Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.
(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.)
The Roof Sheltering Our Dignity and Freedom Is at Risk from Tyranny's Storms
Is it a sin for an American Christian not to vote?
According to a recent Barna research study, half of churches are not teaching about the importance of voting.
Consequently, 41 million Christians plan to abstain from voting in the 2024 election.
As this country founders and occasionally ponders the meaning and value of humanity and government’s role within it, from abortion to transgenderism, from the economy to crime, nearly half of all evangelical Christians are leaving their cultural capital on society’s bargaining table.
If that isn't a sin it certainly is a shame.
Given that the previous Trump vs. Biden election was decided by narrow swing state margins accounting for 40 electoral votes, Barna highlighted the fact that Christians represent the swing vote.
Stepping away, Christians are collectively sinning by refusing to influence the nation’s policy and culture.
Founding Father, President John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
So why are the moral and religious people abandoning their basic civic duty, passively watching the crud of our current polity to circle the drain?
Those non-voting Christians indicated that they are demoralized by the current political situation, giving reasons such as they don’t like any of the candidates, most of whom do not reflect their views.
Additionally, they feel that their vote won't matter anyway, believing the results are skewed.
But aren’t these concerns, all the more reason to step in rather than step out?
Is it true that the individual candidates offered are personally unpalatable to people of faith because the candidates themselves are morally and religiously unmoored?
Is it true that election fraud is rampant?
If so, shouldn’t those things represent fire alarms, signaling the house of our Democratic Republic is on fire?
Because if our constitutional rule of law is subjugated to a godless materialism, through secular candidates voted into office by secular voters, the roof sheltering the dignity and attendant freedoms of everyone is at risk from the tyrannical storms of the rule of man.
Once American society loses sight of the biblical bedrock upon which the Founders fearfully staked their Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, how long can it continue upon the shifting sands of the appetites of man?
Either "all men are created equal" and "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life . . .," or we are slaves beholden to the dictates of oppressors masquerading as a liberators, fabricating rights at a whim to purchase power from the politically favored while demonizing and dehumanizing the politically disfavored.
The bedrock of barbarism is the abandonment of the belief that all people are inherently valuable, as made just a little lower than God.
Scripture mandates, "Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God," (Romans 13:1). So, what happens if we as Christians find ourselves placed by the hand of God into a governmental structure that President Lincoln described as, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people . . . "?
Therefore Christians are obligated to influence culture and politics.
It means that Christians must exercise at a minimum their most basic civic duty and vote.
It means that to shirk one’s duty in this regard is a sin, an offense against a future stable society, an offense against the future security of our families, an offense against our own conscience that we did everything we could to stand against the flood of moral decay, and worst of all, an offenses against God who miraculously permitted a nation to escape a tyrannical monarchy to self-government via a representative republic.
But the concern today is unchanged, as Benjamin Frankin proclaimed we have a republic, "If you can keep it."
It may be that our once and great U.S. Republic may not long survive the ravages of a rabid atheistic malaise.
This is no reason to shrink back.
Quite the opposite.
The only way we will overcome our nation’s current predicament is to become again what John Adams described as a "moral and religious people."
This starts not with the elected but with us, the electorate.
But Christians know that government license to do wickedness does not equal liberty.
And if we recognize the God-given right to religious belief, then there is a God-given mandate to evangelize.
If we believe mankind is created in the image of God, that means we are designed to reflect God’s character and nature back to him and to each other.
Each of us must take responsibility for ourselves and for each other under God, no matter how inconvenient, unproductive, or expensive our fellow man is perceived to be by secular society.
Christians must vote.
Vote for policies, candidates and administrations that will respect the dignity of all people without qualification, protecting national sovereignty through border security and legal immigration, safeguarding domestic tranquility through local and state law enforcement, protecting the personhood of all people — including preborn children under the 5th and 14th Amendments.
If you as a Christian commit this sin of voter omission, you may feel a sense of moral superiority, but it will not assuage your guilt of not having done all to stand for that which our nation’s Founders fought and sacrificed for you to enjoy.
As Shakespeare famously wrote of the consequences of the apparently insignificant person shrugging off action while under the shadow of a colossus Julius Caesar, "Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
If we act like underlings, we will never know what God might have done to save our nation from ourselves, and our sin.
The Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, an anti-abortion medical network based in Buffalo, New York, is married with 10 children. He passionately exposes unequal enforcement of the law and immoral public policy. Read more of the Rev. Jim Harden's Reports — Here.
Baptism is perhaps a more complicated matter, though it shouldn't be. We find no certain doctrine in the early church about baptism from the writings of the Church Fathers, those who came after the disciples. That is probably the reason there is so much a difference of opinion on the subject. There was no clear doctrine left to us by the early Christians.
Paul thanked God he hadn't baptised many, as he said he was sent to preach the gospel not to baptise. 1 Corinthians 1:14-18. Baptism becomes a ritual that each denomination has a different opinion on and condemns the others who differ. Jesus himself did not baptise with water, John 4:2. John the Baptist said, "I baptise you with water, but there comes One after me, He shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost and with fire." John 1:33, Acts 1:5, 1:8, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, Matthew 4:11.
During the Reformation period in Europe, Christians killed one another over their differences in their interpretation of how baptism should be done. Was it infant baptism, or adult baptism? The anabaptists from whom came the Mennonites, the Amish, and others adhered to adult baptism or age of consent baptism. The child had to be old enough to confess Christ.
In the book of Acts 10:44-48, we see that as Apostle Peter preached the gospel the Holy Ghost fell on the Gentiles as he spoke, and they began to speak with tongues as they received the gift of the Holy Ghost. After having already received the Holy Ghost, they did the ritualistic baptism. See also, Acts 11:15-18. In Acts 8;14-19, we see the Apostles laid hands on the new believers who had been baptised in water, but had not received the Holy Ghost. It was through the laying on of hands that the Holy Ghost was received in that case.
For these reasons, we can see there is no specific doctrine of water-baptism found in the Scriptures. I believe the emphasis on water baptism, rather than baptism of the Holy Spirit, is a hang over from the church in Jerusalem, and not from the teachings of Jesus or Apostle Paul. Apostle Peter mentions that in 1 Peter 3:21. The water baptism is only symbolic of what is suppose to be happening in our hearts, "the answer of a good conscience toward God."
Is water baptism necessary for salvation? Obviously not, as some received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost without having received any type of baptism by water. When Jesus said to go and baptise, was He speaking of water baptism or Baptism by the Holy Ghost? In the Scriptures we see at least one example of Baptism of the Holy Ghost taking priority to baptism by water. As Apostle Peter had the tendency to conform to the influence of the conservative Jerusalem church, I am of the opinion that water baptism is a left-over ritual from the time of John the Baptist and is not necessary for salvation or for receiving the Holy Ghost.
"Jesus, himself baptised none, though His disciples did." John 4:2. Apostle Paul spoke plainly, "I came not to baptise, but to preach the gospel." 1 Corinthians 1:17. As far as Paul was concerned, water baptism was already causing division and he was glad he had only baptised a few. Paul was more interested in preaching the gospel which seems to indicate that water baptism was not part of the plan of salvation.
Israel ha atacado
instalaciones militares en Irán hace unos días. Irán amenaza con tomar
represalias. Rusia dice que no se quedará de brazos cruzados y permitirá que
Israel y Estados Unidos destruyan Irán. Turquía, con el ejército permanente más
grande de Oriente Medio, también se pronuncia en contra de Israel. Putin se ha
ofrecido a ayudar a negociar un acuerdo con Netanyahu, pero Netanyahu no está
interesado. Hay rumores de que el Banco Internacional, Bank of America, puede
estar en el momento del colapso, lo que significa que otra crisis bancaria
podría estar acechando en el fondo. Las naciones BRIC acaban de terminar su
cumbre e inauguraron una nueva transferencia alternativa de monedas utilizando
tecnología blockchain. Occidente ya no podrá usar las sanciones bancarias para
dañar a las economías BRIC. El dólar se depreciará como moneda internacional,
lo que afectará el nivel de vida de los estadounidenses, lo que posiblemente
lleve a una gran crisis financiera similar a la de 1929.
Las elecciones
estadounidenses están programadas para el 5 de noviembre. Trump ha dicho que
apoyará a Israel pase lo que pase. No está claro qué haría Kamala. Estados
Unidos tiene unos 58.000 soldados listos para responder a una guerra en Oriente
Medio en portaaviones, buques de guerra y bases militares. Si Trump detiene la
guerra en Ucrania desde el primer día, Rusia estaría más dispuesta a ayudar a
intervenir en Oriente Medio, como lo hizo en Siria hace algunos años. Mientras
continúe la guerra en Ucrania, será difícil que Rusia sea de mucha ayuda en la
situación de Oriente Medio. Parece que Israel o, al menos Netanyahu, quiere
aprovechar la situación actual e impulsar los planes para un Gran Israel desde
el mar de Egipto hasta el Éufrates (Éxodo 23:31). ¿Nos da la profecía bíblica
alguna pista sobre cómo resultarán las cosas?
En su discurso
sobre el fin de los tiempos en Mateo 24, Jesús advirtió que antes de su segunda
venida habría “guerras y rumores de guerra”. Dijo: “No os turbéis, porque es
necesario que todo esto acontezca; pero aún no es el fin” (Mateo 24:5). Luego
dio una serie de señales del fin. Dijo: “Porque se levantará nación contra
nación, y reino contra reino; y habrá pestes, y hambres, y terremotos en
diferentes lugares. Y todo esto será principio de dolores. Entonces os
entregarán a tribulación, y os matarán, y seréis aborrecidos de todas las
gentes por causa de mi nombre. Muchos tropezarán entonces, y se entregarán unos
a otros, y unos a otros se aborrecerán. Y muchos falsos profetas se levantarán,
y engañarán a muchos. Y por haberse multiplicado la maldad, el amor de muchos
se enfriará” (Mateo 24:6-12).
El cristianismo y
los cristianos son el grupo religioso más odiado y perseguido en el mundo
actual. La atmósfera política y cultural en muchos países se ha polarizado en
los últimos diez años debido al impulso y uso por parte de la izquierda de la
política de identidad o género, la teoría crítica de la raza, el aborto hasta
el nacimiento, el matrimonio homosexual, las drag queens en las bibliotecas
públicas que les leen a los niños, etc. Durante la pandemia de Covid, vimos
cómo el engaño fue propagado por los más altos funcionarios de salud que se
acobardaron ante la industria farmacéutica y mintieron al público en general.
Los médicos que se habían comprometido a hacer solo el bien a sus pacientes,
siguieron ciegamente los mandatos de las farmacéuticas en detrimento de sus
pacientes. Millones de personas fueron obligadas a tomar una terapia genética
experimental disfrazada de vacuna. Las muertes y los efectos secundarios han
sido innumerables.
Jesús continuó
diciendo: “Y este evangelio del reino será predicado en todo el mundo para
testimonio a todas las naciones; y entonces vendrá el fin”, Mateo 24:14. Varias
organizaciones internacionales han estado trabajando para lograr que el
evangelio se escriba o se hable en todos los idiomas del mundo. La película de
Mel Gibson sobre la Pasión de Cristo y el programa en línea de 5 años “The
Chosen” han ayudado a explicar o predicar el mensaje del evangelio en todo el
mundo. Internet ha hecho posible romper barreras y predicar los evangelios a
través de las fronteras en países anteriormente cerrados al evangelio.
Seguramente el evangelio ha sido predicado en todo el mundo hoy más que nunca
Sin embargo, la
principal señal que Jesús dio con respecto al comienzo del período de la Gran
Tribulación que precedería inmediatamente a Su venida se encuentra en los
siguientes versículos: “Por tanto, cuando veáis en el lugar santo la
abominación desoladora de que habló el profeta Daniel (el que lee, entienda),…
porque habrá entonces gran tribulación, cual no la ha habido desde el principio
del mundo hasta ahora, ni la habrá. Y si aquellos días no fuesen acortados (han
sido acortados a 3 años y medio), nadie sería salvo; mas por causa de los
escogidos (los verdaderos creyentes), aquellos días serán acortados”, Mateo
24:15, 21-22.
Si vamos a las
profecías de Daniel en 9:27, 8:13-14 y 11:31, encontramos que se va a hacer un
acuerdo internacional que involucra la situación en el Medio Oriente. El
acuerdo será por un período de siete años. No conocemos todos los detalles del
acuerdo o pacto, pero sí sabemos que se le dará permiso al pueblo judío para
comenzar el culto sacrificial en el Monte del Templo, algo que no han podido
hacer desde antes de la invasión de Jerusalén por las fuerzas romanas en el año
70 d.C. Los países árabes no estarían muy interesados en que Israel hiciera
ceremonias religiosas en el Monte del Templo, a menos que hubiera alguna
concesión internacional para el pueblo palestino y un posible estado. Por lo
tanto, estamos buscando algún tipo de acuerdo internacional que resuelva la
situación palestina, tal vez impuesto a Israel por la comunidad internacional.
Lo que sabemos
por la profecía es que a Israel se le dará permiso para comenzar los servicios
sacrificiales en el Monte del Templo y tal vez incluso construir un templo.
Unos 250 días, u 8 meses y 10 días después de que muchas naciones del mundo,
tal vez las Naciones Unidas, firmen el pacto, Israel comenzará sus oraciones y
sacrificios de animales. Será la primera vez en unos 1.950 años. Sin embargo,
1010 días después, o 2 años, 9 meses y 20 días después, Israel será invadido
por el Anticristo. Su ejército entrará en el Monte del Templo y detendrá el
servicio sacrificial y la adoración de Israel. La detención del servicio
sacrificial y la colocación de la abominación de la desolación ocurren a la
mitad del acuerdo de siete años, según las profecías de Daniel, Daniel 9:27 y
Daniel 11:31. Jesús dijo que la colocación de la abominación en el lugar santo
era la señal que había que buscar y que daría inicio a la Gran Tribulación, un
período cataclísmico justo antes de Su segunda venida.
Si le interesa
saber cómo llegué a las fechas anteriores, consulte el siguiente artículo que
explica cómo desglosar los 2.300 días de Daniel 8 aquí.
La Gran
Tribulación durará un período de 3 años y medio, la segunda mitad del período
del pacto de 7 años. Durante la tribulación, el pueblo de Dios será perseguido
como nunca antes por el gobierno mundial del Anticristo, Daniel 7:25, 8:24,
11:32-35, Apocalipsis 12:12-17, 13:15. El Anticristo intentará imponer la
tecnología de la Marca de la Bestia y nadie podrá comprar ni vender a menos que
tenga el implante biométrico o el tatuaje en la mano derecha o en la frente,
Apocalipsis 13:16-17. El mundo pasará por un período de 6 eventos catastróficos
con una destrucción de 1/3 de gran parte de la tierra y la población de la
tierra según Apocalipsis 8-10 donde suenan las 7 trompetas de la tribulación.
“Inmediatamente después de la tribulación de aquellos días”, Jesús regresará en
el cielo para rescatar a Sus elegidos de los cuatro vientos del cielo en el
evento del rapto, Mateo 24:29-31. La séptima trompeta es el rapto, y se
encuentra en Apocalipsis 10:7, Mateo 24:31, 1 Corintios 15:51-52, 1
Tesalonicenses 4:14-18.
Después de la
tribulación, tendrán lugar los 75 días de la Ira de Dios que se encuentran en
Apocalipsis 16 con las copas o entrañas de la Ira. La Batalla de Armagedón
ocurre en el norte de Israel en algún momento después de los primeros 30 días
de la Ira de Dios. Llegamos a esa conclusión a partir de dos suposiciones.
Primero, en Apocalipsis 19:7-9, vemos que la celebrada Cena de las Bodas del
Cordero tiene lugar en el reino celestial como resultado de la llegada de los
santos resucitados y raptados. En segundo lugar, vemos que después de la Cena
de las Bodas del Cordero Cristo regresa con los santos en la Batalla de
Armagedón, Apocalipsis 19:11-21. De Daniel 12:11 sabemos que la Abominación de
la Desolación permanece en el Lugar Santo 30 días más que los 1.260 días del
período de la Gran Tribulación, o 1.290 días. Por lo tanto, suponemos que será
después de la diferencia de 30 días que Jesús regresará y destruirá la
Abominación de la Desolación y salvará al pueblo judío recién convertido.
Las profecías de
Ezequiel 38-39 son profecías paralelas y nos dan más información. Rusia,
Turquía e Irán, con una coalición de otros aliados, entre ellos Etiopía y Libia
(Daniel 11:43), intentarán invadir Israel con la intención de borrarla del
mapa, Salmo 83:4 "Venid, y destruyámoslos para que no sean nación, y no
haya más memoria del nombre de Israel". Sin embargo, la nación de Israel,
habiendo pasado por mucho sufrimiento y habiendo visto a Jesús en los cielos
llamando a sus seguidores en el evento del Rapto, ha llegado a un gran
arrepentimiento, Zacarías 12:9-14, Apocalipsis 1:7 y Mateo 24:30. Una tercera
parte de la nación llegará a la fe en Jesús, Zacarías 13:8-9. Como resultado de
su arrepentimiento y de su entrega sincera a Jesús con todo su corazón, Dios
intervendrá y luchará por el remanente creyente de Israel (Zacarías 14:1-3) y
derrotará a las fuerzas del Anticristo en Armagedón.
Primero, Dios usa
las fuerzas del Anticristo para castigar a los judíos por sus pecados (Ezequiel
38:14-16). Cuando el arrepentimiento tenga lugar en el momento del Rapto y
“miren a Aquel a quien traspasaron”, Dios también se arrepiente y dirige su ira
hacia el Anticristo y sus fuerzas (Ezequiel 38:17-23; Ezequiel 39:1-5;
Apocalipsis 19:11-21). Sin embargo, durante el período inicial de guerra que
incluye los primeros 30 días de la Ira de Dios, Israel perderá 2/3 de su
población judía a manos de las fuerzas del Anticristo (Zacarías 13:8-9). Sólo
un tercio de la población judía de Israel sobrevivirá a ese horrendo período de
guerra. Son el remanente del que habla el apóstol Pablo en Romanos 9:27,
11:25-26 y Jeremías 30:6-7. Después de que termine el Armagedón, sólo quedará
un sexto de las fuerzas o la población del Anticristo (Ezequiel 39:2).
Dios enviará
fuego sobre Magog (¿Rusia?) y "entre los que moran confiadamente en las
islas", Ezequiel 39:6, lo que podría referirse a la destrucción tanto de
Rusia, Gran Bretaña y los EE. UU. y de la que se habla en Isaías 13:6-13. En
algún momento antes del fin, Babilonia, la Ramera de Apocalipsis 18, será
destruida por fuego por la coalición del Anticristo, Apocalipsis 17:16-17. Tal
vez los profetas estén hablando del mismo evento desde una perspectiva
diferente. Todo lo que sabemos es que el período llamado la Ira de Dios va a
ser bastante feo.
Al final de los
75 días de la Ira de Dios, comienza el Milenio bajo una nueva dispensación de
gracia. Dios comienza a regenerar la tierra; la atmósfera se transforma
trayendo vidas más largas. Los animales se volverán pasivos, Isaías 11:6-8, ya
que Jesús reinará en la tierra durante mil años. El pueblo judío que se
arrepintió en el evento del Rapto ayudará a limpiar a Israel después de la
guerra y en el Milenio, Ezequiel 39:11-15, y pueden llegar a ser testigos del
evangelio para las naciones árabes circundantes, Ezequiel 39:22. Nada dañará ni
destruirá en todo el santo monte de Dios, Isaías 11:9, ni los hombres se
adiestrarán más para la guerra durante ese período de 1.000 años, Isaías 2:4.
La Biblia dice que los santos raptados también participarán de alguna manera
con Cristo en el gobierno de la tierra durante los 1.000 años, Apocalipsis
En Lucas
21:26-28, Jesús dijo que los corazones de los hombres desfallecerían debido a
la ansiedad que experimentarían debido al temor que causarán los eventos del
tiempo del fin. Él dijo: “Cuando estas cosas comiencen a suceder, erguíos y
levantad vuestra cabeza, porque vuestra redención está cerca”, versículo 26.
Nosotros que creemos en Jesús no tenemos nada que temer. Dios nos ha dado
innumerables promesas en Su Palabra de que Él estará con nosotros durante la
Gran Tribulación. Aunque algunos de nosotros “caerán para probarlos, limpiarlos
y emblanquecerlos”, Daniel 11:35, Dios ha prometido que al mismo tiempo, “el
pueblo que conoce a su Dios se esforzará y hará proezas”, Daniel 11:32. Será un
tiempo de gran persecución, pero también un tiempo de gran unción para el
pueblo de Dios que estará dando testimonio de su fe en Jesús y realizando
milagros durante todo el período de la Gran Tribulación.
Al igual que en
el tiempo de las persecuciones romanas contra los primeros cristianos, Dios
fortalecerá a Su pueblo frente a sus enemigos. En Apocalipsis 7:13-17, vemos la
recompensa designada para los mártires del período de la Gran Tribulación.
“Éstos son los que han salido de la gran tribulación, y han lavado sus ropas, y
las han emblanquecido en la sangre del Cordero. Por esto están delante del
trono de Dios, y le sirven día y noche en su templo; y el que está sentado en
el trono tenderá su tabernáculo entre ellos. Ya no tendrán hambre ni sed, y el
sol no caerá más sobre ellos, ni calor alguno; porque el Cordero que está en
medio del trono los pastoreará, y los guiará a aguas vivas (de vida eterna); y
Dios enjugará toda lágrima de los ojos de ellos”.
El apóstol Pablo
nos dice: “Pues tengo por cierto que las aflicciones del tiempo presente no son
comparables con la gloria venidera que en nosotros ha de manifestarse”, Romanos
8:18. Jesús también afirmó: “Bienaventurados los que padecen persecución por causa
de la justicia, porque de ellos es el reino de los cielos. Bienaventurados
seréis cuando por mi causa os vituperen y os persigan, y digan toda clase de
mal contra vosotros, mintiendo. Gozaos y alegraos, porque vuestro galardón es
grande en los cielos; porque así persiguieron a los profetas que fueron antes
de vosotros” (Mateo 5:10-12).
Por tanto, no
debemos temer, sino más bien aferrarnos a las promesas de Dios. Él ha dicho que
estaría con nosotros a través de las aguas profundas y del fuego.
“No temas, porque
yo te redimí; te puse nombre; mío eres tú. Cuando pases por las aguas, yo
estaré contigo; y por los ríos, no te anegarán; cuando pases por el fuego, no
te quemarás, ni la llama arderá en ti” (Isaías 43:1b-2). Dios te dará poder
para la hora que sea que tengas que atravesar. En el Salmo 91, el Señor
promete: “Por cuanto en mí has puesto tu amor, yo también te libraré; Te
pondré en alto, por cuanto has conocido mi nombre. Me invocarás, y yo te
responderé; Contigo estaré yo en la angustia; Te libraré y te glorificaré. Te
saciaré de larga vida (vida eterna), y te mostraré mi salvación”, Salmo
91:14-16 (editado en segunda persona).
Quizás quieras
seguir una publicación anterior sobre el mismo tema aquí. O escríbeme a
Israel atacou
instalações militares no Irão há alguns dias. O Irão está a ameaçar retaliar. A
Rússia diz que não vai ficar parada e vai permitir que Israel e os EUA destruam
o Irão. A Turquia, com o maior exército permanente do Médio Oriente, também se
manifesta contra Israel. Putin ofereceu-se para ajudar a negociar um acordo com
Netanyahu, mas Netanyahu não está interessado. Há rumores de que o Banco
Internacional, o Bank of America, pode estar num momento de colapso, o que
significa que outra crise bancária pode estar a surgir no fundo. As nações BRIC
acabaram de terminar a sua cimeira e inauguraram uma nova alternativa de
transferência de moedas utilizando a tecnologia blockchain. O Ocidente não
poderá mais utilizar as sanções bancárias para prejudicar as economias BRIC. O
dólar irá diminuir como moeda internacional, afectando o nível de vida da
América, conduzindo possivelmente a uma grande crise financeira semelhante à de
As eleições
americanas estão marcadas para 5 de Novembro. Trump disse que apoiará Israel
aconteça o que acontecer. É incerto o que Kamala faria. Os EUA têm cerca de 58
mil soldados prontos para responder a uma guerra no Médio Oriente em
porta-aviões, navios de guerra e em bases militares. Se Trump parar a guerra na
Ucrânia logo no primeiro dia, a Rússia estará mais disponível para ajudar a
intervir no Médio Oriente, como fez na Síria há alguns anos. Enquanto a guerra
na Ucrânia continuar, será difícil para a Rússia ser de grande ajuda na
situação do Médio Oriente. Parece que Israel, ou pelo menos Netanyahu, quer
tirar partido da situação actual e avançar em direcção aos planos para o Grande
Israel, desde o mar Egípcio até ao Eufrates, Êxodo 23:31. Será que a profecia
bíblica nos dá alguma pista sobre como as coisas vão acontecer?
Jesus, no Seu
discurso do fim dos tempos em Mateus 24, advertiu que antes da Sua segunda
vinda, haveria “guerras e rumores de guerra”. Ele disse: “Vede, não vos
perturbeis, porque é necessário que todas estas coisas aconteçam, mas ainda não
é o fim”, Mateus 24:5. Passou a dar uma série de sinais do fim. Ele disse:
“Porque se levantará nação contra nação, e reino contra reino; Tudo isto é o
início das tristezas. Então entregar-vos-ão à tortura e matar-vos-ão; E então
muitos ficarão ofendidos, trair-se-ão uns aos outros e odiar-se-ão. E surgirão
muitos falsos profetas, e enganarão a muitos. E porque a iniquidade se
multiplicará, o amor de muitos esfriará”, Mateus 24:6-12.
O Cristianismo e
os Cristãos são o grupo religioso mais odiado e perseguido no mundo actual. A
atmosfera política e cultural em muitos países polarizou-se nos últimos dez
anos devido à pressão e ao uso pela esquerda de políticas de identidade ou de
género, teoria racial crítica, aborto até ao nascimento, casamento gay, drag
queens em bibliotecas públicas lendo para crianças, etc. Durante a Covid vimos
como o engano foi propagado pelos mais altos responsáveis de saúde que
rebocaram vacas para a Indústria Farmacêutica e mentiram ao público em geral.
Os médicos que se comprometeram a apenas fazer o bem aos seus pacientes,
seguiram cegamente as ordens dos Farmacêuticos em detrimento dos seus
pacientes. Milhões foram coagidos a adotar uma terapia genética experimental
disfarçada de vacina. As mortes e os efeitos secundários foram inúmeros.
Jesus prosseguiu
dizendo: “E este evangelho do reino será pregado em todo o mundo, em testemunho
a todas as nações; e então virá o fim”, Mateus 24:14. Várias organizações
internacionais têm trabalhado para que o evangelho seja escrito ou falado em
todas as línguas do mundo. O filme de Mel Gibson sobre a Paixão de Cristo e o
programa online de 5 anos “The Chosen” ajudaram a explicar ou a pregar a
mensagem do evangelho em todo o mundo. A Internet permitiu romper barreiras e
pregar o evangelho além-fronteiras, em países anteriormente fechados ao
evangelho. Certamente que o evangelho tem sido pregado em todo o mundo hoje
mais do que nunca.
No entanto, o
principal sinal que Jesus deu a respeito do início do período da Grande
Tribulação que precederia imediatamente a Sua vinda encontra-se nos versículos
seguintes. “Quando, pois, virdes no lugar santo a abominação da desolação, de
que falou o profeta Daniel, (quem lê, entenda): … Porque então haverá grande
tribulação, como nunca houve desde o princípio do século mundo até agora, não,
nem nunca será. E a menos que esses dias sejam abreviados (foram encurtados
para 3 anos e meio), nenhuma carne será salva: mas por causa dos eleitos (os
verdadeiros crentes) esses dias serão abreviados”, Mateus 24:15, 21-22.
Se formos às
profecias de Daniel em 9:27, 8:13-14 e 11:31; descobrimos que vai ser feito um
acordo internacional que envolve a situação no Médio Oriente. O acordo terá a
duração de sete anos. Não conhecemos todos os detalhes do acordo ou pacto, mas
sabemos que o povo judeu receberá permissão para iniciar o culto sacrificial no
Monte do Templo, algo que não puderam fazer desde antes da invasão de
Jerusalém. Os países árabes não gostariam que Israel realizasse cerimónias
religiosas no Monte do Templo, a não ser que existisse alguma concessão
internacional para o povo palestiniano e uma possível criação de um Estado. Por
isso, procuramos algum tipo de acordo internacional que resolva a situação
palestiniana, talvez imposto a Israel pela comunidade internacional.
O que sabemos
pela profecia é que Israel receberá permissão para iniciar os serviços
sacrificiais no Monte do Templo e talvez até construir um templo. Cerca de 250
dias, ou 8 meses e 10 dias após o pacto ser assinado por muitas nações do
mundo, talvez as Nações Unidas, Israel iniciará as suas orações e sacrifícios
de animais. Será a primeira vez em cerca de 1.950 anos. No entanto, 1.010 dias
depois, ou 2 anos, 9 meses e 20 dias depois, Israel será invadido pelo
Anticristo. As suas forças armadas entram no Monte do Templo e interrompem o
serviço sacrificial e o culto de Israel. A interrupção do serviço sacrificial e
a colocação da abominação da desolação acontecem no meio do acordo de sete
anos, de acordo com as profecias de Daniel 9:27 e Daniel 11:31. Jesus disse que
a colocação da abominação no lugar santo era o sinal a procurar que daria
início à Grande Tribulação, um período cataclísmico pouco antes da Sua segunda
Se estiver
interessado em descobrir como cheguei às datas acima, veja o seguinte artigo
que explica como decompor os 2.300 dias de Daniel 8 aqui.
A Grande
Tribulação durará um período de 3 anos e meio, a segunda metade do período do
pacto de 7 anos. Durante a tribulação, o povo de Deus é perseguido como nunca
pelo governo mundial do Anticristo, Daniel 7:25, 8:24, 11:32-35, Apocalipse
12:12-17, 13:15. O Anticristo tentará impor a tecnologia da Marca da Besta e
ninguém poderá comprar ou vender a não ser que tenha o implante biométrico ou
tatuagem na mão direita ou na testa, Apocalipse 13:16-17. O mundo passará por
um período de 6 eventos catastróficos com 1/3 da destruição de grande parte da
terra e da população da terra, de acordo com Apocalipse 8-10, onde soam as 7
trombetas da tribulação. “Imediatamente após a tribulação daqueles dias”, Jesus
regressará no céu para resgatar os Seus eleitos dos quatro ventos do céu no
evento do arrebatamento, Mateus 24:29-31. A sétima trombeta é o arrebatamento e
encontra-se em Apocalipse 10:7, Mateus 24:31, 1 Coríntios 15:51-52, 1
Tessalonicenses 4:14-18.
Después de la
tribulación, tendrán lugar los 75 días de la Ira de Dios que se encuentran en
Apocalipsis 16 con las copas o entrañas de la Ira. La Batalla de Armagedón
ocurre en el norte de Israel en algún momento después de los primeros 30 días
de la Ira de Dios. Llegamos a esa conclusión a partir de dos suposiciones.
Primero, en Apocalipsis 19:7-9, vemos que la celebrada Cena de las Bodas del
Cordero tiene lugar en el reino celestial como resultado de la llegada de los
santos resucitados y raptados. En segundo lugar, vemos que después de la Cena
de las Bodas del Cordero Cristo regresa con los santos en la Batalla de
Armagedón, Apocalipsis 19:11-21. De Daniel 12:11 sabemos que la Abominación de
la Desolación permanece en el Lugar Santo 30 días más que los 1.260 días del
período de la Gran Tribulación, o 1.290 días. Por lo tanto, suponemos que será
después de la diferencia de 30 días que Jesús regresará y destruirá la
Abominación de la Desolación y salvará al pueblo judío recién convertido.
Las profecías de
Ezequiel 38-39 son profecías paralelas y nos dan más información. Rusia,
Turquía e Irán, con una coalición de otros aliados, entre ellos Etiopía y Libia
(Daniel 11:43), intentarán invadir Israel con la intención de borrarla del
mapa, Salmo 83:4 "Venid, y destruyámoslos para que no sean nación, y no
haya más memoria del nombre de Israel". Sin embargo, la nación de Israel,
habiendo pasado por mucho sufrimiento y habiendo visto a Jesús en los cielos
llamando a sus seguidores en el evento del Rapto, ha llegado a un gran
arrepentimiento, Zacarías 12:9-14, Apocalipsis 1:7 y Mateo 24:30. Una tercera
parte de la nación llegará a la fe en Jesús, Zacarías 13:8-9. Como resultado de
su arrepentimiento y de su entrega sincera a Jesús con todo su corazón, Dios
intervendrá y luchará por el remanente creyente de Israel (Zacarías 14:1-3) y
derrotará a las fuerzas del Anticristo en Armagedón.
Em primeiro lugar, Deus usa as forças do Anticristo para castigar os juízes pelos seus pecados (Ezequiel 38:14-16). Quando o arrependimento ocorreu no momento do Rapto e “miren a Aquel a quien traspasaron”, Deus também se arrepiente e dirige o seu ira para o Anticristo e para as suas forças (Ezequiel 38:17-23; Ezequiel 39:1-5; Apocalipse 19: 11-21). No entanto, durante o período inicial da guerra que incluiu os primeiros 30 dias do Ira de Deus, Israel perderá 2/3 da sua população judia às mãos das forças do Anticristo (Zacarias 13:8-9). Apenas um terço da população judicial de Israel sobreviverá a este horrendo período de guerra. É o resto do que fala o apóstolo Paulo em Romanos 9:27, 11:25-26 e Jeremias 30:6-7. Depois de terminar o Armagedão, só cairá um sexto das forças ou da poblação do Anticristo (Ezequiel 39:2).
Deus enviará fogo
sobre Magog (Rússia?) e "entre os que habitam descuidadamente nas
ilhas", Ezequiel 39:6, o que poderá estar a referir-se à destruição da
Rússia, da Grã-Bretanha e dos EUA e mencionado em Isaías 13:6 -13. Em algum
momento antes do fim, Babilónia, a Prostituta de Apocalipse 18, será destruída
pelo fogo pela coligação do Anticristo, Apocalipse 17:16-17. Talvez os profetas
estejam a falar sobre o mesmo acontecimento sob perspetivas diferentes. Tudo o
que sabemos é que o período chamado de Ira de Deus será muito feio.
No final dos 75
dias da Ira de Deus, o Milénio começa sob uma nova dispensação da graça. Deus
começa a regenerar a terra; a atmosfera é transformada trazendo vidas mais
longas. Os animais tornar-se-ão passivos, Isaías 11:6-8, pois Jesus reinará na
terra durante mil anos. O povo judeu que se arrependeu no evento do
Arrebatamento ajudará na limpeza de Israel após a guerra e no Milénio, Ezequiel
39:11-15, e poderá tornar-se testemunhas do evangelho para as nações árabes
vizinhas, Ezequiel 39:22. Nada ferirá ou destruirá todo o monte santo de Deus,
Isaías 11:9., nem os homens aprenderão mais a guerra durante este período de
1.000 anos, Isaías 2:4. A Bíblia diz que os santos arrebatados também
participarão de alguma forma com Cristo no governo da terra durante os 1.000
anos, Apocalipse 20:6.
Em Lucas
21:26-28, Jesus disse que o coração dos homens estaria a falhar por causa da
ansiedade que experimentariam devido ao medo que os acontecimentos do fim dos
tempos causariam. Ele disse: “Quando estas coisas começarem a acontecer, olhai
para cima e erguei a cabeça, porque a vossa redenção está próxima”, versículo
26. Nós que acreditamos em Jesus não temos nada a temer. Deus deu-nos inúmeras
promessas na Sua Palavra de que estará connosco durante a Grande Tribulação.
Embora alguns de nós “caiam, para experimentá-los, e purificá-los, e
embranquecê-los”, Daniel 11:35, Deus prometeu que, ao mesmo tempo, “o povo que
conhece o seu Deus será forte, e fazer façanhas ", Daniel 11:32. Será um
tempo de grande perseguição, mas também um tempo de grande unção para o povo de
Deus que testemunhará e dará testemunho da sua fé em Jesus e realizará milagres
durante o período da Grande Tribulação.
Tal como no tempo
das perseguições romanas contra os primeiros cristãos, Deus capacitará o Seu
povo face aos seus inimigos. Em Apocalipse 7:13-17, vemos a recompensa
atribuída aos mártires do período da Grande Tribulação. "Estes são os que
vieram da grande tribulação, e lavaram as suas vestes, e as branquearam no
sangue do Cordeiro. Por isso estão diante do trono de Deus, e o servem dia e
noite no seu templo; e Aquele que está sentado no trono habitará entre
eles. Nunca mais terão fome, nem terão mais sede; nem o sol brilhará sobre
eles, nem qualquer calor. Porque o Cordeiro que está no meio do trono os
apascentará e os conduzirá às águas vivas (da vida eterna); e Deus enxugará dos
seus olhos toda a lágrima.”
O apóstolo Paulo
diz-nos: “Porque tenho para mim que os sofrimentos do tempo presente não podem
ser comparados com a glória que em nós será revelada” (Romanos 8:18). Jesus
declarou ainda: “Bem-aventurados os que são perseguidos por causa da justiça,
porque deles é o reino dos Céus. Bem-aventurados sois vós, quando os homens vos
injuriarem e perseguirem, e disserem falsamente toda a espécie de mal contra
vós, por minha causa. Alegrem-se e sejam extremamente felizes: porque grande é
a vossa recompensa nos céus; porque assim perseguiram os profetas que existiram
antes de vós”, Mateus 5:10.12.
Por isso, não
devemos temer, mas sim agarrarmo-nos às promessas de Deus. Ele disse que
estaria connosco através das águas profundas e através do fogo. "Não
temas, porque Eu te remi, chamei-te pelo teu nome; tu és meu. Quando passares
pelas águas, estarei contigo; e pelos rios, eles não te submergirão: quando
passares por fogo, não te queimarás; nem a chama arderá sobre ti”, Isaías
43:1b-2. Deus dar-lhe-á poder para o momento, para qualquer coisa que tenha de
passar. No Salmo 91, o Senhor promete: “Porque me amaste, Eu te livrarei: Vou colocá-lo num lugar alto, porque conhece o
meu nome. Invocar-me-ás, e eu te responderei: estarei contigo na angústia; Eu
te livrarei e te honrarei. Com longa vida (vida eterna) te saciarei e te
mostrarei a minha salvação”, Salmos 91:14-16, (editado na segunda pessoa).
Pode querer
seguir uma publicação anterior sobre o mesmo assunto aqui. Ou escreva-me para
“And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him.” Hebrews 12:5
What son is there whom the Father chastens not? You ministers of God who preach the gospel, is there amongst your ranks one son whom his Father chastens not? Unanimously they reply, “We all have been chastened.” You holy prophets who testified God’s word with the Holy Ghost from heaven, is there one amongst your number whom God chastened not? Abraham, Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Malachi, answer; and unanimously cry, “There is not one among us whom the Father chastens not.” You kings, you chosen ones, you David's and you Solomon's, is there one in your high and lofty ranks who has escaped chastisement? Answer David! Were you not obliged to cross the brook Kedron in the darkness? Answer Hezekiah! Did you not spread the letter before the Lord? Answer Jehoshaphat! Did you not have the cross when the ships were broken that were sent to Tarshish for gold? Oh starry host above, translated out of the reach of the trials of this world, is there one amongst you whom the Father chastened not? Not one; there is not one in heaven whose back was unscarred by the chastening rod, if he attained to the age when he needed it. The infant alone escapes, flying at once from his mother’s breast to heaven. There is one whom I will ask, the Son of God, the Son par excellence, the chief of all the family. Son of God Incarnate, did you escape the rod? Son without sin, were you a Son without punishment? Were you chastised? Hark! The hosts of earth and heaven reply—the church militant and triumphant answer: “The chastisement of our peace was even upon him; he suffered; he bore the cross; he endured the curse as well as any of us; yea, more, he endured ten thousand-fold more chastisement than any of us can by any possibility endure.”
For meditation: Christians have different gifts and different callings, but this is something shared by all. How do you react when God disciplines you? Does the experience leave you dismissive, discouraged or (as God intends) disciplined?
Sermon no. 48 28 October (1855)
365 Days with C.H. Spurgeon, Vol. 1: A Unique Collection of 365 Daily Readings from Sermons Preached by Charles Haddon Spurgeon from His New Park Street Pulpit (365 Days With Series); edited by Terence Peter Crosby; (c) Day One Publications, 1998.
Israel has attacked military installations in Iran a few
days ago. Iran is threatening to retaliate. Russia says she will not stand by
and allow Israel and USA to destroy Iran. Turkey, with the largest standing
army in the Middle East, is also speaking out against Israel. Putin has offered
to help negotiate a settlement with Netanyahu, but Netanyahu is not interested.
There are rumours that the International Bank, Bank of America may be at the
moment of collapse, which means another banking crisis could be looming in the background. The BRIC nations have just finished their summit and inaugurated a new alternative transfer of currencies using blockchain technology. The West won't be able to use banking sanctions to harm the BRIC economies any longer. The dollar will decline as an international currency affecting America's standard of living, possibly leading to a great financial crisis similar to 1929.
The American elections are scheduled for the 5th
of November. Trump has said he will back Israel no matter what. It is uncertain
what Kamala would do. USA has some 58,000 military troops ready to respond to a
war in the Middle East on aircraft carriers, battle ships, and on military
bases. If Trump will stop the war in Ukraine on day one, Russia would be more
available to help intervene in the Middle East, like she did in Syria some
years ago. As long as the Ukraine war continues, it will be hard for Russia to
be much of a help in the Middle East situation. It seems Israel or, at least
Netanyahu, wants to take advantage of the present situation and push forward
towards the plans for Greater Israel from the Egyptian sea to the Euphrates, Exodus 23:31. Does Bible prophecy give us any clues to how things will work out?
Jesus in His End-time discourse in Matthew 24 warned that
before His 2nd coming, there would be "wars and rumours of war." He said, "see
that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet," Matthew 24:5. He went on to give a series of signs of the end. He
said, “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and
there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All
these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be
afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s
sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and hate
one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And
because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold,” Matthew 24:6-12.
Christianity and Christians are the most hated and
persecuted religious group in the world today. The political and cultural atmosphere
in many countries has polarized over the last ten years due to the Left’s push and
use of identity or gender politics, critical race theory, abortion up to birth,
gay marriage, drag queens in public libraries reading to children, etc. During
Covid we saw how the deception was propagated by the highest Health Officials
who cow towed to the Pharmaceutical Industry and lied to the general public.
Doctors who had pledged to only do good to their patients, followed blindly the
mandates of the Pharmaceuticals to the detriment of their patients. Millions
were coerced into taking an experimental gene therapy disguised as a vaccine.
The deaths and side-effects have been innumerable.
Jesus went on to say, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall
be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the
end come,” Matthew 24:14. Various international organizations have been working
towards getting the gospel written or spoken in every language of the world.
Mel Gibson’s movie on the Passion of Christ, and the 5-year online program “The
Chosen,” have both helped to explain or to preach the gospel message throughout the whole
world. Internet has made it possible to breach barriers and preach the gospels
over borders into countries formerly closed to the gospel. Surely the gospel
has been preached around the world today more than ever before.
However, the main sign Jesus gave regarding the start of the
Great Tribulation period that would immediately precede His coming is found in the next
verses. “When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of
by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whosoever reads, let him
understand):…For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those
days be shortened (they have been shortened to 3 and ½ years), there should no
flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake (the true believers) those days shall
be shortened,” Matthew 24:15, 21-22.
If we go to the prophecies of Daniel in 9:27, 8:13-14, and
11:31; we find that an international agreement is going to be made involving the situation in the Middle East. The agreement will be for a seven-year
period. We don’t know all the details of the agreement or pact, but we do know
that the Jewish people will be given permission to begin sacrificial worship on
the Temple Mount, something they haven’t been able to do since before the
invasion of Jerusalem by the Roman forces in 70 AD. The Arab countries would
not be keen on Israel doing religious ceremonies on the Temple Mount, unless
there was some international concession for the Palestinian people and a possible
statehood. Therefore, we are looking for some type of international agreement resolving the Palestinian situation, perhaps forced on Israel by the international community.
What we know from prophecy is that Israel will be given
permission to start sacrificial services on the Temple Mount and perhaps even
build a temple. Some 250 days, or 8 months and 10 days after the pact is signed
by many nations of the world, perhaps the United Nations, Israel will
start their prayers and animal sacrifices. It will be the first time in some 1,950 years. However, 1010 days later, or 2
years, 9 months, and 20 days later, Israel will be invaded by the Antichrist. His
military enters the Temple Mount, and stops Israel’s sacrificial service and
worship. The stopping of the sacrificial service and the placing of the
abomination of desolation happen at the midst of the seven-year agreement, according to the Daniel prophecies, Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:31. Jesus said
that the placing of the abomination in the holy place was the sign to look for that
would start the Great Tribulation, a cataclysmic period just before His 2nd coming.
If you are interested in finding out how I arrived at the dates above, see the following article explaining how to break down the 2,300 days of Daniel 8 here.
The Great Tribulation will last a period of 3 and ½ years,
the second half of the 7-year pact period. During the tribulation God’s people
are persecuted as never before by the Antichrist world government, Daniel 7:25, 8:24, 11:32-35, Revelation 12:12-17, 13:15. The Antichrist will try to enforce the Mark of the Beast technology and no one will be able to buy or sell unless they have the biometric implant or tattoo on the right hand or forehead, Revelation 13:16-17. The world
will go through a period of 6 catastrophic events with a 1/3 destruction of
much of the earth and the earth’s population according to Revelation 8-10 where
the 7 trumpets of tribulation sound. “Immediately after the tribulation of
those days,” Jesus will return in the sky to rescue His elect from the four
winds of heaven in the rapture event, Matthew 24:29-31. The seventh trumpet is
the rapture, and is found in Revelation 10:7, Matthew 24:31, 1 Corinthians
15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18.
After the tribulation, the 75 days of the Wrath of God found
in Revelation 16 with the vials or bowels of Wrath will take place. The Battle of Armageddon occurs in northern
Israel sometime after the first 30 days of the Wrath of God. We arrive at that conclusion from two assumptions. First, in Revelation 19:7-9, we see the celebrated Marriage Supper of the Lamb taking place in the heavenly realm as a results of the arrival of the resurrected and raptured saints. Secondly, we see that after the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Christ returns with the saints at the Battle of Armageddon, Revelation 19:11-21. From Daniel 12:11 we know that the Abomination of Desolation stands in the Holy Place 30 days longer than the 1,260 days of the Great Tribulation period, or 1,290 days. We assume, therefore, that it is after the 30 day period difference that Jesus returns and destroys the Abomination of Desolation and saves the newly converted Jewish people.
The prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39 are parallel prophecies and give us more information. Russia, Turkey, and Iran, with a coalition of other allies including Ethiopia and Libya (Daniel 11:43), will attempt to invade Israel
with the intent of wiping her off the map, Psalm 83:4 "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance." However, the Israel nation, having
passed through much suffering, and having seen Jesus in the heavens calling up
His followers at the Rapture event, have come to great repentance, Zechariah 12:9-14, Revelation 1:7, and Matthew 24:30. One-third of
the nation will come to faith in Jesus, Zechariah 13:8-9. As a result of their repentance and truly
coming to Jesus with all their heart, God will intervene and fight for the
believing remnant of Israel, Zechariah 14:1-3, and defeat the forces of Antichrist at Armageddon.
First God uses the Antichrist forces to chastise the Jews for their sins, Ezekiel 38:14-16. As the repentance takes place at the time of the Rapture and "they look on Him whom they have pierced," God also repents and turns His anger toward the Antichrist and his forces, Ezekiel 38:17-23, Ezekiel 39:1-5, Revelation 19:11-21. However,
during the initial warring period up and including the first 30 days of the Wrath of God, Israel will lose 2/3 of their Jewish population to
the Antichrist forces, Zechariah 13:8-9. Only 1/3 of the Jewish population in Israel will live through that horrendous warring period. They are the remnant that Apostle Paul in Romans 9:27, 11:25-26 and Jeremiah 30:6 -7 talk about. After Armageddon is over, only 1/6th of the Antichrist forces or population remain, Ezekiel 39:2.
God will send fire on Magog (Russia?) and "among them that dwell carelessly in the isles," Ezekiel 39:6, which could be referring to the destruction of both Russia, Great Britain, and USA and spoken of in Isaiah 13:6-13, Zephaniah 1:14-18 At some point prior to the end, Babylon the Whore of Revelation 18:1-24 will be destroyed by fire by the Antichrist coalition, Revelation 17:16-17 and 16:17-21. Perhaps the prophets are talking about the same event from different perspective. All we know is that the period called the Wrath of God is going to be pretty ugly.
At the end of the 75 days of the Wrath of God the Millennium
begins under a new dispensation of grace. God begins to regenerate the earth;
the atmosphere is transformed bringing longer lives. The animals will become
passive, Isaiah 11:6-8, as Jesus will reign on the earth for a thousand years. The Jewish
people who repented at the Rapture event will help in the cleaning up of Israel after the war and on into the Millennium, Ezekiel 39:11-15, and may become witnesses of the gospel to the surrounding Arab nations, Ezekiel 39:22. Nothing shall hurt or destroy in all
of God’s holy mountain, Isaiah 11:9., neither shall men learn war any more during that 1,000 year period, Isaiah 2:4. The Bible says that the raptured saints will also somehow participate with Christ in ruling the earth during the 1,000 years, Revelation
In Luke 21:26-28, Jesus said that men's hearts would be failing them because of the anxiety they will experience out of the fear that the end-time events will cause. He said, "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh," verse 26. We who believe in Jesus have nothing to fear. God has given us innumerable promises in His Word that He will be with us through the Great Tribulation. Though some of us "will fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white," Daniel 11:35, God has promised that at the same time, "the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits," Daniel 11:32. It will be a time of great persecution, but, also, a time of great anointing for God's people who will be witnessing and testifying of their faith in Jesus, and performing miracles throughout the Great Tribulation period.
Like the time of the Roman persecutions against the early Christians, God will empower His people in the face of their enemies. In Revelation 7:13-17, we see the reward appointed to the martyrs of the Great Tribulation period. "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in His temple: and He that sits on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and lead them unto living waters (of eternal life): and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
Apostle Paul tells us, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us," Romans 8:18. Jesus, also, stated, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you," Matthew 5:10.12. Therefore, we should fear not, but rather hold onto God's promises. He has said He would be with us through the deep waters and through the fire.
"Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon you," Isaiah 43:1b-2. God will give you power for the hour for whatever you may have to go through. In Psalm 91, the Lord promises, "Because you have set your love upon Me, therefore will I deliver you: I will set you on high, because you have known my name. You shall call upon Me, and I will answer you: I will be with you in trouble; I will deliver you, and honour you. With long life (eternal life) will I satisfy you, and show you My salvation," Psalm 91:14-16, (edited into the second person).
You might want to follow an earlier post on the same subject here. Or write me at
Nelson, you are getting closer, but still not hitting the mark. First, we need to understand that the Great Tribulation is not the whole 7 year period. The signing of the global covenant begins the last 7 year period. Since the Jewish people are allowed to begin sacrificial worship as a result of the covenant, and since the Palestinians and other Arab nations would not allow the Jewish people such freedom on the Temple Mount; many Bible scholars have proposed or speculated that the covenant will some how temporarily solve the Palestine problem.
For the Jewish people to accept a two-state solution, they would need to receive a substantial reward or prize for the undertaking. That prize could be the allowing the Jewish people to begin once again sacrificial temple worship on the Temple Mount. They have not been able to perform that sacrifice since the destroying of Herod's Temple in 70 AD by the Roman forces. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem is ready for such a day with all the ceremonial apparatus. The red heifers are ready. The priests are ready. Even the material for a Temple is believed to be ready for construction.
When the covenant is signed by many according to Daniel 9:27, the last 7 years will begin. "He, (the Antichrist) shall confirm the covenant with many (the United Nations?) for one week." The word "week" has been translated from the Hebrew word for seven. In Genesis 29:27, we see that the "week" or seven that Laban was demanding of Jacob as dowry for Rachel was "yet seven other years."
However, the Great Tribulation is not the whole 7 year period. According to Jesus in Matthew 24:15 and 21-22, the Great Tribulation starts when the abomination is set up in the Holy Place. "When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (Whosoever reads. let him understand)...For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, (they have been shortened to three and a half years), there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake (the true believers) those days shall be shortened."
The Church fathers believed the "holy place" would be in Jerusalem on the Holy Mount in a new temple and that 2 Thessalonians 2:4 would be fulfilled in Jerusalem. It is at the midst of the week, or half way through the 7 year period that the abomination is placed according to Daniel 9:27. "And in the midst of the week he (the Antichrist) shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate." At the same time could be when the antichrist stands in the temple "showing himself that he is God.," 2 Thessalonians 2:4. "Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."
The Great Tribulation consists of that 3 and 1/2 year period of the second half of the last seven year period. It will be 1,260 days, or 42 months, or time, times, and half of times according to other prophecies in the Scriptures. Daniel 7:25 "a time and times and the dividing of time." Daniel 9:27 "and in the midst of the week," (or 7 year period which would be 3 and 1/2 years). Daniel 12:7 "it shall be for a time, times, and an half." Revelation 12:14 "for a time, and times, and half a time." Revelation 11:2-3 "forty and two month," and "a thousand two hundred and threescore days." Revelation 13:5 "forty and two months." Seven times God tells us the length of the Great Tribulation period.
Jesus comes back "immediately after the tribulation of those days" according to Matthew 24:29-31. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the sun shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."
In the book of Revelation 8:6 we read, "And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound." The Great Tribulation consists of the seven trumpets found in chapters 8-10 which pour out a one-third destruction upon the earth. According to 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, the rapture takes place at the last trumpet. "Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." The last trump or trumpet is the seventh trumpet of the tribulation and is found in Revelation 10:7. "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets." Apostle John had wanted to tell us more about it, but was not allowed to write it down.
The same imagery is found in Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." We see the trumpet sounding and the rapture taking place.
In Matthew 24:31 we have read, "And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Again we see the trumpet sounding and the angels going forth to gather the elect in the Rapture. Revelation 11:15 seems to be showing the same event, "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and He shall reign for ever and ever." The "Hallelujah chorus" seems to be referring to that mystery which was finished at the seventh trumpet and Paul said would happen at the last trump, which is in fact the seventh. that mystery is nothing more than the Rapture event.
The 2,300 days of Daniel 8:13-14 consist of the period of sacrificial worship of the Jewish people on the Temple Mount, plus the amount of time the abomination shall stand, after it is placed there at the beginning of the Great Tribulation period. "Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spoke, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
We note that it stands 30 days longer than the tribulation period according to Daniel 12:11. "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." The abomination stands for 1,290 days, while the tribulation last only 1,260 days. We can deduce then, that the abomination is not removed at the end of the 3 and 1/2 year tribulation period when the rapture occurs, but 30 days after. Why would that be?
The 30 days difference between the time of the Rapture and time of the return of Christ at the Battle of Armageddon could be when the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is taking place in the heavenly realm. The Marriage Supper is found in Revelation 19:7-9. "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife has made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints."
Jesus alludes to a marriage feast in both Matthew 22:1-14 and Matthew 25:1-13. In Matthew 22:8, "the wedding was ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy." The king, therefore, says to his servants , "Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage," Matthew 22:9. When the king later goes into the wedding feats, "he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: and he said unto him, Friend, how did you come in hither not having a wedding garment? And the man was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into out darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen," Matthew 22:11-14.
Only those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and have received the righteousness which is through faith and obedience to Jesus will be allowed into the wedding supper of the Lamb. Our wedding garment is the righteousness we have received through Jesus' atoning death and resurrection, and our belief and obedience to Him. In Matthew 25:1-13 is the parable of the 5 wise virgins and the 5 foolish virgins. Only the 5 wise virgins who had oil in their lamps get into the marriage festival with the bridegroom. Only those who had been ready by their obedience and vigilance will get raised in the Rapture and enjoy the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
At the time of the Rapture, the wedding supper takes place in the heavenly realm, while on earth the 75 days of the Wrath of God begins. The raptured saints go to receive their rewards and celebrate and then prepare for the invasion of earth at Armageddon some 30 days later. Daniel 12:2-3, may be describing the Rapture and Marriage Supper, also. "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the star for ever and ever." Proverbs 11:30 confirms that, "The fruit of the righteous is the tree of life, and he that wins souls is wise."
At the Rapture Jesus does not land on the earth, but sends His angels to collect His elect from the earth. Jesus lands on the earth some 30 days later during the Battle of Armageddon. The landing of Jesus on earth in Jerusalem is seen in Zechariah 14:4. "And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south."
Armageddon occurs during the Wrath of God, a short 75 days of fury which God will reign upon the wicked, after His elect have been raptured away. Revelation 16 contains the general information about the short Wrath period where the angels pour out the Vials or Bowels of the Wrath of God on the wicked and unbelieving followers of the Antichrist. Revelation 16:1, "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials (or bowels) of the Wrath of God upon the earth."
1.260 days plus 75 days gives us the days found in Daniel 12:13, which says, "Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." In other words, those human beings who live through that horrendous period of the Wrath of God will be blessed as they will live on into the Millennium period. The Millennium will bring a complete transformation of life on earth. Men's life cycles will be longer. Animals will be passive and nothing shall hurt or destroy in all His holy mountain.
"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox: And the suckling child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea," Isaiah 11:6-9.
Christ will rule with the help of His saints for a 1,000 years giving mankind, those who survived the terrible Great Tribulation and Wrath of God, even more time to come to faith in Jesus. "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection (or Rapture): on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years," Revelation 20:6.
God has told us, "He will do nothing, but He reveal His secrets unto His servants the prophets," Amos 3:7. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit also would lead and guide us into all truth and show us things to come. I do not believe that God wants us to be ignorant of what is coming. He had Noah prepare and He wants us to be prepared as best we can. A good study of God's Word shows that we need to be diligently and faithfully obeying Jesus until He returns. Our obedience will bring the Holy Spirit upon our lives and help to open up the Scriptures to our understanding.
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To read another post which goes through these ideas see the following link: