Does your faith need strengthening? Are you confused and wondering if Jesus Christ is really "The Way, the Truth, and the Life?" "Fight for Your Faith" is a blog filled with interesting and thought provoking articles to help you find the answers you are seeking. Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find." In Jeremiah we read, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall seek for Me with all your heart." These articles and videos will help you in your search for the Truth.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

More Reasons Why I Did Not Take The Vaccine!


Dennis Edwards

Here is the continuation of my reasons for not taking  the vaccine. If you have missed the first part and would like to read it click here .

Reason Number Two

Because of the “Emergency Acts” the experimental gene therapy injections did not go through the normal safety procedures. These emergency acts allowed the "vaccines" to not have to go through the rigorous testing and retesting programs before being administered to the general public. I have put apostrophes around the word vaccine because these "vaccines" are not vaccines in the traditional sense. The old vaccines, which have their own set of problems, injected into one's blood a small diluted element of the sickness, in order that your own immune system create a resistance against the sickness, and therefore give you immunity. The present "vaccines" do nothing of the such, rather they are injecting a genetic command to your body to produce a protein similar to the spike protein of the virus. The idea is that your immune system will recognize the newly produced protein as something foreign and will fight against it. Then, if and when you come in contact with the real virus, your immune system will recognise the actual spike protein quickly and will help you not get such a serious case of the virus. However, not enough time has been spent on evaluating if the vaccine would produce any secondary side-effects. 

Many experts in the field of vaccine, two in particular, the inventor of the mra vector vaccine, Dr. Robert Malone, and the former top scientist at Pfizers, Dr. Michael Yeadon, are two of many scientist who question the safety of the vaccine and have been calling for the program to be halted. They talk about the fact that the spike protein that is being manufactures by the gene therapy injection are not behaving in the way that the scientist assumed. The proteins were suppose to remain stuck to the outer cover of the cell. The immune system was then suppose to identify them and neutralize them. However, many of the spike proteins are running free throughout the blood system. These free spike proteins have been responsible for the increase in inflamatory heart problems in some of those who took the vaccine and probably other secondary reactions, and even deaths. Scientist have discovered that the free spike proteins tend to conglomorate in two places, in a woman’s ovaries, and in the bone marrow of males. They do not know the long term effects of these residue of spike protein but fear that those in the ovaries could cause sterilization, while those in the bone marrow may cause leukemia.

Number Three

Many people have died as a result of taking the vaccine. They may have been dying of other complications but the vaccine pushed them onto death. Over 5,000 deaths have been recorded as a direct result of Covid vaccines by medical professionals in the United States. The Voluntary Adverse Reaction Site or VARS is where the deaths are registered. The administrators of the site admit that usually only 1% of the adverse effects are actually recorded on the site. The reason being is that the public “knows” vaccines are safe, therefore if an abnormal reaction takes place, it is assumed that it must be something else, or “his/her time was up.” I have personally heard of two people who were in good health, though in their eighties, who after taking the vaccine died a few days later. If the over 5,000 number that died in America is actually 10 % register rather than only 1%, that would mean another 45,000 deaths went unregistered and 50,000 died from the vaccine. Never in the administration of vaccines have so many people died, if that were the case. We need to stop vaccinations and find out exactly what is happening.

Number Four

Neither the media nor the government nor the social network platforms are allowing for honest debate on the subject of Covid – 19 and the vaccines. Facebook and Youtube posts are being eliminated if they question the narrative being spouted by the government and organized media outlets. Bret Weinstein’s interview with the inventor of the mra vector vaccine Dr. Robert Malone was eliminated from Youtube and marked as false. The inventor of the mra vaccine was lying? Dr. Robert Malone was lying? Who is it that says that his concerns about the safety of the vaccine are false? Some anonymous experts disagreed and said his statements were false. No names, just “experts.” It probably was Dr. Fauci and his cohorts who were the experts, the same Dr. Fauci, whose pharmatheutical life was facilitaed by deceased David Rockefeller. David Rockefeller was he who said the world was just about ready for world government, the only thing necessary was a crisis sufficiently big enough that the peoples of the world would submit to that government.

 The questions remains, Why are the government and media and big technology not allowing open and honest debate about Covid and the vaccines? Why is the government standing aside when big technology is uses its power to squash any and all questioning voices? Why is the media constantly playing the Covid note? What is the endgame? Why are they forcing everyone through social media and television to get a MRA vaccine? Why would that be the goal? What’s the actual agenda? Is it to bring on world government? Thomas Jefferson spoke about the importance of a free press. He said we should be allowed to hear whatever viewpoint we like. View points should be debated in the public square for their truthfulness. He said, “If the book be false in its facts, disprove them; if false in its reasoning, refute it. But, for God's sake, let us freely hear both sides, if we choose.” [Thomas Jefferson (2011). “Jefferson on Freedom: Wisdom, Advice, and Hints on Freedom, Democracy, and the American Way”, p.41, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.] In other words, no censorship. Let ideas live or die on their merits, not because they are supported by the powers that be. Many of the voices of protest are having to move to other internet platforms to have their freedom of expression. But in that move, their voices are smaller as they lose many millions of followers who don’t move to the new site with them. Why is our freedom of expression being squashed?

Number Five

Both big pharmacy and government politicians have lied to us in the past. Big pharmacy has payed some of the biggest corporate fines in human history for their dishonesty. Big pharmacy is one of the biggest lobbiest in American politics using their wealth to help finance politicians and news agencies. Are they really interested in our health or in their wealth? Are politicians so compromised by the money they receive directly or indirectly from Big Pharmacy that they just aprove anything Big Pharma suggests? Are the politicians in bed with Big Pharmacy and therefore, whether on the left or on the right, they will get in line and promote the propaganda that Big Pharma spouts? Are there any honest politicians we can believe in, or are they all compromised? Why has the government passed laws that allow the vaccine companies to be free from cause if a person’s health is injured from the vaccine administered? Why do we have to sign a waver clause stating that we are taking the vaccine at our own risk before the vaccine will be administered? Something is the matter with this picture.

Number Six

I don’t believe the government is honest and tells us the truth. Both left and right and center are controlled by the financial powers that be that are behind the scenes. Why is it that all governments are telling us the same story? Are they being orchestered by those financial powers from behind the scenes? The USA government lied to us about Pearl Harbour. Documents have shown that the then President Roosevelt knew the Japanese were coming to bomb the day lights out of the American ships sitting idle in the harbour. But Roosevelt failed to warn the troops so that he would have a reason to declare war on Germany and Japan as public opinion had not yet formed in favor of entering into the war. Lyndon Johnson lied to us about the Gulf of Tonkin attack in order to be able to send more boys over to Vietnam. The government Warren Report on JFK’s death was another set of lies to cover the actual perpetrators of the crime. The Bush government was well aware of 9/11, but again let it happen. Why?

Was it to validate their Middle East conquest and change those governments they felt were a threat to world government and American and Israeli hegemony?  Both left and right governments of Bush and Obama helped eliminate the strongmen in the Middle East that had to go. The same people who have been lying to us about the past are the ones in charge of the present. The same people that killed Kennedy, allowed 9/11, etc., are the ones manipulating the Covid – 19 fiasco. They are the great men of the earth who through their sorceries they have deceived the whole world! I don’t believe them. Read Daniel Estulin’s book “The True Story of the Bilderbergers,” or Perloff’s “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations” for more information about the secret powers behind the scenes moving the world slowly but surely to One World Government. That One World Government will end up being nothing but diabolical according to God’s word.

Number Seven

I love God and Him alone will I love and serve. I will not bow down to other false gods of man, but will worship the Lord my God with my whole heart, my whole mind, my whole body, and my whole soul. Lord willing, I will have no false gods before me. I will not bow down to the god of modern medicine. I will not bow down to the god of modern "science." I will not bow down to the god of modern media. I will not bow down to the god of modern social networking. I will not bow down to the god of government compliance. I will not bow down to the god of fear. I will not bow down to the god of comformity and peer pressure. I will choose rather to follow my convictions and serve the Lord my God as best I can. As I said earlier, I will try to follow His still small voice the best I can. I may not always get it right, but that’s my goal: follow Jesus with my heart, soul, body, and mind.

I will also try to warn others as best I can while trying to remain humble and loving in the process. I will not fear the loss of income or friendship because of my stance but will accept whatever God sends or allows to happen to me. I believe this is the position God wants me to take. “Here I stand, I can do no other.” I really believe not taking the vaccine is a stance we as Christians should take. I believe it’s an honest position and reflects careful thinking and caution. I know others think otherwise. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. I am sharing my reasons of why I believe we should not get vaccinated to help others who are wondering what they should do. If we stand for our convictions others will, also. If we conform, others will, also. I believe we should show civil disobedience to the vaccine pressure and say, No. I have published many vídeos and articles on my blogspot with the intent of educating others to the dangers of these vaccines. Go to and watch some of the various scientists give their concerns and reservations.

If it is beyond our control, I do believe God can protect us from any negative effects of the vaccine. However, I believe we must do our part and with Godly conviction refuse to vaccine. We can use it as a chance to witness and share our beliefs about the endtimes and trusting in God rather than man. Some may say, Dennis, isn’t it a lack of love to not get the vaccine? Do you want to put others lives at risk just because you don’t want to comply to the vaccine mandate? My answer here is truth is just as important as love. Love rejoices in the truth. Without truth, love loses its backbone and becomes convictionless. Truth has convictions and helps guide loves actions. Show me the truth to the questions I have asked. Give me good solid truthful answers that convince me I am wrong and I will submit to the vaccine for the sake of others. 

Until then, I will keep spreading my questions and the information I have gleened from seemingly honest men and women who also are seeking for the truth. Most of all I will continue to ask God to guide my thinking and research that I might know the truth of the matter. He has told us that the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth, will guide us into all truth. That is what I am asking Him, to guide me into all truth. If my conclusions are false, that He will some how correct them and bring me into line with His will for this situation. Lord, confirm your will for me and for others. As for me, I want to serve the Lord in all I do and say. I pray He open my eyes that I might know the truth and that His truth on the matter would set me free from the lies of the enemy! In Jesus’ name, I pray! 

To go to the first reason click on the following link:                                                                                                  



Dennis Edward said...

The reason I am taking, what many would consider, a strong stand on the vaccines is because I believe they may ultimately be harmful for us. I do believe our God is able to over rule any harmful effects if we make a wrong decision. My point is to merely inform and not condemn others for each man is responsible for his own decisions before God. Apostle James warns us not to seek to be teachers because unto us will be the greater condemnation. My point about not bowing down to the gods of this world is of course figuratively speaking. I am not opposed to "science" per se, but to the manipulation of "science" to support a political, religious or philosophical agenda. Pratical science has brought us many blessing and improved mankind's lifestyle in many ways. But when "science" turns into the interpretation of facts and figures to support only one outcome, then "science" is no longer science, but a doctrinal agenda in support of a certain predetermined policy. True science allows for debate and looks at the various hypotheses in search for the one that best explains the process and predicts the outcome. Please be informed and let everyman be fully persuaded in his own mind, following his God given conscience as he should. "Whatsoever we do, we should do it unto the Lord and not unto men."

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