (Written in 1974)

"The world is deathly ill. It is dying. The Great Physician has already signed the death certificate. Yet there is still a great work for Christians to do. They are to be streams of living water, channels of mercy to those who are still in the world. It is possible for them to do this because they are overcomers.

Christians are ambassadors for Christ. They are representatives from Heaven to this dying world. And because of our presence here, things will change.

My sister, Betsy, and I were in the Nazi concentration camp at Ravensbruck because we committed the crime of loving Jews. Seven hundred of us from Holland, France, Russia, Poland and Belgium were herded into a room built for two hundred. As far as I knew, Betsy and I were the only two representatives of Heaven in that room.

We may have been the Lord's only representatives in that place of hatred, yet because of our presence there, things changed. Jesus said, "In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." We too, are to be overcomers – bringing the light of Jesus into a world filled with darkness and hate.

Sometimes I get frightened as I read the Bible, and as I look in this world and see all of the tribulation and persecution promised by the Bible coming true. Now I can tell you, though, if you too are afraid, that I have just read the last pages. I can now come to shouting "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" for I have found where it is written that Jesus said,

"He that overcometh shall inherit all things:

and I will be His God,

and he shall be My son."

This is the future and hope of this world. Not that the world will survive – but that we shall be overcomers in the midst of a dying world.

Betsy and I, in the concentration camp, prayed that God would heal Betsy who was so weak and sick.

"Yes, the Lord will heal me,", Betsy said with confidence.

She died the next day and I could not understand it. They laid her thin body on the concrete floor along with all the other corpses of the women who died that day.

It was hard for me to understand, to believe that God had a purpose for all that. Yet because of Betsy's death, today I am traveling all over the world telling people about Jesus.

There are some among us teaching there will be no tribulation, that the Christians will be able to escape all this. These are the false teachers that Jesus was warning us to expect in the latter days. Most of them have little knowledge of what is already going on across the world. I have been in countries where the saints are already suffering terrible persecution.

In China, the Christians were told, "Don't worry, before the tribulation comes you will be translated – raptured." Then came a terrible persecution. Millions of Christians were tortured to death. Later I heard a Bishop from China say, sadly,

"We have failed.

We should have made the people strong for persecution,

rather than telling them Jesus would come first.

Tell the people how to be strong in times of persecution,

how to stand when the tribulation comes,

– to stand and not faint."

I feel I have a divine mandate to go and tell the people of this world that it is possible to be strong in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in training for the tribulation, but more than sixty percent of the Body of Christ across the world has already entered into the tribulation. There is no way to escape it.

We are next.

Since I have already gone through prison for Jesus' sake, and since I met the Bishop in China, now every time I read a good Bible text I think, "Hey, I can use that in the time of tribulation." Then I write it down and learn it by heart.

When I was in the concentration camp, a camp where only twenty percent of the women came out alive, we tried to cheer each other up by saying, "Nothing could be any worse than today." But we would find the next day was even worse. During this time a Bible verse that I had committed to memory gave me great hope and joy.

"If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye;

for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you;

on their part evil is spoken of,

but on your part He is glorified."

(I Peter 3:14)

I found myself saying, "Hallelujah!

Because I am suffering, Jesus is glorified!"

In America, the churches sing, "Let the congregation escape tribulation", but in China and Africa the tribulation has already arrived. This last year alone more than two hundred thousand Christians were martyred in Africa. Now things like that never get into the newspapers because they cause bad political relations. But I know. I have been there. We need to think about that when we sit down in our nice houses with our nice clothes to eat our steak dinners. Many, many members of the Body of Christ are being tortured to death at this very moment, yet we continue right on as though we are all going to escape the tribulation.

Several years ago I was in Africa in a nation where a new government had come into power. The first night I was there some of the Christians were commanded to come to the police station to register. When they arrived they were arrested and that same night they were executed. The next day the same thing happened with other Christians. The third day it was the same. All the Christians in the district were being systematically murdered.

The fourth day I was to speak in a little church. The people came, but they were filled with fear and tension. All during the service they were looking at each other, their eyes asking, "Will this one I am sitting beside be the next one killed? Will I be the next one?"

The room was hot and stuffy with insects that came through the screenless windows and swirled around the naked bulbs over the bare wooden benches. I told them a story out of my childhood.

"When I was a little girl, " I said, "I went to my father and said,

"Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be strong enough to be a martyr for Jesus Christ."

"Tell me," said Father,

"When you take a train trip to Amsterdam,

when do I give you the money for the ticket?

Three weeks before?"

"No, Daddy, you give me the money for the ticket just before we get on the train."

"That is right," my father said, "and so it is with God's strength.

Our Father in Heaven knows when you will need the strength to be a martyr for Jesus Christ.

He will supply all you need – just in time…"

My African friends were nodding and smiling.

Suddenly a spirit of joy descended upon that church and the people began singing,

" In the sweet, by and by,

we shall meet on that beautiful shore."

Later that week, half the congregation of that church was executed.

I heard later that the other half was killed some months ago.

But I must tell you something. I was so happy that the Lord used me to encourage these people, for unlike many of their leaders, I had the word of God. I had been to the Bible and discovered that Jesus said He had not only overcome the world, but to all those who remained faithful to the end, He would give a crown of life.

How can we get ready for the persecution?

First we need to feed on the Word of God, digest it, make it a part of our being. This will mean disciplined Bible study each day as we not only memorize long passages of scripture, but put the principles to work in our lives.

Next we need to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just the Jesus of yesterday, the Jesus of History,

but the life-changing Jesus of today who is still alive

and sitting at the right hand of God.

We must be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is no optional command of the Bible, it is absolutely necessary. Those earthly disciples could never have stood up under the persecution of the Jews and Romans had they not waited for Pentecost. Each of us needs our own personal Pentecost, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We will never be able to stand in the tribulation without it.

In the coming persecution we must be ready to help each other and encourage each other.

But we must not wait until the tribulation comes before starting.

The fruit of the Spirit should be the dominant force of every Christian's life.

Many are fearful of the coming tribulation, they want to run. I, too, am a little bit afraid when I think that after all my eighty years, including the horrible Nazi concentration camp, that I might have to go through the tribulation also.

But then I read the Bible and I am glad.

When I am weak, then I shall be strong, the Bible says. Betsy and I were prisoners for the Lord, we were so weak, but we got power because the Holy Spirit was on us. That mighty inner strengthening of the Holy Spirit helped us through. No, you will not be strong in yourself when the tribulation comes. Rather, you will be strong in the power of Him who will not forsake you. For seventy-six years I have known the Lord Jesus and not once has He ever left me, or let me down.

"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him", (Job 13:15)

for I know that to all who overcome,

He shall give the crown of life.


- Corrie Ten Boom - 1974
Movie Hiding place at this link:
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reiki and the New Age Conscience

By Dennis Edwards:

I want to touch on the subject of the New Age Religions including Reiki.

One of the first promoters of New Age Religion was none other than Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was well versed in the New Testament and quoted often from the words of Jesus. In his mixture of Hinduism and Christian thought, he developed his idea of political non-violence encouraging his followers to not offer physical resistance to government abuse, but to maintain a non-violent position. Quoting from the Sermon on the Mount, he said, “Resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” When asked if he admired Jesus Christ so much, why did he not become a Christian? He said he would become a Christian if he ever met a real follower of the words of Christ. Henry Thoreau, the famous American skeptic and naturalist, wrote something similar, “Ever stoic was a stoic, but where in Christendom is the Christian?”

The mixture of Christianity with eastern religions became quite popular in the 1960s. The Beatles trip to India, leading to George Harrison’s conversion to Transcendental Meditation, resulted in the Beatles influencing their generation with Eastern ideas. Their songs “Come Together” with the words “you are me and I am you, and we are one,” and “My Sweet Lord” both promoted eastern religious concepts. The Christian west enjoyed “My Sweet Lord” thinking it was dedicated to Jesus Christ. In reality it was song to Lord Krishna and incorporated the words Hari-Krishna. The words later became a familiar sound by the Hari Krishnas who were known for their continual chanting as they walked through the streets and parks looking for new converts. In fact the Krishnas were expected to chant Hari-Krishna at least two hours a day in a way of connecting with the Hindu God Krishna.

We need to understand that the eastern idea of reality, their world view, is totally contrary to the western Christian idea. In the eastern world view, man is captured by his karma in a continual cycle of death and rebirth. Man is doomed to be born again and suffer another life if he cannot improve his karma. Only by connecting with the universal life force or energy can man overcome his bad karma and be released back into the cosmic energy and find his “salvation.”This is usually accomplished through the help of a guru or spiritual guide. One’s ultimate salvation is in the re-uniting with the universal energy or spirit with the complete death of self. You have no personal entity in the eastern world view of salvation or nirvana, but rather the reuniting of your spirit-energy with the great spirit-energy of the universe. Therefore, everything becomes God or part of God, you, me, the trees, the animals- everything is God. The eastern world view also has no concept of sin. Man is born in ignorance and has to be illuminated. Those who have been enlightened and overcome karma are the gurus who teach others how they too can overcome their karma.

In the Judaea-Christian world view, man was made by God in a perfect state and had perfect fellowship with God. Man fell from that state through disobedience to God having been deceived by Satan, the fallen angel. God promised a way of salvation and re-connection with Him. His promised Redeemer would defeat Satan and restore man’s broken relationship with Him. God later chose Abraham as the father of faith to whom he passed his laws and commandments. God knew Abraham would faithfully teach his children after him. “For I know him (Abraham) that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he has spoken of him.”(Genesis 18:19)

As a result we have the Old Testament with hundreds of specific prophecies foretelling of the life of the Redeemer who was to come. The prophecies were fulfilled in Christ and who Paul rightly explains is the way of salvation. In the Judaea-Christian worldview of death we are given once to die, but after that the judgment. There is no continual cycle of birth-death and rebirth. One does not lose his identity in death but faces judgment and punishment or reward. Only through the accepting of God’s own sacrifice for sin, by His coming into the world and dying for man’s sin on the cross, can death be defeated and the way of salvation found. Salvation is a gift of God offered to us by God’s own sacrificial death on the cross. Satan and death are defeated and the way of salvation is offered to as many as will receive it."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."(John 1:12)

But in today’s New Age generation we find man rejecting Christ’s claim as the Redeemer. He rather accepts Christ merely as an enlighten one like the Buddha, Mohammed, or Confucius. Christ did not really rise from the dead. Christianity becomes one of the ways of salvation and Jesus a mid-eastern guru showing a path to salvation, a path similar to any of the other paths found in the other religions. Jesus becomes a great moral or spiritual leader or guru and nothing more. Salvation can then be found within many of the differing religious faiths or philosophies.

However, commenting upon the above idea, C.S. Lewis said the following: “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

When Jesus’ disciples asked him what would be the sign of his coming and of the end of the world Jesus answered and said, “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:4,5) A few breaths later he repeats himself and says, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:11) And then a little later when talking of the Great Tribulation that shall be upon all the world, he says, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible,(and it is possible) they shall deceive the very elect.”(24:24)

Paul himself warned, “Now the spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (ITimothy 4:1) He also warns that Satan comes with “power and signs and lying wonders” and “because they received not the love of the truth,” “for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” (2Thes 2:10-11) Satan can indeed do signs, healings, and give us a feeling of peace in order to deceive us.

Paul says that in Christ is “hid all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge (of God). And this I say less any man should beguile you with enticing words.” (Colossians 2:3-4) In other words, we do not need to look elsewhere for some new hidden wisdom even if it all sounds good. “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that comes preaches another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which you have not received, or another gospel, which you have not accepted, (why do you willingly listen)?” (2Corinthians 11:3-4) It seems mankind is very easily tempted by his need for experiencing God with his feelings to look elsewhere. “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness …” (11:14) “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”(2Corinthians 2:11)

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of light.”(John 8:12) "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world."(John 1:9) He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”(John 14:6) “If you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth.” (John 8:32) When Jesus prayed to the Father for his disciples he said, “Sanctify them through your truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:17) He also warned, “If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness.” (Matthew 6:23) In other words, if what you think is truth is really a lie, then you are in trouble, like those who followed Hitler, Stalin or Mao.

God has warned us in his word that we should not be deceived by another gospel. Reiki claims to be teaching us a method for healing and spiritual strength that was lost but rediscovered sometime recently in Japan. Reiki presents itself as a non-religious healing or stress relief technique open to all people of faith or of no faith. By using semi-scientific and eastern metaphysical terms the westerner is captivated by its offers of healing and stress relief. But when we look at Reiki closely we see it is indeed a spiritual practice with the calling upon spiritual entities or “angels” for direction and help ultimately ending in the person having what the Bible calls “a familiar spirit” or spirit guide.

Such practices have been condemned in God’s word since the times of Moses. The Lord said, “When you are come into the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord your God does drive them out from before you. You shall be perfect (obedient) with the Lord your God. For these nations, which you shall possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for you, the Lord your God has not suffered you so to do.” (Deuteronomy 18:9-14)

Isaiah warns us, “And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep (whisper), and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God?...To the word and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:19-20) Jesus is “the true light, which lightens every man that comes into the world,” not Reiki. (John 1:9)

Please pray for those tempted by Reiki and other eastern religious philosophies. Pray for the Reiki masters who may themselves be seeking for God. We are fighting a spiritual battle, therefore use the weapon of prayer, but also "Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour."(Zechariah 8:16) God expects us who know the word to speak up and “instruct those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” (2Timothy 2:25-26)

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