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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Jordan Peterson admits the Resurrection is true to a Catholic Priest

Dennis Edwards: Peterson talks about the "universal myth." Where did the universal myth come from? If we accept the Genesis account as truth, we see that the "universal myth" comes from the Garden of Eden in God's promise to send a "seed" of the woman who would defeat the seed of the serpent and bruise his head. It seems that Eve may have thought that her first son Cain was the seed, as when he was born she said, "I have gotten a man from the Lord." The idea that a chosen seed would come to defeat evil would have been known by the descendents of Adam and Eve. That prophetic truth was changed into a cultural myth over time. Nevertheless, we can assume that Noah took a non-corrupted idea with him unto the ark along with the old written recorded history from the time of creation.

 However, by the time of the Tower of Babel we see the idea of a deliverer personified in Nimrod the organizer of the first post flood cities. Assuming the account in the Bible is accurate, we find the universal language turns into a multilingual world. It was the corrupted "universal myth" of a Nimrod like figure that the peoples now divided took with them as they spread abroad from Mesapotamia. The "universal myth" of a saviour like figure rising from the dead and defeating evil and the Evil One was a corruption of God's prophetic word. God had announced back in the Garden of Eden that from the seed of the woman would come the One who would crush the head of the seed of the serpent, though the serpent would bruise His heal. The Devil or Satan would have the power to kill the Messiah and yet the Messiah would rise again and ultimately defeat Satan at the end of days. 

The trouble with modern intellectuals is that they dismiss the Biblical narrative as mythical and not historical. They have unknowingly accepted the hypothesis of evolution and millions of years. They are skeptics of the Biblical narrative, but not of the evolutionary story. They believe by faith the evolutionary narrative and it's naturalistic suppositions which assume the supernatural does not exist. In the end, they have difficulty seeing their own bias and how they have been hood-winked into believing a lie. But Apostle Paul, Apostle Peter, King David, and Job, amongst others, clearly testify that the truth of God is found in His creation. Peter says men are willingly ignorant of both the flood event and creation. Paul says that through their proud ideas men have had their minds darkened from the truth found in nature and have accepted a lie. David says God's truth speaks in every language in every nation through His creation. Job tells us that if we study nature, it will indeed speak to us and tell us of the Creator. 

The modern intellectual accepts evolution and "science" as the new creation myth and have rejected the Bible as being God's Divine Word of guidance. Therefore, it is hard for them to make the jump from fiction to faith. They would do well to be as skeptical of evolutionary theory as they are of Biblical theology, anthropology, and Creation scientists. 

God told Jeremiah "to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down" the false, before He told him "to build and to plant" the new. What Critical Race Theory wants to do to today's capitalistic world is just like what the French Revolution tried to do, and the Russian Revolution tried to do, which was to completely root out, pull down, destroy, and throw down the old system to build and plant a new one built on different values and goals. We as Christians should also learn "to root out, pull down, destroy, and thrown down" the false beliefs of others in love so that we can begin to build and plant the truth of God's word in their lives. But as we see with the modern intellectual, the lies of evolutionary theory have convinced them that the Bible is only "mythical" and not historical or factual.

 Jordan Peterson would do well to spend some time researching the young earth creationist material found at Creation Ministeries International at or Answers In Genesis found at Or he might go to and read Gary Habermas' The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, for the arguments of why the physical resurrection of Jesus is the best explanation for the empty tomb, or J. Warner Wallace's Cold-Case Christianity found at .


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